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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. So probably asked and answered, but when was the last time no SEC team was in the championship game?
  2. Ha I just referenced that. Seen this one before.
  3. Where have I seen a time go up one with less than a minute only to lose it on a last second FG? Oh yeah..
  4. I would kindly like to ask 2022 to GTFO. I have never in my life wanted to put a year behind me more than this one. So, Mr. 2022, a bid you a fine
  5. We are absolutely atrocious on 3rd down defense. @PittsburghTiger your QB was more mobile than I thought he’d be.
  6. Texas shouldn’t get too down. It takes a really elite team to beat the Dawgs.
  7. “This drive can make or break Quinn Ewers”. WTF?
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