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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kevwun

  1. Sainz got driver of the day. It's funny and well deserved.
  2. I hope Sainz holds on to 3rd. He smoked his tire twice fighting off Red Bulls. He got everything out of that car.
  3. Both Mercedes have 5 second penalties now.
  4. This is the same guy who tried to say Diaz and Maldonado were basically the same hitter. You think he cares about numbers now? It's the only thing he can latch on to in order to explain what he did. There is not a person in this thread who would have made that move, you included.
  5. Sainz is driving his nuts off. He held Max off 14 laps longer than I figured he would. The tire life doomed him though.
  6. God damn putt. You don't have to go down on the SS Dusty. He's blaming numbers because his decision is indefensible and was made because he's an idiot who hates Chas.
  7. Looks like Yuki's engine blew on the formation lap. It's screwing up the start.
  8. If it goes to OT, it will never end.
  9. This is one of those early season games that both teams get hyped over but their defenses are so bad they are gonna struggle in conference play.
  10. Even longer. I think the last 5 minutes of game clock has taken more than 30.
  11. Sanders is good, his receivers are even better. He has really good touch on long passes.
  12. They’re gonna have to come up with something to speed up games. These 4-5 hour games are ridiculous.
  13. Kuhnel? Wow. He's better than Machete, I guess.
  14. Blanco has better stuff but poor control. Neither will be much help other than eating innings in blowouts.
  15. Saw a preview and it looks like Anakin will be in a flashback.
  16. Both Alfa Romeo's couldn't get out of the pit in FP1 this morning. A software update broke their clutches.
  17. Kemp is a piece of shit in his own right, but he legit hates Trump and has for a long time. He took all of Trump's shenanigans in Georgia personally. He's not going to do him any favors for many reasons.
  18. I think you're supposed to call it a session beer. Am I doing that right?
  19. Dude, he's for real crazy. The LSD broke his brain. He didn't make a choice, he thinks aliens communicate with him.
  20. You should watch the last 10 minutes of the final episode and hope they do a series on that.
  21. I'd much rather go with Dusty's gut. What has math ever done for the Astros?
  22. It was awesome, but the dude playing Maul was also a trained martial artist and stuntman. They didn't even use his voice in the movie. That formula isn't too easy to repeat in every series or movie.
  23. Their issues have nothing to do with analytics though. The Yankees have too many roster holes because they have a gazillion dollars tied up in 3 players. The Angels are just a fucking mess from top to bottom.
  24. The holy grail of analytics is hitting your best hitter 2nd. It's why the Yankees do it with Judge.
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