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Chewy's Hairy Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chewy's Hairy Horn

  1. Sark my have picked the wrong Saturday to start drinking. I however, did not.
  2. I really enjoy Corzo Anejo. Can drink that all day with absolutely no hangover.
  3. Those orange rolls are legit, but my god, just try to get more than one.
  4. Lots of people “struggle with mental health issues” and, when changing up their meds, may act out of character. However, constructing bombs and driving to DC with intent to destroy a chunk of the city isn’t acting out of character. That’s just his MAGA slip showing.
  5. Another well thought out MAGA plan. Kill the Supremes and hand Biden the opportunity to pick a new slate of Justices. Brilliant.
  6. Jesus. Enough with the SRV troll feeding on the “Is Abbott Dead Yet?” thread. If you really want to settle it, roll for initiative and get that shit over with.
  7. Someone posted this before, but it’s still relevant.
  8. I’d imagine these districts can find 180,000 without a problem. Cheaper than buying iPads and remote education software licenses for students.
  9. Covid Covfefe just lent his support to the Pee Tape Promenade.
  10. It’s amazing to see people who still haven’t caught on to the fact that everyone carries a video camera.
  11. If I may: where did you find these 5 peso coins? I have some eBay wealth to spend and, since I spent last weekend reading the entirety of this thread while enjoying a Harry Potter marathon with my 6 year, I feel more than ready add to my merge stockpiles of metals.
  12. From the link: “There are currently 19,499 cases of COVID-19 considered active in the state, which includes those that have tested positive by both PCR and antigen testing methods.” “Romero told reporters at a press conference held Tuesday that nearly 19% of active cases of the virus in the state are currently among children under 18. “Between April and July of this year, there has been a 517% increase in the number of cases under 18 years of age,” he said. Half of those children come from the under 12 group that is not yet eligible for a vaccine.” So...3705 under 18 and half that under twelve.
  13. Twitter needs to do a better job policing shit. Anything from Gateway Pundit should be blocked, and anyone linking to them should be banned. Are you Jack? ETA: womp, womp
  14. Fantastic. Now I’m anti-vax. Damn this gets complicated quick.
  15. Holy shit. My aunt, uncle, and cousins all live in West Point, not far from Cullman. The Texas equivalent would be Vidor to Beaumont. The comparison works on every conceivable level.
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