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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. Is anyone else completely disgusted that the river of piss and shit underneath us flows that fast?
  2. Notice the $50,000 a month is always included. He went to Yale Law. I don't know any Yale law grads but I know Harvard law grads and they are definitely making more than $50,000 a month. And they are not practicing law. Article is meant to anger economically disadvantaged whites.
  3. Storm's is always good. My boys love it.
  4. I sure wish that Paul would just outline the misdeeds he alleges the FBI committed when searching his properties. If they lacked probable cause and believe evidence is inadmissible, that is something you address pretrial. If they believe that the FBI seized items that exceeded the scope of the warrant, that is also an issue for the trial court. What exactly are the egregious violations? What could possibly require the involvement of the OAG?
  5. Don't forget any business that includes the word "patriot" in their name or description.
  6. Totally. Every legit person I know in commercial real estate has known that Nate Paul was a swarthy, grifting piece of shit since he was a blip on the radar. He is a complete fraud. I am surprised that "stroke-face" and his squirrel-chasing eye can be bought for $25K. I thought Paxton's face issue was only cosmetic. Is it possible that Paxton is as mentally deficient as his face suggests?
  7. looks like Cammack’s dad knows his son is a shady sack of shit. https://setexasrecord.com/stories/511516487-tensions-between-father-son-attorneys-culminated-in-courthouse-confrontation-suit-alleges
  8. This is all super shady. Why do you need a special prosecutor? There is no conflict. Why pick an inexperienced lawyer who has never prosecuted to be a special prosecutor? I mean, his website says he is one of the 10 best defense lawyers under 40 in the United States, but that's the only place you will find that information. Is it possible that Nate Paul convinced Paxton that the only known cure for "retard face" was among the myriad documents seized during the execution of the search warrant and Paul would provide Paxton with it if Paxton got him out of trouble?
  9. So did he have a stroke or is he just fucking ugly? Why is his face so asymmetrical?
  10. Yeah, its the asthma that has your Drs worried.
  11. If you read the replies, someone claimed that they know the puncher and his name is Brodie Croyle. Lol. And now there are a ton of @dentonpd demanding the arrest of Brodie Croyle. That is some quality trolling.
  12. I made the NEISD enchiladas tonight and they are superb.
  13. Cops: "Ma'am, you called us because some small dick retard, who only gets physical with you because you are smaller and weaker, was frustrated when you wouldn't do whatever he said and assaulted you. Is that correct? Victim: "Yes" Cops: "Boy are you in for a surprise! Are you one of those people who thinks it's funny when life is ironical?"
  14. No, that's the third starch in the meal. Confucius say "if number of starch on your plate is III, diabetes type II in your future."
  15. She going to get chiggers. That lawn is a sweet combination of neglected St. Augustine, dollarweed, crabgrass and clover.
  16. Did Galindo comb his hair with a pork chop? Damn it looks greasy.
  17. Just read one of the motions that contained a lot of background facts. Coincidence is real. The victim, the defendant and the defendant's wife were in a sexual relationship. They were all partying the night of the murder. Defendant gets angry, believing his wife has a greater affection for the victim. Victim has to get in-between them to stop argument. Defendant kicks both of them out the house, tells wife to never come home and then puts all wife's clothes on the porch. Victim and wife then go to victims house and party. Victim wants wife to spend the night with her, but wife decides to go back home to defendant. Victim murdered hours later. Innocent guy arrested. Oh yeah, the Wise County Sheriffs Office is a toilet. Wise County DA's office also a toilet.
  18. Look, she was being irrational and mouthy and her boyfriend had to punch her to get her to behave. Then the cop got there and she was irrational and mouthy and he had to assault her to get her to behave. She asked for it in both situations. Why is this news?
  19. I don't know much about him, but there was a tweet in this thread and Ngo captioned it something like "No one reporting that 700 black bloc militants rampage Oakland" and the attached video was just white people walking down the street.
  20. Is this pic from an autopsy? What the fuck is that?
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