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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. What a gaping vagina. It’s a proxy war. Next were the Baltics, at which point nukes would fly, so yes this is the place to stomp on his toes using St Javelin instead of whipping out article 5.
  2. Not sure if already posted but best indicator of Russia being turbo fucked is China showing atrocities on state run tv. This is approaching the endgame way faster than I expected.
  3. Kyrgios even though he is a turd. Alcatraz is winning the French this year so to keep in Chang’s tradition he has to win IW.
  4. Want to see if Iga can keep it going. She is best when she’s aggressive. If she’s just hanging in points I don’t like her chances against Halep. Badosa had not previously beaten K, so that’s a big win. I don’t see Sak giving her trouble. I smell a repeat coming.
  5. Was it the clown bear? I saw one on Anderson (I think) today as well. And yeah GRU has the racist just hidden under his crypto wizard cloak.
  6. This combined with the shelling near Odessa may indicate that the Dollar Tree DDay is coming.
  7. Per above. The purges have begun and will not stop until morale improves.
  8. Just in case anyone thinks China is an actor for any kind of positive outcome. They’re not, and Fuck China.
  9. Most counties this would be the loss of their entire military capabilities. That is insane level of equipment loss.
  10. Well that got dark in a hurry… I lean toward the keeping his most dangerous allies closest but yeah, the desperate nuclear dictator is a bad combination. I wonder what our assessment of his nuclear capabilities look like. That wargaming scenario has got to be sobering.
  11. He’s too tired from just asking questions about Ukraine.
  12. To make things worse. They knew children were in there. This wasn’t any accident. This is terrorism writ large.
  13. Here is the inside of that theater before it got hit. Holy shit.
  14. Not buying in Texas. Relocating to another overpriced market. But renting to make sure we find the right place.
  15. Question for the savants here. What is the outlook medium term, like this fall? I am about to sell and will probably just keep the cash on hand for purchase but really curious whether to rent for a little while to let things settle down. I don’t see rates doing anything but climbing for the next year.
  16. Lol this is bullshit. No one trusts the Chinese government and if the Saudis want a reserve currency they trust they’ll still either go Swiss francs euros pounds or dollars. Yuan fucking nuts if you think anyone will put cash in Chinese denomination.
  17. So a strongly worded letter? Nice. I think the most incredible takeaway so far is that the Donbas area has been turned against Russia. That takes serious talent, to destroy an allied region and turn it into an enemy.
  18. So on brand. I love how the lingo is going back to its source. How long before Putin complains about the woke Ukraine.
  19. Only by the uninformed. Because it excluded all energy transactions.
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