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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by shakahorn

  1. His username is "aggie08" and THAT's what makes you take his opinion with a grain of salt?
  2. Just finished this and as advertised, it was a great read. Glad I read it before the ads for the movie came out. Some of the actors don't fit the characters, at least in my mind. Didn't even know there was a movie in the works as I was reading it, but all I could think while reading it was "this would be tough to make into a movie."
  3. We went down to the Laser desk and there was some dude, Mario, shilling for the public boat. On the back of his flyer for the public boat, he had a flyer for the private boat. Kinda like that dude in Vegas Vacation. Ohhha you-a want-a the private-a tour? Was a tad bit sketchy, but then again, what part of Italy isn't? He quoted us the $180, we hemmed and hawed a little but said OK. Maybe could've negotiated that down a bit? Once on the boat, he made me sign a contract which actually made no sense or wasn't translated properly. I signed where it said "owner." We gave him $200 when we got off. There were at least a half dozen other couples who did the same thing as us, at ~9a.
  4. If they're dead before they go in the water, there's no water in the lungs.
  5. Wife and I just got back from Naples/Capri/Amalfi/Sicily. It was hot, which we knew going in, but life schedules dictated that we go then. Started in Naples, day trip to Vesuvius and Pompei but skipped Herculaneum. Capri was awesome, but very crowded. Apparently, unbeknownst to me at the time, Aug 15 to 31 is a time of Italian holiday, so all the Italians take a vacation and lots of them go to...the beach. Which is better, I guess, than being overrun with American tourists or god forbid Chinese tourists. Highly recommend a private boat tour around the island. You can customize as you wish. Private boats have priority access to the Blue Grotto. We did around-the-island with stops at Blue Grotto and a couple of spots to jump in the water - crystal clear - 3 hours, for 180 euro, just me, the wife and Mario, the captain. Capri is one of those places you can stay either a day or a week. Lots of folks do day trips over from Naples or Amalfi. Ferry is cheap and fast. We also stayed in Praiano on the Amalfi Coast. I think, if you're gonna stay on Capri, you should avoid Positano and Amalfi, as those towns are a lot like Capri. Took a cab from Praiano to Salerno then drove down to Sicily, which is pretty much an easy drive if you want it to be. Freeway all the way, no tolls on that stretch of the Autostrade and ALL the drivers are extremely well behaved. Fast in the left lane, slow in the right. 30 minute ferry to Sicily from San Giovanni. Couple nights in Taormina, which is cool but somewhat touristy and a night in Palermo before driving all the way back to Catania where we flew out of.
  6. Yeah, except now it's obvious that Charlie really thought his name was Kurt.
  7. Even better. Fewer folks will know how much of a fraud he is. Same old Charlie, best example tonight was early in the game, when it was still a game. 4th and 1 at midfield for Wisconsin. Charlie has his guy fake an injury to stop the clock so Charlie can figure out what to do. After the injury timeout, Wisconsin lines up to go for it and...Charlie calls timeout.
  8. A...uh...friend of mine just deposited at betonline.ag with a cc. Not the greatest book though, payouts are a bitch.
  9. I knew when all of us were on aggy over that it wasn't gonna hit. Tonight I got Wiscy -10.5 at USF. Can't see Charlie keeping it close, probably gonna kick off both halves, mismanage the clock, decline penalties he should take, take penalties he should decline, have the team wholly unprepared, especially on special teams. And getting ahead a week, my book has LSU -3 at UT. I might have to get in on that a week early, which I rarely do.
  10. Like the over aggy/TxState 57. Agree Spav should be able to put up a few points and Jimbo gotta try to run it up. Wiscy/USF line down to 10 now. I'm betting against Charlie every game this year.
  11. The other food scene in Goodfellas gets me more. The ziti with the meat gravy, the beautiful cutlets just as an appetizer. Slightly OT, but the beers on the roof in Shawshank literally look like the best beers ever.
  12. Funny, I had a post earlier about this that never made it. I dunno man, that bowl game has me worried. My impression was that LaTech manhandled UH in that game, although their best pass rusher did go 3rd round in the draft . As I recall, he was in the UH backfield quite a bit. Coupled with basically the same UH team (at least offensive skill players) beating Arizona a couple days ago makes me feel like we should be a little concerned. I know the transivite property doesn't apply, but at the time of the bowl game, I thought LaTech was head and shoulders better than Tulsa and probably better than Maryland. Of course, we're a lot better than the team that lost to Maryland and damn near crapped the bed vs Tulsa. But still, assuming a blowout seems like a bad idea. I hope I'm proven wrong.
  13. By law, if you get hit with a restraining order, you're supposed to turn in any firearms in your possession.
  14. The Raiders have scored on every possession and one of Arizona's.
  15. Booger practically sucking off Kyler. Ooh he's learning a lot even though he overthrew Fitzgerald. Look how quick his release is, throwing it off his back foot underthrowing the receiver who has to push off the db to go back to the ball.
  16. Where exactly is this? Wife and I leave in a few days for Naples, Capri and Praiano then driving down to Sicily for Taormina and Palermo. All the Amalfi travel is being done by boat or hired car based on the advice given in this thread.
  17. Yeah they went after some website back in the day, forget what it was called.
  18. Found myself in a similar situation a couple years ago and it was pretty easy to trick the insurance dude into giving me all the information on the policy by just claiming to be the insured and providing some basic info which it sounds like you already have. I mean...if you’re not smarter than the first level person who takes the call at the insurance company, you’ve got bigger problems.
  19. I was hoping to see Chris Warren getting the same treatment.
  20. I could swear that I've heard an ad playing on Sirius saying streaming is now included in all Select plans. I was actually going to try it out sometime but I don't really listen to anything on the computer. I've got other forms of entertainment on the computer.
  21. Yeah I read that earlier, again based on a recommendation in this thread. Found that one a lot better. Maybe because I read it first and it covers some of the same ground. Figured I'd lighten up a bit and am now in The Goldfinch. Maybe 1/4 of the way in, really like it, will probably finish it very quickly.
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