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Everything posted by miguelito

  1. Does anyone live in Tucson?
  2. Beau, I'll give you $5, no $10, if you can hit the umpire with one of those shrimps from the box seats.
  3. Good luck. We're all counting on you.
  4. Are we sure Dak's thumb wasn't broken in the first half, too?
  5. That ad coulda been better if they revealed the text from left to right, instead of right to left.
  6. There's already an R in Trump you stupid bitch. Not you, wash. Edit: Obviously I was responding to the wheel of fortune one. And fwiw there's already an L in lost.
  7. Using the Metro is super easy, but you have the know the station at the end of the line you want. You don't look for "the northbound train", or "the one that stops at Dupont." You need to know that Shady Grove is the end of the red line, and that Dupont is on that line. But just check out the maps in the stations and you'll be fine. And here's where I'll plug GCDC again. It's an awesome grilled cheese joint not far from the White House and the Renwick.
  8. Did the M&Ms melt? The jingle doesn't really specify what would happen there.
  9. Day game. Luis Castillo struck out the side in the first 2 innings. I'm quoting this just to remember to watch it later. Plus it was at the bottom of the last page. Thanks for posting.
  10. Looks like it's never going to rain again.
  11. Hey, at least it's charged and right side up.
  12. You can't make an omelet without shooting a 5 month old.
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