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Everything posted by Trey3216

  1. Lol. Jerry got by pretty easy on this one. About the same type deal that DLAw signed. Lower salary extension fully guaranteed. Seems he might know what he’s doing as well
  2. Felt damn near heavenly this morning at 74 degrees and 52% humidity as opposed to 80 and 95% humidity.
  3. My dog, who strangely looks exactly like your dog, does the exact same thing. Runs out to the sunny part of the dead grass. Rolls around in it for 10 minutes, absolutely destroying any hope that the grass in that area may survive if we can get just a little rain at some point, and then wants to come in with dust and grass practically embedded in her fur.
  4. I’ve seen some estimates showing one of the best seasons in years.
  5. That Pacific Coast storm looks like some Leviticus type shit. -Straight up the West side of Baja so the Gulf of California stacks up like a damn tsunami. -Just enough access to water to maintain strength and drown tens of thousands of desert living/visiting people in PHX and LVS
  6. The only time a burger should be allowed to have even a hint of mayo is if it has bacon on it. Then it should be real mayo, with ketchup, and mustard, and jalapenos, red onions or grilled white onions, pickles.... and that's it (unless you want your varietal of cheese as well. I don't do cheese unless it's pepper jack).
  7. Well, don't we all work solely to polish(get them polished) the crown jewels?
  8. I frequently get peas on a taco, because frequently, Tex-Mex joints will put some peas and carrots in their rice. Rice always ends up on a taco I"m eating (soft taco or fajita 100% of the time, hard shell depends on the time I have to eat).
  9. Closer to 13.3% if you put that household in a 10% Income Tax bracket. That $8.5k of after tax pay, not pre-tax.
  10. Considering there's 3 new WD spinoffs, not that surprising.
  11. Took the kids to the splash pad earlier. I present to you… Jane Bond
  12. I may have to make a special trip just to go to CR before it shutters. I remember when AB stopped making regular Michelob, they still made it specifically because CR sold so much of it for like another year. I miss old michelob with the wide i hip bottles…and I’ll miss CR. my cousin got thrown out of there one night because we were hammered and acting fools while winning a little bit of money. He yelled “I’ve been thrown into better shitholes than this!!” At the security dude. Laugh about that every time I think about that place.
  13. I prefer the Central Market 1 liter mineral waters, especially as my Ranch Water mixer.
  14. I mean…wouldn’t you??? They sure as shit wouldn’t want China getting the tech first. Probably trying to perfect it and become trillionaires.
  15. They tried to do that during Harvey and all of us that were down there told them to go fuck their own faces.
  16. Is that Negan’s bat ‘Lucille’?
  17. I won $300 off a few guys one time when I bet them I could kill 4 16 oz cans in 1 minute. ( no shotgunning) had the first 3 done in less than 30 seconds and casually “sipped” on the last one as they were angrily pulling Ben’s out of their wallets.
  18. Fuck you! You’ve had a lot more rain than everyone more than 20 miles south of Dallas County in the past 6 months (save the weirdos in Houston and SE TX)
  19. It really pisses me off too. But it’s a lot like coding in 1’s and 0’s. It either is or isn’t, and some of the shit some people say is just as racist as others….but it’s cool because “whitey”. No defense of racist whitey. But fuck, man…sir…counselor. It’s as bad or worse in the fucking cornucopia of Ivy League knowledge as anywhere in TX, and in the bastion of technology as well. Jesus Christ man, the fucking Russia/Ukraine situation should be an eye opener for some folks…. But lo.
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