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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. From Hell to Eternity. WW2 picture done in 1960. Typical acting for that time, but the story was pretty solid and it was a good thing to make the focal point of a movie. I caught it on TCM.
  2. Been binging on the Sinner. Pretty decent as far as detective stories go. Takes some literary license, but the stories in the first two seasons had some interesting plot twists. How they bring in Pullman's own past is well written. I'm on S3, and I will admit each season starts off very boggy, but picks up.
  3. That's pretty much what the Kama Sutra is about. Why on earth would we want to teach our kids these things when we can control them much better with ignorance and guilt?
  4. Yes, yes we should. We should be asking them if they have questions and answering them honestly. We teach our kids how to handle guns, how to cook, how to make money, how to do just about everything but we fail miserably at teaching them about sex, relationships and parenting. And generation after generation gets worse at it while the world now has so many other ways to fill in the voids, like the internet.
  5. A minute and a bit into the second half, Carr is outside the arc on the wing and Mitchell is there setting a screen. They called an offensive foul, but there was no word as to why, and the review went back to some WV grunt making a 3. I assume the foul was a moving screen on Mitchell?
  6. I enjoyed Woo. It took a few episodes to get everyone fully into character, but eventually there was some pretty nice character development. Most of the stories were pretty well thought out and not overly trite, so you weren't solving the whodunit 10 minutes into the show. I'm watching The Glory, which is another Korean series on revenge for childhood bullying. It's kind of hard to follow because so many of the names are similar. Like I can't even distinguish between female and male names, because Su Yo Loengu means nothing to me, not like Ted or Bill or Sue would. So it takes a while to get everyone sorted. That and the dubbing is really bad at times, really distracts. But the story seems good so far and makes me anticipate the next episode.
  7. If you have Showtime, George and Tammy was a good watch. I grew up listening to Tammy in particular, because she was my brother's favorite. I thought the whole thing was pretty well done, sure explained a lot of chemistry. Also a recommendation for The Hunters, since the last season is about to drop.
  8. This is cool, because I am just finishing season 1. Highly recommend.
  9. My guide is showing LSU/Kentucky at 8 tonight for ESPN. Is that it, or should I be looking elsewhere?
  10. They should get 10 average fans from each team and let them play it out on Madden 22. Average all the scores for the winner.
  11. While Abbott is busing north, a bus this past Thursday was headed towards Mexico from Wisconsin, carrying people down to visit their families for the holidays. 40 passengers, mainly men, but a few women and children too. That was the night the Norther first blew in. Their bus broke down outside of Greenville in Hunt Co. They were off the bus looking for a solution and walking to find shelter. A local pastor and his wife took them in and housed the whole group somehow. The women and children inside the house and the men in a heated outbuilding. A call went out for food and money to help them and the local Dems soon had a pickup full of food and the part for the bus had been found. But it wasn't the right one. So they kept at it. I got word this afternoon the bus was back on the road, headed south again. Fuck you Greg Abbott.
  12. Hopefully kicking the shit out of them as incumbents. If we have 20 more years of Abbott type governance, won't be much left of this state.
  13. He won't be there long enough for them to bother to get it right.
  14. I think he's ok. He doesn't do much showboating, and seems pretty humble when he makes big plays. Last year most were remarking on how fearless it was when it came to taking on pretty much anyone in yards after catch or on runbacks. But this year that has changed quite a bit. Maybe they are telling him to save his body for the next play and not potentially sacrifice his whole season over a few extra yards. Particularly since the WR room is pretty thin to start with. Maybe that explains the lack of willingness to stretch out for a catch? For fear of being broadsided and knocked out of the season? And being knocked off the routes is something that defenses have learned is one way to deal with him, I imagine. But I don't see him being dislikeable and I don't get the sense he is a lockerroom cancer.
  15. If this wasn't such a high profile case, that would probably be the way it would go. I know a guy who beat his wife so bad she went to the ER with a broken nose. He got charged, pled guilty. She took the kids and fled to another state. After 6 months of anger management he was free to go wherever. After a year of AA, his record was expunged. I would think his remaining at Texas would have something to do with being a spokesperson against DV. Which wouldn't be such a bad idea, since so many athletes end up in similar situations (looking at you NFL). Set up a series of seminars on red flags, escalation, de-escalation, fall out, etc. It wouldn't surprise me that CDC ends up with his coach intact and in an even better position. That's my hope anyway, that something good comes from this tragic situation.
  16. So what's the point, Ryan? Not being in the playoffs didn't stop them from bringing in the greatest class ever. I suppose if they had been in the playoffs, they would have just fallen from a higher perch this year.
  17. Well it seems part of it could be related to the fact that over that period, wages have stagnated while other costs have increased. Example being the infamous story of how many Walmart employees were working 38 hours a week and still needing to go on food stamps. I can imagine that also applies to other situations as well. And how much of that spending per person is military? The big bump yeah is Covid, but the increase in needing gov't assistance is partially tied to stagnant wages or disappearing jobs. I talked to a friend of mine who is retired railroad and was deeply involved in their union shop. He spent 20 minutes explaining it, and it seems Biden didn't let down the unions and there is a lot of disinformation being spread. It has to do with sick days and a points system and all other kinds of ways the railroad as trying to downsize their labor staff. I'm hoping he writes a synopsis of it for me. He also said they were surprised that the railroad magnates didn't do this before Trump left office. It only goes to mediation with the President if labor and management can't come to terms. These contracts are 5 years in length and they start negotiating them right after signing the last one. So they could have gone in while trump was in his waning days and renegotiated the next contract coming up. That way they would have had trump side with management, but instead now they have Biden siding with the workers. He told me the one who really betrayed the unions was Geo H Bush. He gave management everything they wanted, including letting them cut the two firemen from every crew. That was a huge blow to labor. It's also why H has his own engine and train, and no other president does, because he saved them tons of money. All this ties to that chart up there, where corporations start reducing or eliminating what their employees take home, that often leaves them needing assistance.
  18. Did Burke play enough to get his shirt burned?
  19. Were shooting for Moron Out! Gotta say that doesn't look like your typical aggy fans in the stands pic.
  20. That's for TAMIU or International aggy in Laredo. A consistent rival of UT-Austin, right?
  21. And we're doing it to ourselves. Not some outsiders doing it like 9/11. overturn Citizens United. They did it to Roe, nothing is sacred, apparently. Enact campaign reform. Dumb.
  22. Yeah they do. Baylor, TCU and OSU are the cream of the future B12. They would have no issues with padding Baylor's record with a win over Texas. One of the absolute biggest ref scammed games ever was Teaff's retirement game.
  23. Well I get a lot of shit stuck in my head, so I'm sure you're right.
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