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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. nbmishoid


    Brooks is now the biggest issue. Our biggest playmaker. Game plans must change. Can it work.
  2. It’s the post revolution that will be violent. This will be quasi legal, and, if they win, peaceful. Then, whoa, Nellie.
  3. Given our current rate of weekly decline, …. And no Brooks, and a loss here fucks the CCG prospects. Not gonna say it.
  4. nbmishoid


    I was a 9-3 prediction. So, also gruntled. Most were 10-2 with a slot in CCP. We’ll have to see about that. Talk about CFP seems irrational at this point.
  5. Don’t know I’ve ever seen anything like this. Maybe like that poster in the other thread said; first you lose big, then lose small, the win small, and then win big.
  6. There are near an infinity of non extremist options, in almost all political situations. The extremism declare there is not. it’s not my war but I care about the ongoing killing.
  7. More law of the excluded middle here. Only extremist positions are viewable by either side.
  8. Well, I’m glad Ewers is back. So I’ll move from toss up to Texas by a bit, with a probability of major scares.
  9. It was $144k for new build 2200 sf plus large pool. Loan was just under $100k, payment near $1400
  10. We are all different. Just find that one Taylor or Martin or maybe a hand made Alvarez, I forget the Japanese luthier’s name. Find the one that loves you back.
  11. 0 for1. Probably about 8 years old. We were settling the street hierarchy. Very efficient.
  12. I’m still recalling the 13.5% loan we newlyweds had on our house in Bakersfield. Everything looked great after that.
  13. Now do Apple and Google, and compare returns on capital employed. Short cut, the latter are much bigger and enjoy double the ROCE. The oil cos spend twice as much capital to make the equivalent tech co dollar
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