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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. I watched it about 4 years ago. I fully agree. It's like Deadwood of the Carribean.
  2. Yeah that Baylor game stunk. On top of all that Teaff had money whipped Robert Strait to Baylor the year before and that left a really bad taste in a lot of folks' mouths. The fix was definitely in that day to give Teaff a nice sunset to ride into. Guy always reminded me of a lot of Osborne with his holier than thou airs.
  3. One of the things that hurt us in 09 was Mack not getting Gilbert in more games for experience under fire. I guess he was playing McCoy so much to help him get a Heisman. I like the fact we are seeing Bush, Taafe and other non starters in the rotation. This game like Rice had the feel of a scrimmage, like someone said above. First half was a lot of trying out different personnel in different packages, plays. Then in the second half, they quit experimenting and pinned their ears back. Like a cat playing with a mouse, then getting to the kill part. I see that working for us, because you never know who is going to go down to injury, even short term. Nice to have level 2 with experience beyond mop up. Good to have these guys on game film for teaching purposes. Makes it almost sound like our staff wants to develop players and leaders.
  4. According the article, the incident occurred in late August, which makes this plea deal seem interestingly timed.
  5. Holtz was an opportunist dickhead who never missed a chance to promote himself. His "gift" for motivational speaking was more a grift than anything positive for humankind
  6. So maybe we should start an Aggies in politics thread. Seems to be they're muddling lots of stuff up in Austin. Their student government is a training ground for how to use political power for personal gain. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/09/15/ken-paxton-impeachment-trial-texas-am/
  7. UT 44-10. RBs get 212. Blue pops some long runs. The 44 score got me to thinking of Cole Pittman and his untimely death. That NC game they held the score down to 44 in his honor and everyone held it there. Hard to believe that was over 22 years ago now. Certainly a "dusty up in here" memory.
  8. Seems to me that the Saudis trying to influence the elections by turning the tap down might bite them in the ass if Biden plays it right. People are growing more weary and suspicious of O&G due to the extreme weather fluctuations. Expose them to be the bullies they really are. Talk about how they take all this wealth from across the world into their countries and build places like Dubai. They don't even use any of that wealth to help their own countrymen, much less use any of it to help the rest of the planet. How things like Dubai and Maserati golf carts are obtained on the backs of just not their people, but Americans too. Get into the program to drill more here, to insulate us from this, while at the same time pivoting to better alternatives. Instead of riding a dying horse until it collapses and we're stuck in the middle of the badlands, like Mad Max.
  9. The rare double double scored by deft there.
  10. Hopefully they'll throw a pass his way
  11. What I always found fascinating was that if Casablanca was a song, it would have been a B side. It was never expected to be so popular and classic. Just another war movie. And then they work so hard, put so much money into other shows that end up as clunkers. Gives a little more whimsy to the idea of higher powers that oversee our art and literature.
  12. SIAP Wall Street Journal has no integrity left, does it? https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/education/article/best-colleges-us-texas-18351137.php
  13. ";..Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, as well as carpenter/kitchen remodeler." So that explains why some of them have been picky with their responses, like all the hem-hawing about contacting the FBI. Thanks very much for the explanation!
  14. I don't think good is dumb. It just has this natural tendency to believe the best in people. It's a lot like Trump getting elected, no one thought it was really possible until it happened. Trump wasn't lying until he was. Q-Anon was a small group of conspiracy nuts, until they weren't. People look at this stuff and think there's no way this happens, especially when so much of what they are doing runs counter to what has been engrained in them as a Christian ethos. None of this fits with that. But they hear "christians" and assume that whoever uses that label is harmless. Dumb might be the right word. But when you tolerate others and their points of view, no matter how different from yours, that's more patriotic than dumb. To let it get this far, to let these people keep building their machines, to not vote them out, that IS dumb, or apathetic.
  15. Paxton is still on the FBI hook, right? Is there a chance anything said here can make that worse for him, or the FBI already knows anything that could come out during all this? So he can be exonerated here, but still found guilty later on criminal charges, right? Seems that would make our R senate idiots that will be sold as god fearing patriots? Further evidence of the deep state tearing down our country? Sorry, I'm obviously not a lawyer, so nice now and then to escape the impeachment foolishness and look at the larger picture.
  16. This set is where I'm thinking Keilan. He's got good enough hands and shiftiness to demand good coverage.
  17. Yeah, I had a couple in April. Still just as good. Used to be able to get them in the frozen food at HEB Marketplace too. Not sure if that's still a thing.
  18. OT specials, tater tots and beer. Or Conan's pizza. Manske buns at 2Js
  19. Didn't they already lose the Space Defense HQ? They decided to keep it in CO, right? But by the time they figured out how to pull all the bases out, Tuberville would be dead. Not that they can't begin to reduce staffing and projects there, I guess.
  20. I tend to agree with this due to the number of eyes watching more than Texas being a newcomer. SEC wants to be perceived as the pinnacle of college football, and they can't do that if it's overly obvious that games are biased. Not to say that there won't be some home cooking, but I don't think it will be overly egregious. They will choose those plays that are subjective and let the calls (non-calls) benefit the Tide. I felt the same way. The Rice game just had a scrimmage feel to it. More about lessons and learning than scoreboard. I think it's why we saw 30 different players take defensive snaps in the first half alone. Also why we didn't see more of Ford, Catalon and others, letting the younger unknowns prove themselves, or in the case of Gbenda to showcase his improvements.
  21. That homer Squidward sounding announcer is wearing on me. These guys only studied up on BYU. Interception should have been overturned
  22. While they don't have to steer, that's a lot of weight to get started and maintain the right speed to make it over the next incline without going so fast you derail on a corner. I got my son a train simulator a while back and thought like you did, until I tried it.
  23. I steered clear of The Mick due to the title and the promo pic. I figured it would be another worn trope full of canned laugh tracks. I was wrong (again). Maybe if Shameless and Soap were to have a child. It's definitely worth the 25 minutes to check out the pilot.
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