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Everything posted by Dahobbs

  1. I really need to see the formula and potentially the sheets to adequately diagnose this. Just based upon your description, if your search criteria is "SK-A-050", then your listing on sheet 2 needs to contain "SK-A-050". You can add a wildcard to the lookup_value and search for additional items that match the lookup value + something else. For example, if you list "*" & "SK-A-050" as your look up value, it would find "MT-SK-A-050" as a match. But you cannot add a wildcard to the lookup_array that you're searching in, meaning you can't search for "SK-A-050" and find a listing of "A-050". It also seems like there is something off with your search_array and return_array. Based on your description, SET_900009 would not be a possible return value absent something else funky going on. You may actually be better off first using an xlookup on the vendor sheet to match to your master AND then doing another lookup on the master using that value as your search array. However, I do have some concerns that your data may contain multiple matches using that methodology. It really just depends on the precise format of the data, which is hard to tell from your posts. Further, if the prefix added by your company to the vendor list is predictable, meaning it is always a set number of characters, you can use the "MID" function nested within an xlookup. Using your SK-A-050 example above, the formula would look like this: =XLOOKUP(MID([@item],4,LEN([@Item]),table2[item],table2[price],"",0,1). Again, if you want to share a sample sheet, even with just dummy data, I can probably help more.
  2. I disagree. Letting the guy go out on his own terms means letting avoid facing justice.
  3. While it definitely appears he fell victim to the pussy, I don't think that video actually shows him wishing for Russian victory in Ukraine. Maybe he did wish that, but it would sort of be like taking a video of someone during the 4th of July shooting off fireworks and waving a flag and suggesting that means they necessarily supported some specific action of the US government.
  4. To be clear, matchmode is the second to last term in the function. =Xlookup(lookup term, lookup array, lookup return, if no match, matchmode, search mode)
  5. You need to set matchmode to 2 in order to use wildcards with xlookup.
  6. Did Trump stipulate that the payment occurred and the reason for it? If not, isn't it relevant to show the transaction occurred and why it occurred? Further, isn't it relevant beyond credibility of the witness as it goes to his motive to pay her off and hide the nature of the payment?
  7. That's not actually the main locker room. It is the locker room in the training facility.
  8. If Dre can hit the zone, his stuff is nasty.
  9. Y'all blaming LBJ when we have one fucking hit is pretty entertaining.
  10. The shooter: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-babcock-300877132/
  11. Production of shells is something both Europe and the US haven't been great at. We've been able to send more ammo because we have huge stock piles, not because our production exceeds our European allies. Go take a look at the production capacity of South Korea and you'll see how inadequate our production is in comparison.
  12. LOL, polling is broken. + or - minus 3 percent on that methodology, sure.
  13. We'll likely need another one this year and need to push for it in August.
  14. Are you referring to Texas rejecting free porn?
  15. From what you stated, it sounds like both of them. And those statements aren't inconsistent. 100s of people could have shown up. The campaign may have been disappointed because it expected thousands. The question I would have is whether the latter statement was attributed to a campaign source and thus was reporting on the feelings of the campaign or whether the disappointment was an editorialization opinion by the news outlet.
  16. Good deal. If you need additional help, post here or PM me. I'm happy to look at the sheet if you want to make it available on google drive or something. btw, I've researched xlookup now and does appear to address all my concerns with vlookup. Good little function that you could also use for this.
  17. I'm going to disagree. The fact that all of his Biden "lies" are either severe misrepresentation of the facts, grounded in whacko conspiracy theories, or simply lies themselves is the primary reason why his post his bad. His conclusion that Biden is just as bad or worse than Trump stems from his belief in his provable false listing of "lies." The conclusion wouldn't be so bad if he actually had a listing of bad conduct by Biden somewhat similar to Trump's bad conduct.
  18. I would have thought cancelling student debt was a move that showed he cared about young voters and wanted to help them.
  19. I'm pretty sure there is massive effort to troll polls at this point.
  20. Vlookup has issues if data isn't sorted. It requires the searching column to be the far left. It breaks if a column is added to an array. It does exact match searches only. It can't search horizontally. It has a fairly low character limit. It works fine when it works. But it can be finicky and break in a lot of ways people don't expect. Xlookup appears to fix some of these issues. index match or sumproduct are more flexible. If you're looking to do anything more complicated, they are good to learn.
  21. My main concern would be that your vendor part list may have duplicates of parts numbers for some reason or another. Personally, I've always used Index Match rather than a lookup function because it is more flexible. Frankly, I wasn't aware of xlookup until recently and haven't played with it. But my understanding is that it addresses some of the limitations of vlookup. Anyway, based on your description, it would look something like this: =index(table2,match([@[part number]], table2[part number],0),3) First, I'm assuming you've turned your sheets from ranges into a table (select the data and press control 't'). There are a few reasons to do this, including that it prevents sorting from fucking up your data and that it makes these formulas easier and more readable. I'm also assuming the Vendor sheet table is named table2. And I'm assuming your web products sheet is also a table, but the name isn't important for the formula. Finally, I'm assuming the name you provided above for the columns is the actual column header. If it isn't, just adjust the formula to match the header column wording. This formula compares the part number in your web product sheet to the part number list in the vendor sheet. When it finds an exact match, it outputs the third column (list price) from your vendor sheet.
  22. I understand. And in my post I acknowledged that other mechanisms exist for protesters to address those concerns. That said, I want to focus on the bolded portion of your statement as it has the structure of our system of government backwards. It isn't for the government to decide what freedoms we are "allowed" to have. Rather, it is for us decide what power the government has to restrict those freedoms. By phrasing it as you've done, you've implicitly suggested the government is being generous by letting us do certain things. I'm not saying this is intentional, but this sort of phrasing can color how one views the issue. My suggestion is that the proper view recognizes the government is curtailing our ability to do something because that is ultimately how the exercise of power here works. And, in doing Constitutional analysis we're generally more focused on whether what government restriction was reasonable and necessary for the purpose it sought rather than whether the government could have taken even more restrictive action.
  23. Yes? 7-11 is free to restrict that if it wishes. It isn't bound by Constitutional restrictions.
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