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Everything posted by gecko

  1. Some of you yung'uns on here should check the Airplane movies out, if you haven't already. There's also sort of a embedded history lesson in each as you can see the beginnings of TSA-like screening and how terrorism fears go way back to early 80s.....no CR
  2. I have a cool story but its too long to post here, but trust me, its pretty cool
  3. How many Argentinian players will be murdered as a result of today's outcome?
  4. who had Koko on their death list?
  5. Users should lose community reputation every time they post on the politics board.
  6. I voted with cheeseweasel but its much easier said than done.
  7. I'm all in on Sears at these levels......
  8. One area of concern, Rangers won last night and remain 19 games back. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.....
  9. What kind of idiot posts something they found on twitter without doing even a modest level of critical inquiry or due diligence? Oh yeah, well uh, OK, I'll show myself out.....
  10. So she has to pay over $300k and he gets the new girlfriend? I’d say pussy lost this round.
  11. gecko

    Father's Day 2018

    Golf....watching uninterrupted, guilt free golf....
  12. What if we had a period of time before election day where people could vote early? That way they don't have to manage voting into their schedule between 7 and 7 on one particular day?
  13. I don't buy it...but then again, I like to live life on the edge. Danger is my middle name....
  14. Claire Foy will always be Queen Elizabeth to me. Like Flo will always be the Progressive Insurance gal.....
  15. The worst part about Houston sports radio was the penchant all of the guys seem(ed) to have, exception Lance, to unnecessarily needle Longhorn sports and sports fans. I'm not suggesting they be homers for all things Horns but a lot of their takes are just uninformed at best.
  16. I'm going to suggest that you NOT go. However, we'll never know if you did or not so just stay on this side of the border and get back to us with a bunch of made up stuff to make us think you did.
  17. Rusty: Is that a real gun, Mom? Ellen: I don't know, Rusty, but when this is all over, your father... may be going away for a little while.
  18. What......no hate for the PCMatic commercials with the mom and the live-at-home loser son sitting around the table taking on hackers...?
  19. Interesting article about how hiring has heated up again... https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-08/its-crazy-texas-roiled-unprecedented-labor-shortage-shale-industry-hires-just-about A friend of mine’s son just graduated from Tceh with a geology degree. He wants to get his hands dirty with a service company before going back for his masters in a couple years. Any advice for the kid, other than next time don’t go to Tceh? He’s looking to start at the bottom...
  20. MidTex, I was there 5/23 through 5/29 - KIllarney, Dingle, Cliffs of Moher, etc. Did we overlap? Were you at Blarney Castle on 5/28? Saw a guy in a black "Texas" t-shirt roaming the grounds. You missed out not doing the Gap of Dunloe. The road was narrow but there weren't many cars. Mostly horse drawn buggies with olds on board. We walked it.....very impressive. The return boat ride to Ross Castle was amazing. And yes.....driving is an adventure. I got used to it pretty quickly. Driving in Cork was a really experience though.....
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