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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hookem2010

  1. Yea, imagining the future we're creating for my kid is the worst part. There are a lot of people on this planet, but if we didn't ALWAYS NEED EVERY COOL NEW THING INSTANTLY!!! the world could still be a pretty cool place, even with 8 billion people.
  2. Looked a little shaky after winning that first break, but came through clutch at the end. Now go kick some Russian ass!
  3. Aaaand he promptly gifts it back to Tsitsipas
  4. Eubanks up a break in the 5th set. At least one American man came to play.
  5. Just dropped my 13 month-old off at daycare for the first time. What a strange feeling...
  6. Hahaha, I saw one of those in the wild for the first time on the hike up to Griffith Observatory in LA.
  7. I may have posted this before, but I camped at the Eagle Creek Trailhead in Oregon (pre-fire) and hiked down the trail maybe 5 or 6 miles, with a half-dozen waterfalls along the way. Incredible.
  8. Epic comeback by Rune in the 5th set tiebreaker after down 6-2, including Fokina attempting a little drop serve that did not work at all to give Rune match point.
  9. Murray looks like he may have pulled his groin while on double set point to go up 2-1. But closes it out the following point!
  10. Brown booby (of the seabird variety) hanging out at a pond in S. Austin. I may need to make the trip tomorrow if he sticks around.
  11. Not good, Bob! Can't stop, won't stop shattering heat records. I continue to struggle with giving entirely in to hopeless pessimism in an attempt to not be constantly bothered by what seems to be the inevitable collapse of the natural world as we know it vs. remaining somewhat engaged and always depressed by the never-ending onslaught of horrible news.
  12. Recs for good hikes in Crested Butte while wearing a 15 month-old, and maybe a good back carrier to upgrade from an ergo baby front carrier?
  13. Calf stretch constantly, get a night splint to hold you in extension while sleeping, silicon heel cups during the day, topical anti-inflammatory cream
  14. Barn swallows? They've got a deeply forked tail, dark blue back and rusty underparts. They seem to me like more acrobatic fliers even when compared to other swallows. Certainly smaller than nighthawk, but lots of small birds will harass larger ones. And they will definitely swoop down to drink from pools.
  15. I went to the Columbus Zoo constantly as a kid from 1988-93 before moving to Texas. I'm sure it played a role in inspiring my love and curiosity for the natural world to this day. This news sucks
  16. IF you got to choose, how high would your chances of rescue need to be to risk otherwise dying in a vessel gradually filling with piss, shit and panic VS instantaneous death from hull failure or whatever?
  17. Interstellar is the superior theater experience, but Arrival is a better movie.
  18. I watched it back in 2018 and loved it, then rewatched a couple of years ago when my wife first got pregnant. Hits hard. I might be due for another rewatch.
  19. How does it feel to have your livelihood based on a lie? Why don't you study somethijg more realistic, like Bigfoot or merpeople?
  20. I went on July 4th weekend in 2017. It was very crowded, need to hit trailheads early and probably take the shuttle. I don't remember accessibility, but I'm sure you could get around a fair amount near the visitor center at the top of the going to the sun road. That drive itself is incredible without even getting out of the car.
  21. Colorado Springs Police wait an hour to dispatch officers to hostage situation. Wife finds husband dead before police arrive
  22. Our little guy celebrated his 1st birthday with a temperature of 103 and an inability to hold down solids. His belated celebration was getting a bunch of vaccines after recovering. Maybe that's why he can't stand being held, nor put down for even a moment this week. So that's been fun. Also, he has decided to save popping out any teeth until his 2nd year of life.
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