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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. Maybe she was auditioning for her selection by Trump to be his running mate. He hates dogs. What she did wouldn’t bother him in the least, being a pathetic excuse for a human being himself.
  2. He supports Trump. He’s just afraid to admit it because Trump is a piece of shit whom no decent person supports.
  3. Should’ve been talking about the Hokey Pokey. That’s what it’s all about.
  4. WhatTheBuck


    Everybody likes lesbians.
  5. Just admit you’re a Trump supporter already.
  6. We should start by banning cats.
  7. This is only tangential to the climate issue but The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan is a worthwhile read. A couple of the meals address the contrast between “industrial organic” and a more natural, holistic approach to organic farming. (I’m sure I could phrase that better if I had more time.) The final meal is all sourced by hunting and gathering. (The first meal was fast food.)
  8. Really frustrating moment during an interview of John Kirby by Willie Geist on Morning Joe today. In what looked like a totally staged question, Geist mentioned accusations of Israel committing genocide in Gaza and asked Kirby if he’d seen evidence of genocide in Gaza. Kirby of course said no, no, there’s no evidence of genocide in Gaza. Israeli soldiers aren’t getting up every morning, putting on their boots and saying I’m going to see how many civilians I can kill today. (Not a direct quote but that was the gist.) So no, Willie, there’s no genocide. Um, what about the tens of thousands of dead Palestinians? Women and children? More than 30 times as many Palestinians have been killed than Israelis who were killed by Hamas on 10/7. Cities have been leveled. They’re blocking aid and trying to starve the population. The killing isn’t about to stop. I see a whole lot of evidence of genocide. I get the political reality, that you can’t say yes, they’re committing genocide. But Jesus, don’t be so fucking clumsy and transparent in your denial. That show gets pretty heavy-handed in their full-throated defense of Israel (while still being highly critical of Netanyahu).
  9. Don’t ask if he can order the assassination of a political rival. Ask if he can order the assassination of a Supreme Court justice.
  10. That’s not how fisting works. I think you’re missing the concept.
  11. Denver omelettes. Pizza. Szechuan chicken. Pepper steak. Philly steak sandwiches. Italians like to stuff them. I’ve used them in my experiments with gallo pinto. (I’ve also used red.) Pretty tasty.
  12. But not too soon. He deserves to be miserable and humiliated for awhile.
  13. I picked up my habaneros (I’ll probably only pot one but they came in threes) a couple days ago and decided to also get a ghost pepper. That will be a first. I called back to the garden center for some additional info and learned they have scorpion peppers too. I just didn’t walk far enough down the aisle to find them. I’ll go back this weekend or so to get one of those. Very excited about that. They said they’ll be getting Carolina Reapers in. I’m not sure I want to bother with those on top of the other peppers. Maybe that’s too much to manage and my dehydrator is probably going to be working overtime as it is. But maybe I should get one anyway since the opportunity is there. I wouldn’t necessarily have to transplant it and put it outdoors. I could just maintain it and maybe flower it indoors under lights next winter.
  14. Tin soldiers and Abbott’s comin’
  15. Username checks out? I eat a lot less beef than I used to. I eat mostly chicken and pork. Sometimes I’ll go days without eating meat. Not out of a sense of moral responsibility or anything. Just a matter of ease and convenience. I can get by pretty well on fruit and nuts. I eat lots of apples and bananas and snack on peanuts daily. (And haven’t had a cold or anything else since before the pandemic) But yeah, I’m never giving up meat. I’m just one person. I don’t have kids. (Glad I don’t have to explain to them how their grandparents, aunt, and uncle are on the side of the people who royally fucked their environment…and their schools…) Yeah, I know it’s a little bit of a cop out but I’m making some changes and trying to advocate for more major change, the kind that can make a real difference. I try to avoid big industrial meat products as best as I can. The more local, the better. I’m sure I could be more rigorous about it than I am. But I won’t touch chicken from Tyson or Perdue.
  16. Our use of fossil fuels is the number one problem. If we don’t address that then switching to vegetarianism, which I am never going to do, won’t amount to much. Yes, the livestock issue is a problem. It’s not the main problem. And we’re not doing much to address the main problem. Jesus, we have a former president, who’s running for president again, who denies that global warming is real and is still chanting “Drill, baby, drill!”
  17. And you couldn’t be bothered to post a link to your admittedly questionably sourced quote.
  18. He didn’t stop defaming E. Jean Carroll after her second lawsuit cost him $83 Million, up from $5 Million for the first one. He’s a fucking child. He can’t help himself. He’s obnoxious and obscene and uncivilized. It’s who he is. He’ll never stop being a foul-mouthed lowlife.
  19. How’s that prediction working out for ya there, Stella? Not that I think the show doesn’t suck but they’re currently airing their sixth season.
  20. Fucking die already, Mitch. You know damn well it was Trump and that everything ties back to Trump and Russia and you were totally fine with it because you value power and party over the constitution.
  21. He’s a sycophant. Nothing more.
  22. Yes. He wrecked Trump the last time they were on the debate stage. Did you miss that? If you can’t tell that Biden is head-and-shoulders above Trump in terms of mental acuity, not to mention competence to do the job, then you’re either a child or a fucking moron.
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