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Whitewater Horn

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Everything posted by Whitewater Horn

  1. My parents were there in Mineral Wells and told me Beto “had some strong words” for some idiot and another “badass” was open carrying his pew pew and got escorted out, but that’s the first time I’ve seen the clip. Nice to see him not get backed down and respond with real talk. We need more like him.
  2. Totally. One of the great cities of the world. I have so many great memories of living in Europe in my early 20s, and Paris was among our favorite stomping grounds to make memories as a young Americans (and others) seeing the world. I love going back as often as I can, and the next time taking my soon to be college aged kids to show them Europe, but especially Paris. It never gets old.
  3. Wout van Merckx. What a ludicrous sight to see the green jersey flying up the Hautacam in the lead for so long.
  4. It sucks that Alaphilippe’s horrible crash in LBL kept him out of this Tour. It would have been fun to see how he would have animated and impacted the race.
  5. Cool to see a MTBer win on the Alpe.
  6. That was an incredible attack! Love this shit.
  7. This is crazy. I can’t wait to see how Pogacar responds in stages to come.
  8. Not too surprised Roglic got dropped by Poga, but a little surprised that Kuss couldn’t go with Jonas.
  9. I doubt Poga is breakable, but it sure is fun to see the JV GC guys and G take a couple of cracks at it.
  10. I know most left of center people are not ready to accept that yet, but I certainly agree with the sentiment. There are many people in this county with a misguided notion of patriotism who are itching to spill blood for the cause. The AR platform is, for the most part, their weapon of choice. High capacity mags, easy & accurate, plentiful ammo, inflicts horrific damage, and it’s appearance strikes fear in the hearts of most liberals. Like you, I think the majority of these people living in the fantasy world of stolen elections, white replacement, and whatever other manufactured grievances driving them to the extreme right end of the spectrum, see anyone to the left of them as soft targets. They cannot wrap their heads around the idea that many of us are veterans, true patriots who support the ideals of a democracy above support for a political party or politician, and that many of us also grew up with firearms and that we will absolutely defend ourselves, or families, our communities, and our country. It’s a strange and surreal feeling to even write this. I desperately hope I never have to draw a firearm on another human being for any reason - the thought sickens me. At the same time, I’m quietly keeping up my firearms skills, my physical fitness, BJJ, my mental acuity, and situational awareness, because I know there are other Americans who would label me as an enemy & traitor if they discovered my politics and philosophy. I hope anyone to the left of this madness has their own version of preparedness. I am not a gun or 2A fanatic. I get looks from these idiots all the time because my high school aged children are black. They are activism minded and will sometimes rock apparel with BLM or similar social messaging. I’ve tried to walk a tightrope of encouraging my kids to be themselves and proud of what they support, but to also be aware that some will use those displays of pride as a target. Hopefully we will find our way out of this insanity peacefully, but it’s also wise to be informed and prudent to be adequately prepared, whatever that means to each person individually.
  11. The vast majority of people who own ARs in this country have never shot anyone and will never shoot a human being with. The appeal is most definitely the appearance and ease of operation. Most people will spend more time firing it at the range and taking their ridiculous pictures in their suburban commando, gravy seal, tactical everything patriot cosplay. Maybe they jerk off thinking about macerated unidentifiable human tissue sometimes, but they’re more likely pulling their little peepees and looking at pictures of themselves geared up for battle while fantasizing about their favorite “justified shooting” involving a black Jewish commie transgender member of Antifa and and illegal immigrant trying to rape and vaccinate his family while kneeling during the National Anthem.
  12. But, but, but, “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!!!” That’s all they can repeat without taking the time to interpret and understand the subtleties of that amendment. As a lifelong, but not fanatical, gun owner, I completely agree. Some more stringent regulation is more than reasonable, far from tyranny, and long overdue.
  13. It’s actually worse than that. He still wants to overthrow the government. It’s clear that no one in the red hat tribe is interested in actual democracy. They would eagerly support an autocracy or dictatorship, so long as it is of the ultra conservative fake Christian brand. They don’t want freedom, they want to have their way, period. And absolute control. As a veteran it is particularly infuriating, but all pro-democracy Americans should be disgusted at how they’ve co-opted and perverted the word “patriot” to mean only someone who supports a particular politician or political agenda. The biggest case of sour grapes over an election and angst over the much of the free world evolving in a more progressive direction.
  14. No kidding. Wow. I had no idea the third episode came out today. I was up sick and reading shit online until I could get back to sleep when I saw mention of an Episode 3 watch party. Now I’m not sure I want to fall asleep. Parts of that were terrifying.
  15. Whitewater Horn


    With every one of these I’ve either known it from the first segment or not at all. This game covers a LOT of time and genres.
  16. The drunken, lumbering, regarded march towards Gilead continues unabated. America, fuck yeah!
  17. No kidding. The real Robert Evans was damn near a walking caricature, so it would be very easy and tempting for an actor to overdo it with “RobertEvansness,” but Matthew Goode is almost understating it, and it’s a hell of a performance.
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