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Gil Bang

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gil Bang

  1. I built a studio on my property and was doing the travel nurse rental thing. Well, I still am, but my current tenant isn't a nurse, he's an apprentice lineman, and the union sent him to a local company for a year. He's actually better than a nurse, because he works days and the nurses I had worked nights. Now I can make all the noise I want in the daytime. I had two nurses, one from Canada and one from SAT. Both very nice. Canuck was a smoke show, SA girl is into girls.
  2. Gil Bang

    Texas Primaries

    I think I may have had this rant before: voting for judges is just fucking stupid. I consider myself a more educated voter than most, and I know jack shit about who to vote for for judge. I tend to read their ads and statements, and vote against anybody that claims to be "tough on crime". I also tend to vote for defense attorneys over prosecutors. And that's dumb, because I have no way of knowing what it takes to be a good judge, and who has those qualities.
  3. Frampton HAS to be a slam dunk, right? Right?
  4. I'd carry chains, but yeah, you'll get there. Pro tip: practice putting the chains on at home. You don't want to try to figure it out on the side of a snowy road while freezing your arse off.
  5. I use autoslash and it beats costco pricing about half the time.
  6. $700 million tends to make ugly men attractive to women.
  7. "you got that song...Hey Jew"
  8. Richard Lewis is at least 60% dead. Holy shit, he looks rough.
  9. Suzy fucking Green wouldn't wear those ugly fuckers. But, by next week Dotard will claim that he's got the best selling shoe ever...move over Jordan.
  10. I'm sure the non-MAGA drivers are behind it, because if dipshits start turning down loads, rates will go up for the dudes that do take them.
  11. Oh shit y'all. Adam Corolla and Rob Schneider on the same bill? What a show!!! https://www.kennedy24.com/night-of-laughter-la?rdt_cid=4132119415915452113
  12. I'm guessing it was sometime before Spring, 2017
  13. I would have been ok with playing with her old tits
  14. we're gonna need some photos of that LP. Including serial number, if you can get it. Urban can shred, but my buddies that are fans of that genre say he's gone soft. Too busy fucking that redhead to write songs I suppose.
  15. I was in walmart and they've got a solid selection of "samplers" for a buck each. Nice way to try new stuff
  16. Page has aged quite gracefully. I'll bet that the dude can still pull all he wants.
  17. continually bringing up her unpaid taxes was a cheap smear attempt. I don't think that dog will hunt. I laughed my ass off about her dad saying hoarding cash was a "black thing". It reminded me of Louis CK telling Chris Rock that he had $100,000 stashed in his gym bag, and Rock called him the N word.
  18. LOS ANGELES — The management team of Brian Wilson has petitioned to place him in a conservatorship because of his mental decline and the recent death of his wife, Melinda Ledbetter Wilson, who managed his daily life. The 81-year-old Beach Boys co-founder and mastermind has a “major neurocognitive disorder” and is taking medication for dementia, according to a doctor’s declaration filed with the petition Wednesday in Los Angeles Superior Court. The petition asks a judge to appoint two longtime Wilson representatives — publicist Jean Sievers and manager LeeAnn Hard — to be conservators overseeing his personal and medical decisions because “Mr. Wilson is unable to properly provide for his own personal needs for physical health, food, clothing, or shelter.” The two women “have had a close relationship with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson for many years, and Mr. Wilson trusts them,” according to the filing. Ledbetter — whose husband credited her with stabilizing his famously troubled life — had managed his daily needs before her death on Jan. 30, the petition says. The move came after consultation between Wilson, his seven children, caretaker Gloria Ramos, and his doctors, according to a statement posted Thursday on his social media accounts. “This decision was made to ensure that there will be no extreme changes to the household and Brian and the children living at home will be taken care of,” the posts said. “Brian will be able to enjoy all of his family and friends and continue to work on current projects as well as participate in any activities he chooses.” Judges in California can appoint a conservator for the person, their finances — referred to as the estate — or both, as was the case with Britney Spears, whose court fight brought broad new attention to the legal standing. The Wilson petition seeks only a conservatorship of his person, saying he does not need a conservator of the estate because his assets are in a trust, with Hard as a trustee. Deeply revered and acclaimed as a member, producer, arranger and chief songwriter of the Beach Boys, Wilson struggled with mental health and substance abuse issues that upended his career in the 1960s. He met Ledbetter when he was a customer at a car dealership where she was working in the mid-1980s. At the time, Wilson had for years been under the close supervision of psychologist Dr. Eugene Landy. Ledbetter and others believed Landy was exploiting and mistreating Wilson, and feuded with Landy for years before he was barred in 1992 from any contact with Wilson. Ledbetter died unexpectedly on Jan. 30, according to a Wilson spokesperson. “Our five children and I are just in tears. We are lost,” Wilson said on his web site. “Melinda was more than my wife. She was my savior.”
  19. I first saw the locking shopping carts in Italy years ago. Now there are a half-dozen Aldi stores around me, and they do it too.
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