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Surly Bevo

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Surly Bevo

  1. I will say one astounding thing. If it could indeed be proven that the youngs have, as a cohort, a considerably reduced interest in sex, that there are virgins that are perfectly fine with it, etc. then we have stumbled upon quite the breakthrough. Humans, and all animals in general are hard-wired to survive, adapt and.....reproduce. There are and have always been a number of individual exceptions. But, when you start looking at some of the numbers like the ones that lead this thread off..... if one could in fact attribute it to the fact that a primary driving factor in those numbers is youngs are just not as interested in sex and don't any longer have the drive to participate in the act of reproduction then that means that on a much broader non-exception level we are evolving (at a seemingly a breakneck pace). And, evolving in a way that doesn't follow the general "survival" driven path of evolution.
  2. Nothing like some good old-fashioned bipartisanship.
  3. The interesting thing is that statement isn’t capitulating it all. There’s even a little nicely veiled “you can go have your little protest over in the corner and we will look the other way in deference to your rights to free speech” snark to it. Then outlines the somewhat vague notion of “when this gets disruptive we may act”. Smart in that it doesn’t come across as heavy handed but still makes clear there is a line.
  4. This seems like a more appropriate/measured response https://president.uchicago.edu/from-the-president/messages/240429-concerning-the-encampment
  5. Down on campus with HS Jr son for tour and just saw DPS marching that way up 21st street
  6. The other option is to just fuck off whatever you are using for a pressure side cleaner that probably has or will break, the pump and put the money in a robot cleaner. That's what I finally did after over 10 years doing multiple minor repairs and then ultimately replacing a Polaris and a few years after that finally starting to hear the same noises out of my booster pump that indicated it was on its last legs.
  7. This good sir, is highly suspect logic.
  8. Maybe don't come out and go down 23 points in the first quarter, such a shitty start.
  9. Yep, he just scores against us...like ALWAYS
  10. Happy Totteringham everybody.
  11. Nervy but I did the math and I do believe that yesterday it wasn't but today it is. Happy St Totteringham's Day.
  12. Isn't that a universal constant? Like gravity
  13. Nervy finish coming up. And I really fucking hate Son, for no other reason than he always does this shit against us
  14. Probably won the cup, hard to keep the defensive intensity for 82 games but they are a really good fucking defense and they ramped it up.
  15. Guess breakaways just are not gonna be our thing
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