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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. So this ran in the Battalion last week. And while this guy heaps the current problems on Jimbo, they still can't seem to grasp the bulk of their problem is their insistence on their traditions being respected and envied. They can't see the problem because they are too close to it, and people think they are just off a bit, try to hard. And that fucks with their recruiting and then the athletes once they hit campus. There has always been a choke mentality to that school. So yeah, while Jimbo sucks, he's just the latest in a long line of coaches that couldn't bring success to that school. They have no tradition of actually winning much beyond moral victories and the occasional upset. They do have a tradition of overvaluing themselves. Self awareness is not ever a feature. I thought maybe this article would address that, but it didn't. They cite BOMC often, but it's really battered aggie syndrome.
  2. All those work differently and have different purposes and regulations. It's not as simple as one brand vs the other like Chevy vs Lexus. It's more about how they work, what they do, like a 4 door 2wd sedan vs a 1-ton dually or a CJ-5. And they all have different codes of conduct. TT is probably one of the strictest on nudity, hate speech, etc.
  3. Rand Paul is taking a stand against it. Not for the fact it could impinge 1A, but he's scared the youth might never forgive the Rs for it. And there is something to that. My son told me its quite the topic on campus, the students are riled up about it. I've been using TT for over a year and really enjoy it. There's some shitty content, but also a lot of good stuff. And it's not just kids either. There are some pretty sharp folks on there. There's more to this than fear of Chinese influences. I think its more a fear of common people (particularly youth) having an unadulterated platform to spread information.
  4. Yes. I had read somewhere here before the B12 tourney he was most likely going to join Beard on his new staff. At that point the source felt he would be the only one to follow CB.
  5. Just a list of thoughts concerning RT up to this point. 1) RT has shown he can keep things on track and moving forward even when things get screwy. 2) I wish he had more of the Beard showmaster/carnival barker in him that went so far to reignite the fire in UT basketball with promotions and ideas like Greg Gym night. Maybe he has those skills but hasn't been given a green light, or maybe he's just been too busy. 3) He has a good staff around him, one that Beard assembled, and I am sure they assisted in putting this group of players together. Can they keep doing that, or was Beard somehow the master configurer? And from what I hear just a few are joining Beard. 4) Like Hermanator said, Austin offers him a whole lot of recruiting advantages he didn't have at UTEP or Fresno. And certainly his rapport with the current team will work to his advantage. Apparently his staying wouldn't run off any recruits already committed. 5) He seems like a pretty solid non-slimy fellow and a good ambassador for UT. But then we are entering a conference that pays little respect to how slimy a coach is as long as he has a winning record. 6) Maybe he hasn't brought the two freshmen along as quickly as he could have, but they haven't really regressed either. Mitchell and Morris both have shown flashes, just not consistently. At the same time they have bought into being part of a team, and not individuals like Tre Mitchell and others in the recent past. I can see the arguments not to keep him, but at the same time I can see some pretty good upside to keeping him too. This team has a great chemistry, and bringing in a new staff and players would put us back at square 1, much less with the smears that would come from not keeping a successful guy at the helm. The question is is this RT's team, or is it Beard's team since he was at the helm when it was assembled? Has it morphed into RT's team or is there too much of Beard's imprint still on it?
  6. We're saying the same thing. Religion has been used as a cover for centuries to justify taking what someone else already has. The tactics have changed, but the mission remains the same. The extended luxury of one group at the expense of other groups. Then the struggle to hold onto that advantage.
  7. I forewent the last of the game to watch live the aggy newscast. They talked about how aggy started strong for like 2 minutes, then "but in the end they were overpowered." That's it, nothing more. Immediate switch to Arkansas and other Alabama winning. "We lost but SEC! SEC! SEC!" Same as it is in everything else.
  8. Its in the education thread
  9. Apparently Abbott is going to start sinking large blue county schools from the inside now. They've been rattling the swords for some time. This is a really good article on it: https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/education/2023/03/15/446250/texas-education-agency-takeover-houston-independent-school-district/ Texas Education Agency announces takeover of the Houston Independent School District The state-appointed managers will hold immense power. They can control the budget, school closures, collaborations with charter networks, policies around curriculum and library books, as well as hiring or firing the superintendent, among other important decisions.
  10. An assumption I am making, not personal experience. So he might not be gay at all. He just presents gay, at least to me, and Jesus is his beard.
  11. Oh fuck, don't get me started on the one who was a twirler for Baylor (no pics). What's the word for polite arrogance? Or the flat earther who is gay, but can't admit it, because it's against god's will. I don't go to many family reunions, but do feel obligated to attend a funeral now and again.
  12. So basically this kills all whistleblower reporting going forward. Of course none of our ethical upstanding legislators or public employees ever do anything that wouldn't pass any scrupulous test. So we really didn't need it to start with. Those four ought to go stand outside the capital and blow the shrillest, loudest whistles they can to bring attention to this issue. Do it every day, be like grackles. Hand out push cards explaining things. And whistles.
  13. I have a cousin who graduated aggy, and all three of his kids did the same. His wife never went. Very seldom have I seen any of them dressed in anything but maroon, white, grey or black, especially the mom.
  14. I did not realize that was a statue to their fight song. Or is it their anthem? Who the fuck cares? The chick in the dress looks like a Farmer's Only dot com date that got no showed.
  15. I'm hoping the guards break their slumps tonight and carry that confidence into next weekend. However with tired legs, that's probably a big ask.
  16. The guy who built the "Whoop Stop" in Paige (devoted to all things aggy) went on to build a par three truly cow pasture pool 9 hole course named WhizGolf, next to it, complete with the opportunity to tour the portable sheds he's hawking. He's a huge Trump supporter. It's been fun over the years to watch it all die a gradual death. I think Trump owns most of the golf courses and some other properties. Most of the hotels and other buildings worldwide with his name are licensing deals. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2019/10/23/heres-every-trump-property-thats-dropped-his-name/?sh=191791353571
  17. Wait. She's woke? Isn't that a bad thing? I'm confused. But not as much as she was.
  18. Maybe they feel like they're losing too many viewers because of the Dominion suit and its associated uncoverings, so they are doubling down on the lying? Most of J6 is associated with Trump, and it seems they are distancing themselves from him, so why is it so important to continue to try to influence public opinion on this? Trying to cover their own complicity, or maybe some of the other players like Hawley, MTG, etc?
  19. But it doesn't matter when it comes to Ginny and Clarence Thomas. Right.
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