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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by shakahorn

  1. I've encountered a bunch of mormons over time. I find this joke to be "funny cuz it's true' even though I've heard this joke about several other religions. If you gonna take a mormon fishing, take two. If you take only one, he's gonna drink all your beer.
  2. Why are first degree burns less severe than third degree burns, but first degree theft is more severe than third degree theft?
  3. Even Akina himself basically admitted that he wasn't a good DC.
  4. This AZ defense looks strangely familiar.
  5. Gotdamn the things we used to do to save a quarter. Or even a dime.
  6. Actually, way back in the day, you could tap the hook on a pay phone to make free local calls. Just had to click it at the same frequency the dialer would make, which took some skill. Was a bitch when the number you wanted to call had a lot of 8's and 9's in it, like my parent's home phone number. Luckily in those days, all local calls were still 7 digits.
  7. What exactly is the liquid? If it's black coffee, you have a shot at just letting it air dry, maybe throw it under a fan for a few hours and powering it back up. And even if it's not an ssd, you have a pretty good shot of taking out the disk and saving the data on it. If it's something with all kinds of sugar and milk and soy cream or whatever, your odds decrease of saving the whole computer. If this is the case, I would open it up right away and take out the drive and try and save that. And I wouldn't 'fess up here to the fact that you like girly drinks at Starbucks.
  8. I think he would if he could. Much like taking over the play calling from Beck. He can't take over the defense and he has no one on that side to hand it to. If he had some forethought in the offseason he might've hired a defensive qc guy, ala Gerg, but no such animal exists.
  9. Good move. Just a couple days ago you had to give 2.5, now you're not giving anything.
  10. On the other hand, 4th and 13 inside NE territory, 6:14 left, down 0-33 which might as well be 0-100, and the Jets punt.
  11. Classic. 7:14 in the 4th, up 33-0, which might as well be 100-0 and he challenges. What's he got, the under?
  12. Why is Brady still in there?
  13. In simplest terms, a stunt is when two dl don't rush straight ahead. One goes diagonally one way, and the other goes diagonally the other way. So that they don't run into each other, one of them has to loop behind the other. The biggest downside from the d perspective is that the looping guy takes too long to loop and the play happens before he has a chance to even get engaged.
  14. Fair catch on a KO you get it at the 25. IF you actually catch it.
  15. 2nd play of the game, we ran a screen to duvernay that would've gone for big yards but their 9 made a great play damn near took duvernay's head off. Haven't run that play since.
  16. Duvernay knows the offense is sucking. Trying to make something happen.
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