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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CycleTex87

  1. No confidence this dude can make a pitch.
  2. If Correa took off for second they throw home and get Yordan.
  3. Just rake, and everything else takes care of itself.
  4. I like the TBS score graphic better than the Fox Sports graphic.
  5. I mean I don’t know where the International Development Management Co LLC of Western Americas is going to scratch together 7.5 million Benjamins. Going to need to sell a lot of “import” product to get there.
  6. Actually an interesting insight, thanks PdM.
  7. My Dad stayed in the Goodall Wooten in the early 60’s. When it was my turn in the early 80’s, we went to visit on a Saturday morning like at 8 or 9 am. We went to see a room, where the dude was still asleep and the room was an absolute trash heap. My Dad remarked that it looked like the same floor/carpet/whatever from his days.
  8. Ha, hope I didn't give the impression I made this. Even if I could source the wood, I don't have the tools. I just buy the pieces and finish them. Also have a kitchen table that's similar that I need to do again. Where do you get your tabletops/countertops from?
  9. Time to send the pale sox to the showers and the offseason.
  10. A guy at my office decided to not get the vaccine because he's asthmatic, and was afraid of the potential for blood clots from the vaccine. Long story short, he got the Covid, developed pneumonia, then had a heart attack (from Covid induced blood clots) while in the hospital, flatlining for two minutes. He's home now, but damn near bought the farm. FAFO indeed.
  11. The best balsamic vinegar I’ve bought came from Sur La Table. Tasty. Williams Sonoma probably has some also.
  12. I’ll just go ahead and say it - So glad this is happening in Jacksonville and not Austin Texas baby!
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