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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. They'll have some group buy the campus for pennies on the dollar, then turn it into a Liberty U Lite. They have to have someplace for all these home schooled and religious charter school kids to go for a college diploma.
  2. I think that the Bible thing is a cover and copout. I think the bulk of them are not very bright people, or lazy, or both. They are naggingly insecure about that and band with others who hold up the BIble and yell "We don't need science, we have faith in God!" That's why the 'Pray for our Nation' yard signs irked me so much when they were popular. It's like they don't want to be bothered to try to understand any socio-economic, ecological or other issues to make informed votes. They just throw their hands in the air to hand it over to some all knowing God. Whatever happens is God's plan. Their willful ignorance has been preyed on by both politicians and charlatan hucksters like Osteen, Hinn, Robertson. Look no further than Wilks and Dunn who are using both church and politics for their benefit. The most of them don't even read or study the Bible, they take whatever gets spewed at them first, second or third hand, just like Fox, OAN, etc. It's so much about greed and insecurity and going along to feel part of something important. So much more than the Bible, it's just a prop. If they were truly using Christian tenets, our social assistance program would be ten times larger than our corporate welfare program.
  3. I agree with you on the prison issue. I worked for TDC during that time. It was a case of overcrowding initially brought on by the Wayne Justice order. It was faster and easier to contract with private groups such as Wackenhut than it was to build more State units. Then it became an issue on how to keep those private units full to keep them open. Those units (and the existing State units) provided lots of jobs for rural communities like Lockhart and Dilley. There were a lot incarcerated who didn't need to be just to keep the money flowing. Did we start needlessly imprisoning more to press for the need for privatization, or the other way around? Either way, you know lots of money was involved. As far as tollroads, living rural, I don't keep up with their politics much. I should have left that one alone.
  4. She's in a series called Insatiable on Netflix. She looks pretty good. Don't do a before and after on Nicole though. Oh and I tried to watch the rehash of night court. I just can't sit through anything with a laugh track anymore.
  5. I thought Dead for a Dollar was a pretty decent vehicle for Waltz. It didn't get very high ratings, but I got through it ok. I liked most of the actors surrounding him as well. It's on Amazon.
  6. These guys played today like they didn't have anything to lose. They played loose and just as much for the home crowd as for themselves, maybe more so. I hope by beating the arguably #1 team in the nation as dominantly as they did, that confidence carries forward. Yeah Kansas might not really have had their head in the game at the start, but they tried to make a run late. They wanted it, they just coasted too long, figuring they could dig themselves out. Good game, good season in hard ass conference.
  7. So he's rolling into Bryan with his dog and pony show next Tuesday. I need some ideas for signs to take to the protest.
  8. This is the same state that refuses to expand Medicaid funds to the tune of 6 billion a year. That's heartless in how many people could be getting better healthcare, live better lives longer. Not to mention the boost it would give the economy. So yeah, they don't give a shit if Texans die, so why would we think they give a damn if anyone is educated? Rinse and repeat with stories like grid failure. They won't stop supporting or maintaining. They will simply reduce the effort and send some of that money to non public entities. Just like the moronic private prison scam of the 80s and 90s. Same for public roads going to tollways?
  9. It's a race to the bottom: https://www.insideedition.com/gop-legislator-introduces-bill-that-would-eliminate-floridas-democratic-party-80073 The basis is not recognizing any party that ever in it's history supported slavery or forced servitude. That covers a lot of Civil War era Dixiecrats that jumped ship to the Republicans starting in the Nixon years. But it seems to me that large families would pay much more out in sales tax than they would recoup in reduced property taxes. I doubt very many are living in mansions.
  10. I know a lady in Houston that does a lot of pain management type hypnosis, and she's also done quite a bit of it for anethesiology alternatives. Not sure if they don't feel anything, but it does make it bearable, since some people can not use standard anesthesiology. Granted, it's not widely accepted, but it is known to be used. Went to a taco street vendor in Boystown, Nuevo Laredo about 35 years ago at 5 am. Seems his specialty was cabbage and some mystery meat, probably dog. Good thing I was very soused on pony Coronas. I'm thinking pocket protectors.
  11. So is Brad Underwood still under the cloud of the OSU scandal, even though he was never alleded to be involved? Ilinois just re-upped him for 4.1 million up to 4.5 mil by '27. I was hoping Texas would pick him up instead of Smart, but water under the bridge.
  12. The hard decision is to tax the wealthy and have them pay their share. And it's those wealthy who own the stocks in our "non-profit" healthcare systems and insurance companies and drug companies and just about every other support business involved with our healthcare. True, while race is the easiest dividing line, the elite rich have either always had us fighting their wars, or fighting amongst ourselves, all in order to keep up from noticing how they are picking our pockets. It's the gilded age all over again, just different fields of monopolies. So there's your pendulum and hopefully it starts swinging back towards humanity soon, all over the world. I wish we spent as much time discussing this as we do the racism and other devices they use to keep us divided.
  13. That last part says it all: ...for the value of a life is measured by the lives it touches. And those who choose to be happy must help others find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all...
  14. Well it's not like there are any books left in the library to distract them from learning some math.
  15. True, but I was thinking of the guy who ended up with 2 extra tickets because his brother had to cancel.
  16. Correct, its just another way to gain a monopoly on ticket sales by Stubhub and the few other electronic sellers. Cuts out the scalpers.
  17. Would be nice if they concentrated more on the weak referee work and horrendous announcers. Then the length of the game wouldn't be as important. Those two things often make watching games a beating. I have gotten to where I set it up at the start of the game and pause it. Then I go do something else for a while, and when i return, I can fast forward through the commercials and replay shit. I usually FF through the halftime drivel too, stopping for the updates on other games. It means I can't get involved with the game thread, so there is that downside.
  18. Even before JJ, the Cowboys didn't draft a lot of UT players. But even fewer after JJ. I was surprised to see how many Horns went to Philly.
  19. It will really start collapsing when professors start opting out of Texas schools and go to those who have tenure tracks. I thought first about how those kids couldn't engage in extra curricular things like athletics or other activities, not without a huge sacrifice of time from the parents to ferry their asses around. It would not surprise me if some are already thinking of boarding those kids who have to travel so far. Set up bare minimum barracks and charge out the ass to house and feed them. What the parents can't pay, the state will give them yet another voucher program. Basically a boarding school for the poors.
  20. I need to boost this. I just watched it and have to say how well it was done. Not only from his NBA side, but the work he did for civil rights. I was impressed by his writing, both books and newspaper articles. He was a well rounded, courageous man.
  21. A Man Called Horse was a different kind of western, but it really left an impression on younger me. Not exactly a Western, but Man from Snowy River was always a favorite of mine.
  22. And they had no problem assassinating VY's skillset, character and career to stay on Fischer's good side.
  23. I agree, but its part of his character's persona more than it is bad acting on his part. He got a SAG nomination for the role. I rate the seasons 1-4-2-3
  24. Soap, Taxi, Night Court (the original), Rockford Files, Quincy, Columbo, The Fugitive. I have a hardbound copy of M*A*S*H around somewhere. Army green cover with red cross on it. BBC classics like Are You Being Served, Fawlty Tours, The Avengers, Dr Who, Jeeves and Wooster and of course the old Benny Hill show with Hill's Angels. There was this one good show about an alcoholic socialite mother and her down to earth teen daughter. Maybe some of y'all remember the title. It was pretty funny.
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