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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. I think they have a larger need to be right about something than a revulsion of admitting they are wrong. Many are largely uneducated, and they feel that inadequacy, though can't admit it out loud. So they have to base their decisions on "common sense" or "faith" and not science. That's why they fall for stuff like Q or flat earth or anti-vax. It's akin to buying a lottery ticket daily. People laugh at them for doing it, but when they finally win (and they will), who'll be laughing at them then? The longer the odds they have to beat, the smarter they will look when they win, right? Like an ideological lottery. And that doesn't take into account those kids whose parents are long COVID and how everything in their world got turned on its head. How we as a country approach and support these orphans and hurting families will be a big influence on who we become as a country going forward. A lot of them have already given up on this world, and are looking to be martyrs for the cause. A slow burn Guyana. Add into these calculations the forecast of AI and robotics taking more and more jobs, what professions can you introduce them to that can be rewarding, fulfilling and sustainable? We had polio, TB and Spanish Flu rack our country over the first half of last century. That tied with the crash of the Gilded Age and the Great Depression pushed our collective mind thought into a place of "there go I, but by the grace of God." That led to the Great Society movement. It just seems history is repeating itself.
  2. Not big vote of confidence for this dental office.
  3. Oh I get that. That documentary got into a lot of that. What it also pointed out was how much his own ego took a hit going from this center of attention bandleader to the redhead's prop. It wasn't all Lucy overshadowing him, but a lot of it was him being Cuban and Hollywood could not see a Cuban being anything more than a novelty actor. I was in your camp thinking it was all philandering on his part that tore them asunder, but there were other factors at play, like Lucy's mother. It also did a good job of explaining how he was a better dad than Lucy was a mom, and why. Which is pretty powerful when you know it's the kids telling the story.
  4. I agree. But from what I have seen it wasn't just Lucy making those decisions. Desi was more the business end of the stick. They probably made the decisions together, but to not credit him for any of it would be erroneous. I watched a really good documentary on Amazon a few months ago. It was produced by Lucie Arnaz and I found it very interesting. Might be a good primer for this new biopic. From one review I read, Lucie is definitely endorsing the new effort. https://www.amazon.com/Lucy-Desi-Movie-Lucille-Ball/dp/B07QDPP86F
  5. The groan at the end is amazing. It escapes my lips at least once a month.
  6. That's a good point. It's uniquely written from that standpoint. Hadn't really thought about it, but now I am thinking maybe that's part of the storyline. It's not like you dislike them profusely, but each has their flaws to keep them from being embraceable. I would have thought by the title and the fact it's a Daniels' vehicle, there would be more focus on the decline of fly over America, but other than the union issue that's been pretty quiet.
  7. And yes, a lot of loose ends. You have the Pittsburg angle, the NYC angle, the union angle, the drug angle, the aryan angle, the abusive ex angle. A veritable smorgasbord of things to flesh out, lol. I would guess the girl ran because the dad had turned from wonder dad to ogre. So she left it all behind, but came back due to some loyalty to some of the people in her past.
  8. I agree about the media going for the clicks when it comes to Trump. The Build Back Better Bill got passed, and instead of stories on all the positives in it, we see stories on GOP being assholes, be it Trump, or his supporters. The best revenge is to live well. This bill can begin that process. The media is still in the stage of trashing the spiteful ex. "The President is not a king. The Plaintiff is not the President."
  9. Death by direct energy weapon is much more likely than an unvaccinated person dying from a virus. Millions die each year from them. These direct energy weapons are space lasers, right? Specifically the Jewish ones?
  10. About 10 years ago some homophobe went on a rampage at our school because The Kite Runner had a males on male rape. Just dumb.
  11. Burr’s Brother-in-Law Called Stock Broker, One Minute After Getting Off Phone With Senator According to the SEC, Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, then chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, had material nonpublic information about coronavirus impact. He and his brother-in-law dumped stock before the market dropped in March 2020. https://www.propublica.org/article/burrs-brother-in-law-called-stock-broker-one-minute-after-getting-off-phone-with-senator
  12. With everything else going on in the world, and this is what finally horrifies the Internet?
  13. The Nightingale is solid. It's graphic very realistic. Well done, but a lot of the casual reviews from women mention how much it affected them while watching it.
  14. Farmall 806. Big 12 Grain Buggy (with those huge ass airplane tires). Keeping up with 3 JD 95s in a section of milo. Not a cab in sight. Itchy as hell. Had to time pickups for runs into the wind. At night you found the combines going away from you by the orange glow of their mufflers. It was always the buggy driver who kept speed with the combine. Guess things have changed.
  15. c18054b62034072b1cad0fc80dbb5c8a.mp4
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