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Pato del Muerto

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pato del Muerto

  1. The nader magnet that is Moore should go ahead and plan on a visitor.
  2. So why hasn’t the house passed a bill extending the law or making it permanent, and sent it to the senate?
  3. My immediate argument to that would be that there are forced vaccinations all over and there have been for decades. So let’s follow precedent on how those were handled when someone was injured from a polio vax or hep b vax or mmr. if the discussion is then over known vs less known safety profile, then we get into the weeds of emergent action alters risk tolerance.
  4. Judge to defendant- I can’t really put you in jail for these repeated contempt acts because of who you are, so don’t you worry about that.
  5. What is your solution? If someone eats some skippy and has a bad reaction, what other than getting treatment should be done? Should skippy pay for it? Or are we saying that those injured allegedly by the vaccine, or probably, aren’t getting medical treatment?
  6. Always fun to see politicians that need some media time go on all these different shows and regurgitate the exact same answers and phrases like robots. as soon as I became aware of the fact that I had never met that guy, I asked that the story about the time I met that guy to be removed from my book that I wrote and also read into audiobook. I’ve traveled the world! i drive a dodge stratus!
  7. Booking concerts during nhl and nba playoffs? I guess there’s a limit to how many dates they can fill, and the leagues work around them?
  8. Whomever the former player, not Carter, on the tnt postgame : look at the jugilation I mean jubilation.
  9. Sure didn’t look like dallas had an extra player the last 2 minutes
  10. Has there been anything on whether eovaldi is expected to be back after his 15 days are up?
  11. If you’ve made or inherited billions, democracy is sufficiently in your favor already.
  12. Any chance she had a different restaurant back then that maybe Covid wrecked?
  13. https://www.empowerpharmacy.com/about/our-story/ Houston based compounder also selling it
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