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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. Jimmy V Classic. For some reason Maui sticks in my head for 2023.
  2. Yep, and a judge sealed those records: Colorado right? One kid is a Packers' fan, another a Raider. Not a Bronco in sight. I wonder how her constituency gets along with that lack of loyalty? Not any college logo in sight. But then those who vote for her can't even spell college or university, so no surprise there.
  3. so then walker if he doesn't win his runoff?
  4. I think Abbott has already struck some sort of deal with Trump. All the Texas R's have been suspiciously quiet about the announcement, in fact we saw Patrick and Paxton fully endorsing TFG. I read one article that said Abbott wasn't running if Trump ran. So my theory is team Trump/Abbott in 2024. Texas is a nice big red state, lots of O&G and of course under imminent threat of an invasion from Mexico. Abbott runs as VP and once they get into office, Trump turns to him for Nixon/Ford Ver.2025. Or even if Trump stays in office, Abbott is in good shape to roll forward. Or Trump gets to the point either legally or healthwise and can't run, then Abbott inherits all the Trumpers, and brings them back into the red flock. I know it seems outlandish, but what isn't, anymore? He's already running, testing the waters. More busloads and now this "invasion" bullshit. It's all to keep Trump's immigration fearmongering boiling.
  5. I'm sure it's been said, but just seems to me that Quinn is having confidence issues. Might be that he's been so good on his raw talent for so long that, he just got to believing in himself a bit too much. The OSU game he could shrug off, but the problem still persists and just now he's beginning to question himself. Maybe all this while Sark and others have been working to help him understand where he could improve, but he really wasn't listening. He kept trying to put his own game into Sarks. Could be the playcalling is leading to some of the issues, and with the still learning OL, even that's difficult. I think Sark sees the talent there, and once Ewers really buys in, then he'll start improving quickly. Just sometimes it takes some really bad falls to see the light.
  6. Trump's nicknames are usually brutally elementary, which is another reason aggy likes him. They don't have to think too hard, there's no double entendre to find.
  7. I haven't read the whole Manning thread on the recruiting board, so maybe this is covered ad nauseum somewhere else. But it just seems as football savvy the Manning family is, they'd see the same red flags so many of you are pointing out and would have swayed their family star away from the trainwreck Sark seems obviously to be. I read most all of this thread and I'm not really sure which camp I am in, but it just seems they trust Sark, why shouldn't we? Arch has more to lose than we do as fans and he's got some pretty heady advisors. I think they see things like immamac did some time back:
  8. particularly when aggy isn't really sure they have a journalism dept or not. it has had a rocky road the past three decades. https://www.thefire.org/news/texas-am-spins-hostile-takeover-student-paper-part-journalism-program-reboot
  9. I'm glad to see the back of him. Every time I see you guys use BWG, it short circuits to BCG and I wonder why Billy Clyde has such a hardon for Texas.
  10. Every thing about Kiffin makes me think he would have made a helluva Musketeer. He's just got that devil may care attitude. Watching last night I felt at times I was watching a duel between Artemis and some flat footed lumbering local buffoon of a sheriff. I mean if Leach can be a pirate, I imagine Joey Freshwater could be a musketeer.
  11. Sid Miller's Democratic opponent Susan Hays also supports legalizing weed. Miller only supports it for medicinal purposes. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/10/20/sid-miller-susan-hays-texas-agriculture-commissioner-election-2022/
  12. Nolan's wife didn't have a world fashion model side hustle to deliberate over either.
  13. Such a shining example to set for his student athletes. I would guess the "good ol boy kicking the can down the road" is beginning to wear thin. Or maybe not.
  14. So is this Figurelli version 4.1?
  15. This cannot be repeated enough. Leander is another. They are full on coming for the school boards all over the state. State Board of Education races need to be voted in as well.
  16. There are instances where the touch screen if not properly calibrated will register a vote for a candidate unintended. The machine then does issue a ticket with what it thought your vote was. Check it. It's not widespread, but it has been happening. I apologize if it seemed I was spouting some conspiracy bunk.
  17. This is real, in spite of the SoS office saying it's nonsense. We've fielded several complaints on this. Seems to be effecting the ES&S machines. It's not every machine but it's been reported from a variety of counties across the state. You choose Dems and somehow it reads your vote being cast for the Republican candidate in that race. Just be careful and double check your machine and the reciept before you turn it in.
  18. Parker and Wise County have some great Democrats. I know both those chairs and they are smart, hard working, feisty ladies. And they are up against formidable odds. So if you do decide to nuke those two counties, give me some warning so I can have the evacuate? Thx.
  19. Texas oil billionaires invest big in Lina Hidalgo's challenger Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks, the West Texas oil magnates behind a conservative push to gut public education in Texas, are among Alexandra del Moral Mealer's most prolific benefactors, campaign finance records show. Dunn and Wilks should be on everybody's lips just like George Soros. MAGA Mac and his wife have donated at least $178,000 by the August report. Here's a pretty good breakdown on the August report for both candidates: https://communityimpact.com/houston/bay-area/city-county/2022/08/01/mid-year-campaign-finance-reports-for-harris-county-judge-race-show-288m-in-contributions-to-hidalgo-del-moral-mealer-since-february/
  20. I don't think Herman could ever have the humility Sark seems to possess. Too much of Herman was smoke and mirrors, and I've always felt Sark was understated and knew himself. I agree though that Sark's trials and tribulations probably made him a better coach by making him relatable to his players and help them improve themselves, because he does it for himself daily. And he seems to do it in the right way. After Tech, he could have gone off the wagon, or threw players and others under the bus, but he didn't. He shouldered what was his responsibility and moved forward. I just can't imagine the amount of pressure he has to be under and the temptation must be so high. It just makes me admire him more and wish only the best for him.
  21. Susan Hays knows her shit. Did y'all see where Stogner endorsed Warford? Pretty good article actually. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2022/09/26/texas-republican-sarah-stogner-endorses-democrat-luke-warford-for-railroad-commission/
  22. Yeah, that's pretty much the basic GOTV strategy now. If people take the time to plan something out, the more likely they will follow through. "Do you know where your polling location is? Do you need any help finding out when they are open? Who are you going to vote with? Maybe go have lunch afterwards, or run down some shopping," etc. The good ones will toss in a little "good chance we'll contact you after the election, to see if you had any problems casting your votes." Kind of puts a little extra social pressure on folks in a good way. And we do follow up, particularly in areas we suspect intimidation and other nefarious bullshit going on from the right.
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