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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by shakahorn

  1. On Chamberlain, I don't think he's wrong. Maybe not far superior, but I think he would still be a dominant big man in today's game. And he would probably still slay the same amount of trim.
  2. Had to look that up, but yeah, that's what it looked like to me. Took a blow to the abdomen, was in a little pain on the bench, then ran into the locker room.
  3. You just know Cal is gonna get closer if not take the lead at some point.
  4. Cal doesn't even try to guard Ramey on 3's.
  5. Hey all the empty seats at the drum made the trip to NYC!
  6. On a work call so had to mute the TV. Jordan was talking and the look on Hill's face was priceless. Don't even need to hear what he's spewing to know what he's doing.
  7. Coulda swore he had one. Maybe that's just in the movies.
  8. Hill seems like she actually prepared for this. Unlike Jordan or Nunes.
  9. Yeah, that's the unbelievable part of that purported exchange. No way Trump ever said quid pro quo before this investigation began. He had no idea what that means. Heck he still might have no idea what that means.
  10. Within HCTRA, there is a chart, with your a, b, and c. And d is Profit!
  11. I usually say "there goes Hitler" when a G wagon goes by. Especially if it's gunmetal grey. Not a fan of MB lower than e-class. Just seems like there are better values out there. But if you're buying it used, maybe the cost of the logo has already fully depreciated.
  12. People who sit in parking spaces with their cars in reverse but aren't actually backing up or even intending to back up any time soon. Hey dumbass, you know those white lights on the back of your car that come on when your car is in reverse? You're telling people you're about to back up.
  13. CSB once in Manchester NH, the rental car guy says "hey you want a free upgrade to a 4wd?" Of course I'm thinking SUV like Explorer, Tahoe, even 4Runner, etc, certainly more enjoyable than generic mid size sedan. I say "sure" he gives me the keys, tells me the space, I walk out and it's a...Subaru. Whatever the little Subaru wagon is. Bastid. I got the last laugh though, the first snow of the winter happened that night and I had to drive down to Boston, which is normally a straight shot down I93 less than an hour. Subaru behaved like a champ, bypassing folks pulled over under bridges, packed up at exits, etc.
  14. Furk, me too. Sat through that whole crappy game, turned it off when Rudolph got sacked with like 1:20 left.
  15. Why? So he could overthrow or throw behind the receivers just like Rudolph?
  16. Starting to think that Pittsburgh +3 was a bad bet.
  17. 4th and short and that's the best play you got?
  18. In 2015, he was benched for Blaine Gabbert 8 games in. That team ended up 5-11. 2-6 with Kaepernick as the starter. In 2016, the year he started kneeling, Gabbert was the starter at the beginning of the year. Niners ended up 2-14 that year. So he started the year as the second string QB on the shittiest team in the league. He ended the year as the starter for the shittiest team in the league. I'm not so naive as to believe this is all about football, but perhaps, if he had gone out on a little more of a high note, there might be more demand.
  19. That would require Charlie to actually have a thought process.
  20. So maybe this belongs in dumb question amnesty, but in the NFL, do the refs not tell players to back up if they're offside? They used to do this in high school when I played, I still remember hearing 'back up white' or 'back up blue' if we were lined up offside and I'm pretty sure I've heard this in UT games. And receivers are always checking with the refs before the snap to make sure they're lined up correctly, either on the line or in the backfield.
  21. Man that RT for SD is just getting abused.
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