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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CycleTex87

  1. Need a Bud Light there. -1 point.
  2. Riddle me this - The current world population growth since the beginning of the industrial revolution is really a function of cheap dense energy in the form of fossil fuels (and to a lesser extent nuclear). Are we able to supplant this in time to prevent serious decline in population?
  3. Anybody ‘member “The Freddy Akers Dance”? I ‘member.
  4. I think we can ALL agree that kids driving golf carts around the neighborhood (and Port Aransas) is dumb.
  5. This is actually kind of interesting in parts of Ohio and Pennsylvania with the Amish driving horse and buggies down the road. I’ve gotten caught behind them. As a driver, whatever is impeding me from driving up to and over the speed limit on whatever road I’m on sometimes pisses me off. As a road cyclist for the last 30 years, I try to stick to roads with a shoulder so as not to impede traffic, or ride early in the morning, or on the weekends, or on country roads with light traffic. Because it’s safer for me. In the last few miles of my ride later in the morning I usually end up on a four lane divided road with curbs and more traffic, which is the most dangerous. In that case I generally ride in the middle of the right lane so that cars are forced to change lanes to pass. I try to wear highly colorful clothes which stand out from the background so that I can be seen easier. I also have at least two bright tail lights to signal to drivers that I’m there. I wear padded Lycra cycling shorts because they provide protection to myself and that area of my body from things best left unsaid. I don’t look great in them and I don’t care. I follow the basic rule on the road of “right of way” when approaching an intersection. If there is a stop sign, and I have the right of way, I will slow down and make sure other drivers are aware of my presence before proceeding, normally without coming to a complete stop. If I don’t have the right of way, I stop and allow those that do to proceed. if I’m coming to a light controlled intersection I stop if the light is red. If there is no traffic in any direction, I run the red light. If I’m riding with a group we follow these same basic rules (although we will generally stop at a red light) except we ride in a double pace line and go through intersections as a group, and ride single file on high speed four lane roads with no shoulder. Cyclists that don’t follow these basic rules either through ignorance or arrogance are dumbasses and will get thinned from herd more quickly. Guys that join our group rides that don’t follow the rules are asked to leave. Our goal is to come home safe at the end of the ride. I ride my road bike for many of the same reasons that I enjoy driving. The open road, speed, scenery, fresh air, the different weather conditions and seasons that I encounter that all make life more interesting. I don’t care for riding in traffic. It sucks. So I try to minimize that in my riding. I appreciate courteous drivers that work with me to help everyone get where they’re going. I’ve also had horns honked, birds flipped and beer bottles thrown at me. And yes, a few dipshits roll coal. Depending on my particular mood that day I may respond in kind or just throw the peace sign. I’m working on doing the latter more than the former. That’s my story. TL/DR: I ride a road bike and plan to keep doing it.
  6. I've so far resisted the urge to post in the DT thread.
  7. I did the Lifetime Fitness group a couple of times, and didn't care for it. It seemed like a bunch of racer types that wanted to go out 22-25 mph and that's more than I want.
  8. Different parts of Texas have different levels of safety. I was talking to a guy that rides in the Midland area, and he rattled off four or five people he knew personally that had been killed out riding in that area. There's a popular ride in Chappell Hill on a two lane road with no shoulders, with some nice views and some mild hills that people in Houston like to do because it's "hilly". I did it once and didn't like the no shoulder aspect of it. A lady got killed there several years ago as a result of the poor site lines and no shoulder.
  9. I had actually posted a link above, then saw the DT thread, and edited it out. I was out riding the same day in a different area around the Houston burbs, and this could very easily have been me and my group of folks. I will say that we would tend to not ride on that particular stretch of road, number one because it's high speed with no shoulder, even though it's four lane, and number two, because it's not interesting in the least. Lots of smaller country roads around to ride on that are safer and more picturesque (at least as picturesque as it gets in greater Houston). I've been riding in the Houston area for 30 years or so, and am not planning to change my ways due to this jackass, but it's a little sobering.
  10. Like 5 feet from the sideline to the wall in OU stadium.
  11. Card is the bridge to Manning. Let’s go! Hook ‘em
  12. We have one of those Bissell things, I think. I didn't purchase it nor have I ever used it. Do have a dog though.
  13. Good job everybody, good effort. Keep it going down!
  14. He’s going for the corner….he’s got it! on the two point conversion.
  15. CycleTex87

    Getting old sucks

    Welp, headed in for my second colonoscopy of the year on Thursday. Shitty deal really.
  16. Where's the Surly tailgate again? Where do I pick up my Burnt Ends swag?
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