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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hookem2010

  1. I escaped from hell last week to visit family in Colorado. I mostly savored the cool weather and fantastic scenery, but I always squeeze in some birding when I leave town.This trip was highlighted by a brief walk through Garden of the Gods. Dozens of white-throated swifts poured out from the cliffs while a pair of juvenile prairie falcons peered down from the top of the red rocks (Lifer #523!). If this heat will ever abate, fall migration is picking up around Austin. I just can't handle it after 9 am, and it's not even particularly pleasant before then either.
  2. My weather app finally gave in and bumped the predicted high for Tuesday back into the triple digits. Cool...
  3. We can dream of tech-ing our way out of this problem, but using less is really the solution. And you can see how that is going.
  4. Just got back from a week in Colorado. I don't know why I came back. The wife and I had our first serious discussions of moving back there, where she is from, in the next several years. It will take zero convincing for me to take that leap.
  5. Not camping, but the hikes around Crested Butte (even with a psychotic baby in tow) are great. Especially nice to have a beer on the balcony in 60 degree weather as the sun goes down.
  6. Simbakubwa kutokaafrika was the largest cat to ever exist, at an estimated size of 2,000-3,000 pounds.
  7. The pool at RRHS was shockingly still somewhat refreshing this weekend. If I didn't have vacation to look forward to next week, I would be losing my mind. Pretty sure I've never spent so much time cooped up in my house. I was an "essential worker" at the time, but don't know how those of you locked down during Covid did it.
  8. That's a big dude! My 14 month-old has seemed on the verge of walking, clearly saying his first word and popping a tooth for months. Outside of maaaaybe saying Dada, he still hasn't reached those milestones. Probably doesn't help that he has been sick 3 times since his birthday and we quickly bailed on daycare since they were clearly understaffed for his age and sucked at communicating. Hopefully, when he restarts elsewhere in a couple months he's a walking, talking, toothed maniac instead of just a maniac.
  9. Are we going to reach legal inception, where Trump's attorney's attorneys need attorneys?
  10. One week until I'm nestled in the cool confines of the Rocky Mountains. Never needed it more...
  11. Not that it would make any difference, but that shit should be reported in Farenheit in the US so people can better comprehend how much hotter it is actually getting.
  12. Tomorrow ties the record for consecutive 100+ days in Austin, right? Looks like we should tack on a minimum 5 more days after that. Good work, everyone. Can't wait to shatter more records in the future!
  13. Sounds exactly like something a Dick would say.
  14. As I was watching, I remembered doing a pencil off the top deck of a houseboat as a kid to see how deep I could go, and immediately clawing my way to the surface before I even started to slow down.
  15. The Deepest Breath doc was great. Kind of a Free Solo vibe, just going down instead of up.
  16. I guess I don't remember how miserable August was in 2021, although I do recall that second summer didn't seem to end until November. But 2021 may end up being one of the most tolerable summers for the rest of our lives.
  17. Sorry man, that's rough. Well wishes sent your way. I can't imagine the frustration and sadness. I hope it works out for y'all if you choose to pursue it again.
  18. Orcas are brilliant, cold-blooded killers. As mentioned upthread, they will often eat only the choicest parts of their kills and let the rest sink to the bottom of the ocean. They take out gray whales just for the tongue, and I just read that there have been several well-documented reports of them taking out adult blue whales, just the largest creature to ever exist on this planet. We're fortunate they don't try to fuck our shit up more. Seeing a pod on a ferry to Vancouver Island was incredible. I think that particular population has really been struggling recently, unfortunately.
  19. Heading out to Colorado Springs and Crested Butte in mid-August, so that will help.
  20. I'm pretty sure I get reverse seasonal affective disorder. This shit sucks. 73/71 here. If it were entirely up to me, I'd bump the daytime temp up to 75
  21. As a parent of one child, my concern for the climate and environment has not waned. However, perhaps my action has, hopefully temporarily, decreased. Prior to the baby, I had quit a job in medicine to pursue a career in natural resources to at least feel like I was attempting to make a difference. This got put on hold in order to care for our child, and my remaining free time is not usually spent working/volunteering outdoors, calling reps (lol, it's Texas), etc. Once the little one (or two, my max), are fully into daycare/school, I hope to make my way back into that sphere, whether it be on an employed or volunteer basis. So I think having young kids especially can shift priorities inward for a time. I hope in my case this is short-lived, and perhaps allows me some time to zero in on the most productive/efficient way to be actionable on climate, while being present and a positive example for my child. It would really help if local/state/federal governments put more of a priority on this shit. It may be a great opportunity to break into the job market for a lot of careers, but it's pretty fucking difficult to do so for something that actually matters.
  22. It's kind of cool to be one of the generations that gets to experience the beginning of the end of a 300,000-year story though, right? Right?!? The warming itself may not directly kill (most of) us immediately, but I'm sure we're going to be real chill about food/water scarcity, climate refugees, etc.
  23. Looking a little dicey for Eubanks here in the 4th set tiebreak
  24. Medvedev is going to start returning serves from the stands.
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