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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PhillyD

  1. I re-watched the Maryland game on LHN twice this week. After watching, I convinced myself that we weren't as bad as I really thought and that despite a slow start, we would still be a decent to good football team this year. Then I watched the Tulsa game and have been brought back to reality.
  2. PhillyD

    Longhorn Network

    I think that's the only time I've ever heard Galindo say something I liked. We can all agree Galindo sucks. And we can all agree he was right on that one.
  3. Is literary reference on the BINGO card? Do we have a BINGO card for Lenny...I mean Herman?
  4. Just now saw this. I'll do it again.
  5. Good grief, take the delay and kick a PAT. Please tell me you didn't run a play you haven't practiced. That's Charlie Strong level dipshittery
  6. Yep, he tried to filibuster the "do the players know how to win?" His answer sucked
  7. It would take 30 years to mine enough metal to finish such a statue.
  8. I don't know what the hell you were watching, but from what I saw we couldn't beat off. Our shit just got pushed in. I need to be convinced to see a reason for optimism.
  9. FedEx took credit cards so I didn't burn my cash on alcohol. I found a place that sold some alcohol during the rain delay. Other than that, I don't know what the positives were. That was really, really bad.
  10. I was about to make the same post. Fuck Dan. Fuck Maryland.
  11. This is exactly the kind of exposure aggy was looking for when they made their 100 year decision. I'm so happy I have so many more years of laughter remaining. Must say it again...No Takebacks!
  12. Does a rep of 5176 make him a big baller over there?
  13. True, but it sucks something as small as this has to get all the way to him for something to be done about it. This has been an issue for a couple of years now and I doubt it's that difficult to fix.
  14. Thanks. I'll register before the night is over.
  15. Probably a dumb question but how does this work? Does ESPN pick the 10 games and each person picks or does each person pick their 10 games?
  16. To all you folks riding the Metro escalators, please stand to the right. Make sure your wives and kids are aware also.
  17. It's almost football season mofo's!
  18. Even on the aggy curve, they got bent over.
  19. People do. He came right after Vince so it looked different than what we were used to. I don't think anyone appreciates how fast Colt was.
  20. I would still do Metro because you'll spend a lot more time trying to find a parking space and getting your kids in and out of it than you will getting your kids on and off Metro. Plus, they think trains are cool. If it's a small stroller, it can fold up and go up the escalators. If not, most of the Metros have a working elevator. I raised twins here and we Metro'd everywhere with a big double stroller until they outgrew it. Even with a broken elevator, it was a lot easier to fold it up and haul it up an escalator than dealing with parking. As far as museums, Natural History is great for kids. The Building museum near Gallery Place was awesome when mine were young but I honestly don't know if that's still the case. Things may have changed when they started charging for admission. As far as restaurants, I'll let someone else answer that one but Embassy Suites is walkable to a lot.
  21. is it slightly off center like the real thing?
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