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Everything posted by HRSchenker

  1. The only thing I don't like about the area is how those people drive. Left lane chilling, turn lane accelerating, and impatient in bad weather. Other than that I really enjoy the area. I have a cousin who is a state detective and he's always said his favorite place to live was Tyler.
  2. She's way better looking than John
  3. This has me worried as I'm planning on making a trip out to west Texas next week. I'm pro-mask and use hand sanitizer all the time but I still have that fear in the back of my mind that the virus can linger in the outdoor air. I absolutely need to get away from my current situation but I also don't want to put myself in harms way. Is it enough to stay away from most people on this trip?
  4. What the fuck is he doing with this hands? Isn't that move supposed to be for gloves that make a singular logo?
  5. "Legacy" is overrated. Fuck Geoff Ketchum
  6. Shocked that Pete Sessions is winning in district 17 right now.
  7. I'll make a deal with you. I will support a ban on The Eyes of Texas if you will support a ban on Mo Bamba being played on campus/in the locker room as well as any other song that features the use of racial slurs.
  8. I'm totally opposed to this idea of letting 1% of the team head to the locker room while everyone else is outside singing the song. Either all or nothing. Otherwise it undermines the Herman mantra of doing things for the guy next to you as a way to build a family.
  9. I will never understand the opposition to charter schools. No sense in keeping kids in failing schools. More funding has never translated to better outcomes so why is throwing more money at a school thought to be the solution?
  10. New preseason coaches polos are out and they're pretty average looking. They're continuing with this sleeve trend that I think looks terrible but it's less noticeable on these.
  11. Wow. I just realized that Kobe's crash happened this year. Felt like a long time ago. Is that story even top 5? No disrespect meant by asking, it just feels like this year has been nonstop with stuff nobody was expecting.
  12. AT&T stores are run by fucking idiots. They wouldn't allow me to purchase a phone by paying in full. I had to make "installment payments" by dropping half of the amount today and paying the rest in 30 days. I want to pay full price now, not later. They wouldn't do it! Bunch of fucking idiots.
  13. No no no. Absolutely not. If the rain is forcing you to drive a bit slower than the speed limit then just slow down. If you can't see the road then pull over and turn your hazards on. You don't need to turn them on while driving because the drivers behind you already know the weather is bad. It's disorienting for everyone behind you and even worse when you try to exit or change lanes since the hazards override the turn signal.
  14. Remains found in Texas confirmed to be that of slain soldier Vanessa Guillen https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/remains-found-texas-confirmed-be-slain-soldier-vanessa-guillen-n1232986?cid=ed_npd_bn_tw_bn A bit confused by that part.
  15. Here's another one that popped up today: driving in bad rain with your hazards on. Stop that shit!
  16. I hate it when people draw a slash through a 7. Absolutely hate it.
  17. I didn't know this until I spent a week up there but Alaskans really do hate Texas. I experienced way more shit talking there than I do hanging out in Dallas the Friday night before the RRS.
  18. Can write-ins actually win an election? I thought there was some rule where candidates must be certified but I could be completely making that up lol
  19. 99% of people won't give a shit and the 1% who do won't have the courage to say it to your face.
  20. I get the hate for Trump but come on, this is ridiculous. 84k likes.
  21. Yeah you can downgrade to CSP but I'm just going to cancel it. Will it hurt my credit score? Yeah but I don't really care.
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