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  1. Parties continually evolve, taking on new elements to their coalitions as some either change sides, or become marginalized as their popularity wanes in the general public. One of the most obvious examples in somewhat recent history revolves around the civil rights movement and the Dixiecrats / Blue Dog Democrats. Trump's victory is likely a milestone marking another transition in which "working class whites*" have identified more with the Republicans/conservatives. I believe that a balance between the parties is the natural state of American politics. A movement of voters from the D to R will result in certain Rs becoming disillusioned and realigning to the Ds. That's not saying "everything will just work out on its own," but merely recognizing that the parties adjust to win roughly 50% of the time. Those adjustments can result in significant damage to our country. So, what will happen from here and what do I want to happen? Possibilities: 1. Republicans will draw in "working class whites" from the Dems and, contrary to my beliefs on equalization, current Republicans stay Republicans and the Trumpian Republican Party dominates politics for the forseeable future. 2. Republicans which hate Trump (and the general Trumpian movement of isolationism, xenophobic, irresponsible fiscal policy) start voting Democrat. Eventually the Trumpian model is not sustainable for the GOP, it returns to it's old ways, and we are pretty much reset to ~2000 alignment minus the military adventurism and homophobia. (The number of people holding certain views also change, regardless of who they are aligning with.) In this possibility, the xenophobia element becomes generally marginalized in the political process, which is a good thing. 3. Non-Trump Rs join the Dem permanently, influence politics such that it is less progressive economically and the Republican Party now fully represents the Trumpian model. That means TrumpGOP wins 50% of the elections and the some traditional progressive concepts, like a safety net for the poor, are marginalized. 4. Pretty much all the old coalitions are shattered and reform into something completely different. Option 1 is horrific to me. Option 3 is pretty damn bad. Option 2 is what I am focused on. But, admittedly, I am largely ignoring major changes in viewpoints/perceptions. I certainly hope that something that comes out of this is 1)more people realize there are no easy answers to health care, 2) more people realize there are no easy answers to immigration reform, but respecting human rights is non-negotiable, 3) more people realize that there are no easy answers to the budget, and certainly tax "cuts" don't help, etc... Trump ran on a platform of easy answers which don't actually work. *"working class whites" - for the purposes of this discussion, I am ignoring the fact that this is a misleading euphemism.
  2. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/bigten/2019/08/26/james-franklin-lawsuit-pressured-penn-state-doctor-clear-injured-players/2123674001/
  3. I’ve seen other teams do it. Seems like it might help the plays do better.
  4. It is a dilemma, that once was pushed to the rear. Just a few years ago Racist jokes told at the country club were always preceded by a fervent look around, a lean forward, and a lowered voice. Now those jokes are told loudly and laughingly by the same folks that whispered the same jokes a few short years ago. But Trump changed all that, only because the GOP simply cannot and will not reject the racists in their party. Trump elevated the racist wing of the party, and danced with the devil when he said "good people on both sides" when referring to Nazis and White Supremacists. Most importantly there was almost no pushback at all from the rest of the party. You see... they know exactly who their most loyal voters are. Now let me be especially clear here. I am not saying that all Republicans are racist. What I am saying is that most racists are Republican, and they are necessary for Republicans to win elected office and certainly to ever have a shot at the Presidency. But the demographics are changing. And the future does not look very bright for a party that is nearly universally white at the Federal level, and whose values are simply not held by the younger generations that are beginning to vote more. The fact that young turnout has increased is a terrible indicator for Republicans. That is what you see the attacks on education, and the "brainwashing and indoctrination" of young college students. As if this silliness is a rationalization for young people turning away from a party that embrace racists as an electoral necessity. Now do I think a lot of the GOP wishes that they did not need the racist vote. But, the fact of the matter is they do. And that fact prevents the GOP from strong rejections of racism. Here is a good snapshot of the Republican reaction to Trump calling Nazis and White Supremacists "good people." I will also say that George W. Bush tried to get the party to lean away from racism. But even Bush needed the racists to win his Presidency with a minority of the votes. So the GOP is simply caught between a rock and a hard place. Denounce the racists and you risk not even achieving the narrow victories in Presidential races. But the voting population is changing and gradually getting younger. This is not to say that the Trump years have not helped spawn more you racists, because I believe that it has. But the problem is still the same, younger people are simply not as racist. The GOP could rid itself of the racist fairly easily simply by universally and strongly denying even a glimmer of support for the racist wing of the party! But what about the upcoming election they muse... So they are stuck. They can't grow their base. They have restricted voting access about as much as they can. They have gerrymandered extremely well in the states they control. And very narrow victories at the national level are still possible without the majority of the vote. But that very narrow window is closing. And I personally don't see how the party can move away from the racist base at this point. I think that the GOP could get back to having a platform and trying to occasionally actually bass legislation that is reasonable and bipartisan. And I see this as honestly the only way for the party to gradually mute the voices of those that clearly are supporters of racism in their party. But unfortunately I see the GOP playing the narrow victory playbook. I guess if there is a complete wipeout in several elections in row voices that denounce racism within the party will grow louder and louder. But right now, young people know that racist vote Republican, and they simply do not want to vote with the racists. Going forward that is going to be a numerical problem for the GOP, and I see no easy escape from what is still a base of necessity for the party. So let us hope that young people keep voting, and that in a few years the GOP can again be a party that at least attempts to become a bigger tent party. Because the current model is eventually going to lead to a dead end. And as a country we are better with strong debate, with an eye toward solutions. But you need two willing partners to come to this end, I fervently hope that the GOP can find a way to tack away from the racist base they cannot currently survive without. I honestly believe that a lot of leaders in the party wish they did not need this base. But moving away from them it is not going to be easy... just look at Majorie Taylor Greene as exhibit A.
  5. With pre-season camp now underway and the orange kool-aid flowin', its time to predict how many wins this team under 3rd year Texas head coach Steve Sarkisian finishes with. Ewers is now in year 2 of Sark's system, but they'll have to find offensive success without Bijan and Roschon. To keep things even more interesting, there are a couple of new faces in our conference schedule compared to last season. Also may be worth noting that for the first time since 2009, the Big12 preseason poll has Texas as the favorites to win the conference. Will they live up to expectations? When picking which win total to vote for, keep in mind all post season wins count to the total as well. I'm setting the poll to close on September 2nd right before the kickoff against Rice. Nothing more than bragging rights for those who predict correctly.
  6. ITEMS NEEDED ITEMS PROVIDED BY BBQ AUSTIN: Charcoal BBQ Pit Official BBQ Austin Jr. Pit Master Apron Pork chop JR. COOKER WILL NEED TO PROVIDE: Cooking Utensils- such as Tongs, spatula, brush etc. BBQ Rub BBQ Sauce Apron (if you do not want to get your Pit Master apron dirty) Gloves or Hand Wipes Foil Table/ TV Tray (small table to set your supplies on) Additional charcoal, wood chips, etc. after using ALL supplied, if necessary . . . . . . . . No pics of the contestant, you degenerates! 1. Let's recognize this needs to win over the judges & I'm not suggesting she cook to her tastes. 2. My preferred rub has maple brown sugar, salt, pepper, paprika, some garlic powder & onion powder. - - I'm not 100% locked on that... can adjust as needed. Ideas? 3. I was gonna pre-soak some wood chips & bring that as well. 4. The chops supplied are usually decently thick, like ¾ ~ 1". Suggested cooking temp for juicy but not undercooked / not dry / won't scare off someone who thinks even a TINY amount of pink will kill ya? - - - Suggested cooking time? I don't want to have 30 pinholes from testing the temperature a stupid amount, hope to have the meat tested often enough BUT not start checking way too early. We intend to GO FOR THE GOLD & will serve with USB ports added + write her initials on the Styro in an attempt to influence the judges. . . . . . . . . . . . Any assistance is appreciated. . . . . . . . . . . . https://rodeoaustin.com/events/bbq-austin/junior-pit-master-contest/ Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  7. A cautionary tale https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox17online.com/news/local-news/lakeshore/ottawa/parents-must-pay-30-441-for-getting-rid-of-sons-porn-cache%3f_amp=true
  8. https://www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/college-football/2019/2/2/18205351/national-championship-odds-2019 https://mobile.twitter.com/lindetrain/status/1090378004407013377?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-6255403312432690731.ampproject.net%2F1901302225410%2Fframe.html Poor aggy.
  9. True Story: Texas - W2 West Virginia - W1 Kansas State - L1 Oklahoma - L1 Baylor - L2 Iowa State - L2 Oklahoma State - L2 TCU - L2 Texas Tech - L3 Kansas - L4 So we have that going for us, which is nice. Thanks for shitting the bed in the bowls, Big XII teams not named Texas! Somebody inform Kyle Umlang on Twitter.
  10. Since the rule of law has been usurped, by the collusion to protect the President from his own wrongdoing I pose the question. Should the Dems (if they win the Presidency) prosecute the wrongdoings of the prior administration? Never, ever, before would I have suggested such a thing. Simply because I think it takes us down a dark partisan path. But since the GOP controlled Justice Department and GOP controlled Senate has refused to enforce the rule of law and already set us upon this path, should the Dems follow along this dark path? Now let me be clear here, I am not talking about Trump's very likely incarceration for campaign finance law breaking that landed Cohen in prison. I am talking about the next President taking a hard look back at what would be very, very easy to find criminality, by using the FBI and Justice Department to simply do some investigation. Just as Republican Senators knew that any light shed upon Trump's actions would be very, very damning. Should the Justice Department investigate to find the truth? I don't think it's the solution in all honesty. I am simply posing the question.
  11. Just, you know, so I could say I told you so. I'll leave the reasoning to finer and wordier minds, like CTJ. But bet the house, it's a stone cold lock. OK just one short word on why. The rest of the league is down. TCU, OU, WVU, need I say more? Go look it up. Now, I'm not predicting anything crazy, like an NC. Just a return to the natural order. Look I know you may disagree with this hot take. I'm sorry your mother didn't hug you enough when you were small. I'm sorry your balls never descended. I'm sorry the shadows are so scary and you need Viagra to get a boner. Really I am. But you know, facts and shit. A haiku: Longhorns are the shit. Offense. Defense. Special Teams. We are going to win. Texas today. Texas always. Texas forever. Let's roll. Amen and OU sucks.
  12. Another sad sack franchise to follow, but at least it's not that boring. They have a new front office, a terrible coach, the surprising Heisman winning first pick QB in the draft, a diva WR with substance abuse issues, a diva rookie WR with substance abuse issues. We have it all!!! Except for wins. Aggies, Sooners, and Bears.... Oh my. And to drive those ratings!!! This dropped today.... right in front of tonight's premiere! Where's Carson Wentz when you need him? If you like train wrecks..... this could be your thing.
  13. If you lived in SoCal at any point in the past 30+ years, you probably read one of his columns. The only restaurant critic to win a Pulitzer prize, he had a writing style all his own and a penchant for celebrating the divey places, taco trucks, and stripmall finds instead of fancy restaurants. L.A. isn't going to be the same, and neither will the food world. http://www.latimes.com/local/obituaries/la-fo-jonathan-gold-obit-20180721-story.html
  14. Taking a shot in the dark here, but anyone here know how to troubleshoot such an installation? I've tried both the online and offline installers for Java 8 and I can't get either one to do anything. I launch the installers, the hard drive activates for a short bit and stops. I never get any window or prompt for anything. I've tried uninstalling the Java that's currently on the machine (old version) through Add/Remove Programs. I've manually deleted files from the Application Data and Local Settings/Application Data folders. Same result at every step. :(
  15. Some of you remember it. It was a great game with great weapons and vehicles. It involved jetpacks, lasers, discs (spinfuser yo!), troop transports, fighters, bombers, and all kinds of other stuff. Maybe we should get a Shaggy Surly clan going or something sometime. System Requirements Windows 95/98, 2000, NT 4.0, XP, 7 or newer. 500+ MHz CPU 128+ MB RAM 650+ MB hard disk space 16 MB+ video card (with updated drivers) 1. The company that has the rights to it host the original CD-ROM image for free and provide a free CD key: https://www.tribesuniverse.com (click on Tribes 2 and download the ISO, don't forget the CD key that's provided) 2. Download the last official patch: http://tribesnext.com/download/0B_nHyoAf-wZ9YThmNUFrd3ZGTkE 3. Download the Tribes 2 Next patch: http://tribesnext.com/files/TribesNext_rc2a.exe 4. Instructions: https://www.tribesnext.com 5. Backstory: http://tribes.wikia.com/wiki/Tribes_2 Gameplay (don't worry, the graphics hold up pretty well - this was taken when video capture was still pretty crappy)
  16. Just bought my $521 million megamillions ticket, bitches. With my winnings, I will crush my enemies. I will see them driven before me. And I will hear the lamentations of their women. Then I'll by a big ass boat.
  17. I'm a born-and-raised Texan. I'm a truck driver. I love my pickup. They have also become completely obnoxious imo over the past decade. They've ballooned in cost. They've ballooned in size. And they are more popular than ever. Yet according to this Axios article (https://www.axios.com/ford-pickup-trucks-history), it's overkill for the vast majority of people. What's going on? I feel like I've noticed an insane about of F-250 Super Duty trucks that look right off the showroom floor. Full disclosure: I drive a 10-year old "midside" truck (compared with modern trucks, it's tiny) with small bed and four-door cab. I do occasional hauling, but it's mostly for errands. I think a lot about just getting a car, but the truck comes in so ridiculously handy when I do need to haul something.
  18. Grown ass folks out here stanning for happy meals. How do I explain this to my son's? What happens when we have to spend an extra 30 minutes in line because some real life Silent Bob didn't get the toy he wanted in his happy meal? And what if they are influenced by his bad behaviour?
  19. Looks like the Netherlands is going to elect an Islamophobic right-wing populist. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67504272 What IS it with all these nuts and their silly hair?
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