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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. start holding gun manufacturers liable. you don't have to take anything away, but you can bet they'll be quick to help enact legislation that is beneficial to the public if they get pantsed in a few wrongful death suits.
  2. the old hornfans cookbook had a pretty decent one. I think I still have that in my files somewhere if you're actually interested
  3. I called and some attorney yelled at me. Y'all sure about this one?
  4. Longhorn_Fan68

    The Border

    all these wannabe warriors with so many toys they can't use. just itching for someone on the other side to fire back so they can unleash on them. so fun!
  5. I can't fucking even. If go out in some rage shooting where some woman hid a gun in her fupa and got past security, then, well boys, it was my time to go. FFS
  6. agreed and to my point - to quote our outstanding Governor, "It could have been worse." The more I think on it, holy shit, it could have been so much worse. And that's on top of how colossally bad it was.
  7. Possibly, but hopefully this lays the groundwork for the govmint to negotiate and/or regulate prices going forward.
  8. iirc this is a few years old. wonder if it has changed at all
  9. It's really stunning to look back on this dipshit's time as potus and realize we're somehow not all dead. I mean, a fuckton of us are dead, but not everyone. I think this kinda proves that potus is a figurehead and it's the cabinet and staff that does the heavy lifting. Otherwise he'd actually still be in power. We cannot let that happen again.
  10. if only he had left it at embarrassing we could all have good chuckle about it go, welp, won't do that again!
  11. now that's a photo. she would whip the shit out of him if she thought she could get away with it
  12. TBF, I saw it all, I just remember very little of it. Even the few bright spots are hard to recall and this has little do with my state of mind. It was just that bad. Last season was pretty fun, though. Which is why I'm pretty pumped for this year. Nothing crazy, just mildly excited.
  13. Longhorn_Fan68


    bone appleteeth indeed
  14. probably. i blacked out from Colt's shoulder injury to sometime after halftime of OU last year.
  15. I've come to the conclusion that the GQP is 50% true believers and 50% grifters. Half of the latter end up becoming the former, but still maintain their grift status. I think MTG is one of these. Also, isn't she divorced now? Isn't she MT or MG now? I don't care to look up which was her maiden name
  16. We're gonna be good. Maybe not 2005 or 2010 good. But better than before. Which before? I dunno, you pick.
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