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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. I didn't notice it the first time, but look at how many people are clapping as she gets tossed.
  2. I have to say I don't agree. The way we fix America is the Democrats all show up and vote next year, along with enough moderates/independents/Republican women who want reproductive health care to blow out the Republicans forever. Then, we codify all the civil rights we want, the decarbonization economy, etc. Biden won't pack the court but Gavin Newson ('28 nominee) will. The Senate ditches the filibuster and we get gun control. In 10 years we will have reinvented America. The right wingers will fear the Deep State for good reason, as they will be defanged and return back to the caves they hid in.
  3. TL;DR. I ain't readin' all that. Congratulations, or sorry that happened. Jokes aside, apparently Mitt just realized the concept of sowing and reaping.
  4. What do you think would be the right amount, nationwide?
  5. Flipping off Lowell Gallindo? No harm, no foul.
  6. If I hired someone for the $2,000 "GFE Date Night" instead of the usual "$400 Unrushed Hour" I'd tell her to wear something less obvious in case we run into someone I know when we're out and about.
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/CxEUNwHx_0i/?hl=en At the beginning it sounds like he says "Saudi owns Twitter." Not sure why. But the rest of it is kind of chilling.
  8. Is this "duplicate statement" thing a joke? If not, post the link so we can make our own appraisal.
  9. Yep, one moron sandwiched between two exceptional presidents can sure screw things up.
  10. We are the biggest joke in college sports 458 Views | 9 Replies | Last: 9 sec ago by greg.w.h Furlock Bones 5:54p AG And the only people that don't see it are other Aggies. 9 Aggies2009 5:55p AG Lmao yeah okay. 2 VedderAg 5:55p AG No. We see it. 5 gopitt 5:55p Total joke. Have been for 65 years. 5 ChemEAg08 5:55p AG Well, this could be Texas state beating us.
  11. Just saw Aryna on the practice court (on TV) wearing a pair of cycling shorts. She has a nicer ass than I expected. Thus, I want her to win. (Edit: There's a crazy looking lady singing "America the Beautiful." I turned on the sound and learned she sings pretty damned well).
  12. Two things: -- I've seen two pitchouts by Baylor that look damned close to being a forward lateral. Is that rule gone now? -- GET!!!! ON!!! YOUR!!!! FEET!!!! (I take it they bought the same "game day atmosphere" stadium TV software program we did).
  13. Damn, some of those students are fast.
  14. Doesn't ISU also have Farmageddon and Riot Bowl? That's lot of named football games . . .
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