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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Neonmoon

  1. Correct. The “leave it to the states” rhetoric is to appease the “fiscal conservative” / originalists / states rights / libertarian idiots. They’re super smart, just ask them.
  2. Those 3 rate cuts trending towards no rate cuts this year.
  3. Ha I was wondering why my company just switched from Lastpass to Keeper
  4. With a “Subject To”, aren’t you still liable for the mortgage? Meaning, you’re hoping the investor makes payments on time. If not, it could negatively affect your credit, but the debt obligation would still be on your credit report.
  5. I just ate some seafood goya from an Asian market. How long do I have to live?
  6. Tesla underperforms Musk announces fake bullshit to pump stock back up Like Clockwork Flying cars in 2 years!!
  7. They definitely paid him off. Same with Trump.
  8. Smart people join cults too Propaganda works. Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth. We have unfettered propaganda networks firehosing “immigrants are murdering your family” into their faces 24/7. It’s not just Tik Tok, it’s “legacy” media. It’s going to get worse
  9. Some think Jack will use her unwillingness to rule on this for 11 circuit smackdown https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652.431.0.pdf
  10. Jiro Dreams of Sushi Paradise Lost Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room Inside Job Murderball Muscle Shoals Grizzly Man
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