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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornian

  1. Finally received notice that our PPP (round 1) was forgiven. We submitted back in March, so it took 5 months.
  2. Goooooood morning Vietnam San Angelo!
  3. Yeah, Paula really was the proximate cause of most (not all, but most) of the bad stuff. If she wasn't on the trip Kai is still working there, Armond probably doesn't go off the deep end and wind up fired/dead, etc. They all would have still sucked, but for Paula being on the trip, it doesn't spiral the way it did. But, as my wife pointed out, she also helped the Mossbacher's rekindle their romance after the husband tackled Kai and then got his face smashed by him. So, you know, one good thing.
  4. He didn’t kill him for shitting in his clothes. He was on edge from the other break in and overreacted and grabbed the pineapple knife. (As an aside, I called “killed with the pineapple knife In the pineapple suite as soon as Chekhov’s knife was shown in the earlier scene.) He accidentally stabbed him when he came around the corner. So in reality, Paula was also responsible for Armond, since convincing Kai to steal the bracelet was what put Shane on edge. Paula sucked.
  5. Agreed. No one changed except Quinn. And the asshole guests managed to destroy two lives in a week - Kai and Armand.
  6. According to LCRA West Campus /Old West Austin got a rain bomb. This is rain since midnight:
  7. Weird. I never finance TT&L. Always put it on a card. Never been an issue for the dealership. Did not try to purchase the Tesla with the Amex though. Maybe the next one.
  8. Well, yeah, but not made to be a clone trooper. Remember, Boba Fett was Jango's payment - one unaltered clone of himself that grew at a normal rate.
  9. How have the 2004 and 2005 collections been in the cabinet for 26 years?
  10. I don’t think she ages slowly. She ages normally. The clones age quickly.
  11. What repo man? There’s no loan!
  12. They aren't a dealership. They sell direct to consumer. That is part of the problem. All the things dealers do for you, the end buyer is required to do. And that is mostly because dealers don't want to allow Tesla to sell direct to consumers in Texas. They like being the middle man. They don't want people to order direct from Ford, GM, Toyota, etc. (and really, the legacy automakers don't want people to order direct from them either). So the laws won't allow Tesla Corporation to be a dealer in Texas, and the laws won't actually allow Tesla to directly sell to consumers in Texas, so shit like this happens. Not excusing Tesla, they fucked up. But if Texas would allow their sales model, there would be a lot more avenues for redress for people like wild_turkey.
  13. Really should have shopped that rate; we went through UFCU and the APR was about 40% lower than what Tesla was quoting. We also sold my wife’s previous car to CarMax instead of trading because they gave us about $3500 more than Tesla was offering for the Trade. But that’s a shitty situation. I honestly don’t know how they did that; they wouldn’t even arrange delivery for my wife’s car (also delivered June 2nd) until they confirmed receipt of our funds from UFCU. I had to actually get proof of the wire and send to them because they were claiming they didn’t have it in their (Tesla) system.
  14. Pretty much. My kids are too young for vaccines and my wife is pregnant so don’t want to take chances.
  15. I did this for the first half of the season. Baby #3 due in November, so you know, poor planning on my part.
  16. Yeah. Fuck all the people choosing not to get vaccinated. Last year was on the virus. This year is one them.
  17. Did you put fresh batteries in the garage remote?
  18. Team no spoilers here. I feel dirty for agreeing with Derka about anything, but facts are stubborn things.
  19. Go back to MN with that take. Wait, you're in the unpopular food opinions thread. Carry on.
  20. Less than the Gulf of Mexico being on fire?
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