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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PhillyD

  1. I can't believe anybody can defend that horeshit. Should have known aggy would step in
  2. The DA in Cleveland should file charges.. That's horseshit.
  3. Placeholder. I'll be back when crow is served.
  4. If you're interested in investing, the thing you can do is use your share of the commission toward each investment that you purchase. My former employer required me to get a real estate license. I've collected on a couple of referrals but it paid off the most when I bought the current house I live in and used my share of the commission towards the purchase. I've kept it active just in case I ever needed it again. It's a pain, but not that hard to keep active. I am not in Texas so I can't speak for what it would do or cost in Texas.
  5. I lifted today and it's been 5 days since surgery. This was the first significant' exercise I've done and I only did upper body. I don't lift weights like I'm 15. trying to get big. I lift like I'm 48 trying to stay in shape. No issues lifting. I'm not comfortable yet doing anything that jostles the sack too much. Running is still out for me.
  6. I had this done today. I wish I had read this thread start to finish so I would have had a different level of expectation. The surgery itself was fine, I was in and out in an hour and only the shots were painful and honestly, they weren't that bad. But, the doc made it seem so easy and I believed it. I wasn't expecting to feel like I had been kicked in the nuts and thought I'd be back at work tomorrow. I'm not going back to work tomorrow.
  7. It's on the southwest side. I said southeast but need to correct to southwest.
  8. Often overlooked is the Botanical Gardens on the southeast side of the Capitol. Not quirky, but a nice place to visit, free, and rarely crowded. After you go, you can walk the monuments at night as suggested above.
  9. Don't understand this either. Will say I understand this if you're the Nats because your bullpen unequivocally sucks. Don't understand this for the Dodgers.
  10. it's like you've never even met an aggy. Must be nice. I envy that.
  11. I feel like this has been repeated over and over and I don't know why some people are so dense about it. You will never shut up aggy. No matter how badly or how many times you beat them, they will make an excuse of some sort. aggy is too dense to STFU.
  12. I originally thought Del Conte was just saying these things just to piss aggy off, which is always fun. However, he seems to be really pushing to play and I'm not a fan of that. Let them have their perpetual 7-5 and occasional overachieving 8-4 season in the SEC. I'm happier not playing them.
  13. I don't think the chicks he picks up require a secret.
  14. I regret to say that I just saw this today. I'm proud to bump it back up to the first page.
  15. Come on man. It's a mute point.
  16. I'll be interested in your review. I'm not ready to pull the trigger yet. Also need a way to carry it at the office.
  17. FWIW, I like the color pic of the tanks better and I normally prefer the B&W photos. That photo was really opportune too with the train in the background. The B&W shows the train better though. I like both of them.
  18. Someone mentioned Sean McDonough and I owe that guy an apology. I used to rail against him but then, one day, ESPN stopped putting him with Matt Millen. Once that happened, I liked him a lot better. A lot of those guys are handicapped by working with a retard.
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