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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hookem2010

  1. Agreed, I'd hate to watch our secondary against either of them. But it seems unlikely that we're in if a pac12 team makes it, as you mentioned.
  2. If Florida wants to just knock out FSU sans Travis, beaver makes up for their near miss against Oregon (not likely, I know), and Oregon beats Washington, that would be cool. I don't think we're a very dominant team, but still feel we'd have a chance against anyone if we got in.
  3. Every time I switch over to this game, UW #1 is picking off a pass or erasing a play. He seems good.
  4. Why sell out like that? D line is owning ISU, and if they get a 1st, big fucking deal. They still have to drive the field and waste time. Soooooo dumb
  5. Just finished my first watch of both BoB and the Pacific the last couple of weeks. The Pacific got hated on upthread a bit, and while not as good as BoB, I thought it was still pretty captivating. The Okinawa episode(s?) were great, with Snafu and Sledge wrestling with their humanity as they confront civilians caught up in the battle. Can't wait for Masters of the Air.
  6. 115 total passing yards. Fun game, guys.
  7. They also can't throw. But Techs offense looks like garbage now so I guess they'll get a chance for a final drive.
  8. Kansas starting to move the ball a bit.
  9. I watched the original in theaters as a 20-something, and felt it was outstanding. One of the best Pixar movies for sure.
  10. I don't think this was ever one of the studies I ever participated in as a psych 301 student, but if it was, bravo. I'm sure I helped confirm the hypothesis.
  11. Anyone with an opinion about the AOS deciding to do away with all eponymous bird names in favor of more descriptive names? I'm sure the impetus for this was change was the switch from McCown's longspur (confederate general) to thick-billed longspur a few years ago. It will be annoying to learn a bunch of new names, but descriptive names make more sense, especially as there is a huge hobby dedicated to using physical descriptors to aid in identification. Regardless, it will be interesting to see what new names come of this. Even descriptive names are total shit sometimes (I'm looking at you, ring-necked duck!).
  12. Virginia vs Lousiville getting fun. VA gets some explosive plays and scores, then gets a pick-6 on the next drive. 3 and out for Louisville. Then on 2nd and 27 for VA, they recover a fumble and run it like 40 yards for a score.
  13. Caught up on the rest of the thread. I didn't mean to throw my relative youth in your wrinkly faces. I really do feel like a switch turned somewhere in my early 30's. I had delusions of still being a young adult as I entered the pandemic a baby-faced 32 year-old. Fast forward a couple of years and it seemed I re-entered the world suddenly middle-aged.
  14. Yea, I do NOT like that in many of my childhood memories, my dad was my age, if not younger than I am now. He always seemed old as fuck. This really struck home when my wife and I went to USVI for our babymoon a couple years ago. I realized my dad was the same age when my parents did a Virgin Islands trip and left us kids at home with friends. I can still see the snorkel ID guide they brought back for me. Heading to college still feels like it should be 2/3 into my life, not the midpoint.
  15. Just found winter wren at my local neighborhood park for park bird #121. It's been great to have such a productive area walking distance from our new place. Unfortunately, a disturbing number of trees are getting tagged with pink ribbon, presumably by the gas company that has a line running through there. It's really going to suck if the couple undeveloped acres south of the park get turned into a sterile grass field.
  16. This one strikes me as an immature red-shouldered hawk, but I don't know for sure. Also, if you hear strange honking the next few weeks, look up! Geese and cranes are on the move.
  17. If Otis Thorpe gave a damn about basketball, the rockets may have won 164 straight
  18. This bird is sure to get everyone excited. I found a Brewer's sparrow at my neighborhood park. It's not much to look at, but there are less than a half-dozen records for WilCo, as we are well east of their typical range. One day, I will get a real camera and will no longer have to hold my cell phone up to my bins while my dog pulls at my waist and my baby in a stroller cries.
  19. Just learned that approval has finally been given to introduce mosquitoes that produce sterile offspring this fall, so perhaps this will provide some of the native birds a last-ditch lifeline. They definitely need it.
  20. Impossible to satirize these people...
  21. Certified firearms instructor seems like someone who should be a good guy with a gun who saves us from these situations. Or maybe that line of thought is total bullshit? Going to step away from the internet for a minute, turn off the baby monitor and go hug my guns tightly.
  22. On topic, as mosquitoes carrying avian flu, which can now reach higher elevations due to climate change, is one of the primary drivers for the existential crisis facing Hawaiian birds.
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