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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by InkaUtexas

  1. What the hell is Friday Jeans fund? Corporate wreath fund? Stupid office shit like that makes me surly.
  2. Why do you think that? I don't see Russia taking over Ukraine. I see them fighting until Putin dies. But Russia won't take be successful in their stated goals. Or the Russian army could collapse. This goes up if Putin dies. Please read some Eastern Front WW1 history to see how fast that can happen. Now back to Guyana. Full scale attack- They could not hold off Venezuela, except there is one caveat. Maduro cannot send his entire military on the attack. He needs them at home and to watch Colombia. So say he sends 20%. That is between 20,000 and 30,000 ground troops. Guyana can mobilize between 4-5K. What is needed now is a training program and the supply of light weapons. These do not have to be US or UK. They could be Brazilian, Argentine, or even South Korean. Establish the capacity for Guyana to conduct an insurgency and delaying actions. Hybrid- Venezuela with external help (Cuba, Russia (mercenaries) undermine the government of Guyana. Start hitting the mining and O/G sector with sabotage. Spread out the small military and make them paranoid. There has been a push within the OAS to have sanctions reduced. If Maduro attacks this is off the table. This is what I think it is about. Maybe he asks for a "cut" of the profits from the O/G finds claiming that it is territory Venezuela claims. And he needs the hard currency.
  3. With a smaller population than Austin.
  4. The man honors the rules. I bet he has others.
  5. My ILAS and History Degrees have done me well. And yeah, I do track ongoing and potential fucked up events.
  6. I thought aggies never left the stadium.
  7. Then you know where the pictures are. Why not post again?
  8. Right there with you. I think this is saber rattling by Maduro hoping we will reduce sanctions for peace.
  9. No they do not, so perhaps a naval exclusion zone should be announced. Park a few destroyers down there augmented by US Air operating out of South Florida. Declare it for regional free maritime and environmental concerns.
  10. This is Guyana https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guyana
  11. The issue with Brazil is Lula is friends with Maduro. What they would send would be minimal. Different country. Guyana is part of the UK Commonwealth.
  12. Maybe some, but probably more from Cuba. Who also has not had a combat operation other than advising since Angola. There is one issue the Venezuelans have to consider is Colombia and that border. This could be why the FARC and ELN are making noise.
  13. The terrain is not easy for a rapid attack. UK should drop in a Para regiment and some Royal Marines to hold a "training exercise." Add in some SAM units. Make a second Jungle training center (the other is in Belize). Maybe toss in some older aircraft. And the Venezuelan military is more of a militia around a small core of combat units. Doctrine The military doctrine of the armed forces today is based on policy laid out by the late Hugo Chávez (President and Commander in Chief from 1999 to 2013). According to Chávez's policy, the military would also follow defense principles of a "people's war of resistance" against the enemies of the republic and to assist in "internal order," as well as participate in government economic development plans and programs for the benefit of the people of Venezuela.[citation needed] There are not many roads in this area. So their tanks are pretty worthless. Not a lot of attack helicopters. Air Force is meh. I doubt the F-16's are in great condition. So they do not have a real combat threat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venezuelan_Air_Force
  14. Yes he was, but can russia really export any equipment now? Components?
  15. I am sure, but not many. So what do we do if they do invade? The Guyanese really don't have a military.
  16. Just wait until those T-34's come out of the refurb line.
  17. Shhhhhhh, they are getting ready to bitch about Summer.
  18. US proposes UN Security Council oppose Rafah assault, back temporary Gaza ceasefire UNITED NATIONS, Feb 19 (Reuters) - The United States has proposed an alternative draft United Nations Security Council resolution calling for a temporary ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war and opposing a major Israeli ground offensive in Rafah in southern Gaza, according to the text seen by Reuters on Monday. Washington has been averse to the word ceasefire in any U.N. action on the Israel-Hamas war, but the U.S. draft text echoes language that President Joe Biden said he used last week in conversations with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-proposes-un-resolution-supporting-temporary-ceasefire-gaza-2024-02-19/ Yes they are. A big ass camp in the Sinai. Another exodus from the Holy Land.
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