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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. I also am enjoying the K drama series. The differences in cultures are appealing and refreshing to me. It's a nice break. The storylines are well constructed with several different sub stories interwoven. I can't really speak too much to the writing, since it's all translated subtitles, but it works to move the story along. Though it can sometimes move so quickly I have to rewind to catch everything they said in that clip. The other downside is its hard to catch all the nuances on the shot when you are reading the subtitle. So I do have to stop now and then to review something. I'd rank the ones I have seen so far as: 1)Hotel De Luna 2)My Mister 3)The Glory Stranger is next on the list. Right after Beef.
  2. I would have said this would be more likely from a son of Woody Hayes than Schembechler.
  3. a) I too am surprised the insurance lobby didn't kill this. A lot of small communities make good money off of expired inspection/registration. Another group that would be against this. b) New York state didn't have vehicle inspections 15 years ago, but now they do. So of course Texas is eliminating theirs. c) The next thing to be eliminated will be the emission inspections.
  4. I'm going to toss Burger Boy in Conroe some praise. It's definitely a hole in the wall, but the food is good and honest. They have real shakes and malts too. Worth the time to drive down into town off 45 to find it. Also, I had no idea Hilbert'swas still going in Austin until about 6 months ago. The place on Lamar I used to frequent is now a P Terry, but I stumbled across the one on Cameron Road, and have been back twice now. Still the great burger and shakes. It was a pleasant find.
  5. No license for god or guns, just people who cut hair.
  6. What concerns me when it comes to rural schools and vouchers is that parents will decide to homeschool their children. There will be money to be had by the companies that will develop and instruct the curriculum in a distance learning setting. Parents sign their kids up for online courses and then team up to provide proctoring by someone onsite. You would see these learning daycares pop up everywhere basically. The voucher would pay the online fees plus some could go to offset the in person attendants and the parents would make up the rest. I've already seen something similar to this in our county. I have to wonder how many teachers will retire to open satellite centers like this? I guess the temptation to be out from under the thumb of the TEA, and be capable of denying any student they don't want would be pretty big. The following quotes are from an article appearing on site that represents home schooling distance learning programs. The athletics is taken care of by the lege already. So I have no idea who pays for the upkeep of the facilities, the salaries of the coaches and staffs, etc. since the schools will be losing funding. In short, they have something figured out already, and it will result in more indoctrination of our kids and worse educations by less skilled teachers.
  7. Our little community has one non-denominational church comprised mainly of Boomers. Attendance is probably 100 per service average. I bet 20% of them are carrying, and at least 4 or 5 of them are praying something happens so they can defend their church with their good guy plan. Saw one of the senators for LA on last Sunday and he was going on about a federal tax credit for the purchase of gun safes. It just didn't sit well with me, for the non gun owners to have to pay for these people to be responsible. But I guess a buyback would be the same. I would be more in favor though that the tax credit be funded by increased taxes on guns and ammo. Several red states have already passed a bill like this, without the additional taxation of course. On the feral hog issue, several years back I read a couple of articles on hog control vs eradication that was based on some studies done by land grant colleges (can't remember which ones.) They found that when a group of hogs was targeted by hunters, the survivors of that kill would move away from the killing area and look for new territory. The assumption was that the hogs felt safer in a new place they hadn't been hunted in. Also, they would break up and form new pods out of the one larger one. Say 50 hogs and 10 were killed. The remaining 40 would break into 2 or more groups and part ways, setting up new colonies on fresh ground. This caused the spread of the population much faster and further than the study sample that was left un-hunted. The hogs would maintain smaller populations on established territory. The study suggested the use of fencing and sterilization baits to further reduce the colony size. So the studies were stating that hunting/trapping the hogs was making the problem worse, not better. But now I can't find any hint of those studies. Now you look for hog control, it's all poisons and assault rifles. I just can't help feeling the NRA and gun lobby has shut down those studies and wiped them as best they can, since feral hogs is one of the better excuses they have for selling that type of weaponry. Maybe someone else remembers those articles?
  8. Wouldn't the puberty blockers they give gymnasts fall under this? Or are they considered growth hormones, not transitioning ones?
  9. I never got the chance to meet him, but all the exposure I have had to him starting with that BMW team has been positive. The man was able to use his talents to work himself into a position in life where he was making a positive difference in so many peoples' lives. Some people got a smile, a handshake, a wave or pat on the back, and others got more, like all the kids he counseled and encouraged. Now in the day of NIL and portals things are so different for these athletes. It's so much easier to make it about themselves. But still there are a lot of good athletes that are even better people, because of the positive influence men like Lance Blanks gave them. I'm saddened by his passing, but I am also proud to support UT athletics, which seems to attract and nuture athletes and students of such good character.
  10. Exactly. How many kids could go to public school on what he spent on tuition to that exclusive school?
  11. This is true. I got wind of one of these a few months back. They only use texting to people in an area they think are sympathetic to their agenda. My mother (who hasn't voted R in 12 years) is 95 and has dementia, so I use my cell for all the medical and business forms. That's how I received the text to start with. I forwarded it to a few friends and some went inside while I picketed outside. They choose private/religious schools to hold these things in. There is never any public announcement beforehand about the event, so yeah, they are very selective about who they invite.
  12. And Bettencourt is from Harris Co and has an axe to grind. I'm guessing they feel he has enough goods on Harris Co voting issues of the past to hold up as justification for this power grab.
  13. The Post article does a good job of saying it's the Republicans' fault without saying it outright. I know Steve Bridges. Salt of the earth kinda guy.
  14. Sad to think these people immigrated here from Honduras (legally, from what I've read) just to end up dying of the same sort of violence. Imagine to be ridiculed and vilified for simply trying to do the lawful thing and make things better for your family, only to have that family gunned down by another immigrant who reaches a point where violence against others is his only release. It's just another way our immigration system is broken. Instead of helping those who turn to our country for a fresh start, we turn them into pariahs. That makes it a better political football. This is a mixture of two footballs, immigration and gun control. And the game is played at the expense of thousands of innocent lives.
  15. Could Dominion have required his firing as part of the settlement agreement? Would that be legal? I suppose not, or they would have gone after some of the other Fox quacks too. Or maybe firing him now gets them ahead of the Smartmatic settlement? Like Fox saying the bad egg is gone. Nothing to see here anymore.
  16. I haven't seen much on the kickers. Does it look like Sanborn at P, Auburn at FG and Stone for kickoffs still?
  17. They keep trying to sell this as a normal type of friendship, where Crow likes Clarence and Ginni so much he just keeps giving them stuff asking nothing in return. Do you really think those two are the life of any dinner party worth going to? I know if I had a friend who gifted me something, then somehow I'm going to figure out a way to gift back. It's how friendships work, a display of mutual respect. So with Thomas accepting all these gifts, then either he repays them somehow, or he's the scummiest friend out there and has no shame in repeatedly accepting such largesse without returning any. The idea Crow kept doling out the gifts getting nothing in return just doesn't add up. MD beat me to it.
  18. Toth and Cain are using this as a lever to get rid of Slaton because he's a loose cannon and is always mucking things up with a lot of 'look at me' amendments and bills. This way they can rid themselves of a moronic maverick and try to maintain the GQP holds some sort of moral high ground. At least that's the takeaway I had after reading the TM article.
  19. Yeah, we saw this in Texas when they cut mental health care funding for k-12 schools.
  20. I would guess the RNC money is down too, due to people not liking the way the party was transformed and eventually compromised by Trump and his con. So they've lost money to TFG and because of him.
  21. I wonder how much of what he has raised would not have been raised by the RNC to begin with. Would be an interesting study to see how many of his contributors were regular RNC donors, or are they mainly rubes who've fallen for his schtick. Either way, when he fails to win in 2024, they will blame the RNC, and in a way they won't understand, they'd be right.
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