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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. Wasn’t he 29/32 or something? That seems good against air. Did not see the game, glad to hear the stats are inflated.
  2. Wait til you get old Then everything is $15k
  3. Another comparative for the Bama game is the 05 In the shoe at night thing. Can’t recall that next game, but I’m positive we won.
  4. Immediately following the 08 OU game, Texas played a wonderful game at home against Mizz. Mizz was rated and dangerous, but that team was on fire. Colt with the dribble on the rollout, then hitting Cosby. A fantastic crowd.
  5. This, and also 4-5 loss of down plays a game really hurt under the new, fewer possessions clock rules.
  6. This is Spain, I’m big macho shot. That is what he was thinking.
  7. I was sent home, from first period study hall, in 71 for wearing a t-shirt with Budweiser insignia. Came back with the anti smile shirt. What a revolutionary.
  8. Wonder what the difference is between D and R. Probably statistically significantly better for the Dems , but still clearly not representative.
  9. I think you mean economic self interest. Hate is a self interest, too.
  10. That he wasn’t a licensed plumber, that’s the type of lie we have come to expect from rightists. One lie or another, if not several.
  11. Not one I will ever forget. Thank you.
  12. So, neither the magats nor their opposition has a reality based perspective. Very encouraging post.
  13. Just getting repeated requests for typing non robot characters
  14. No FDR on the horizon, safe. We are supposed to choose from the repub debate positions of last night. Cue vomit emoji.
  15. nbmishoid


    Ana, ‘And that’s fair. But, what I’m mostly asking you to consider is the marginalized group’s point of view, in response to “oppressing groups” perceived representatives. From this third party’s view, it seems your credibility with this marginalized group, hereabouts, is low. And generally getting lower. Please think about why. ‘Thanks
  16. nbmishoid


    Well, Ana, consider the Tuskegee saga. At some point the marginalized community began to not recognize the so called objectivity and authority of the oppressing group. Stick to your knitting, so to speak.
  17. A great series of posts. A difference between science, with its uncertainty, and mathematics, with that certainty, is that science is strictly about the world. Math is not about the world, it is about abstractions. A bit of it is useful in the world. Luck.
  18. I’ve heard it referred to as the atomization of society, referring to much of your list. Just individuals, weak institutional fidelity. Hard to see show to cobble Humptey back together again.
  19. Yes, these two books pair very well. ‘The Making”. Is a great book. As are the next 3 from Richard Rhodes.
  20. HST was in no intellectual position to seriously consider arms control. He saw it as a ridiculous non starter. Oppenheimer regretted the blood on hands statement as that only passes HST off (it meant HST had even more). That meeting was the beginning of the end. Really, Bhor’s visit to Los Alamos in 44 was the real beginning of the end for opt.
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