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Everything posted by Lidig8r

  1. From Far North Dallas, excited to be going to the game tomorrow with a hot, 20 year younger than me, MD/PhD ... (who looks upon me as a kindly, dad figure .... FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK), [no pics you heathen]
  2. 1. I still have my shirt like that. 2. Everytime I see a pic of you on here I think, "If Jesus was real cool" he would look like you. OH... and there should be a dude walking behind you at all times playing a loop of Crosby, Stills and Nash songs on a boom box as your "theme song." 3. Hook 'em.
  3. The solution is simple. But, the challenge presented to you brings intrigue. The solution? Find some Godless, red polyester wearing, toothless heathen on our side and say, "Hey Sport, I have a ticket on Satan's side. Let's switch." The challenge? See how much you can get him to pay you for that exchange. [Some initial advice ... use lots of small words.]
  4. The best part about her is the speed lane right down the center of her tongue. Prevents any "slippage."
  5. I had been to every Texas - ou game since 1978. Then... the year 2000 hit. My daughter was in the Indian Princesses at it just so happened that our weekend camp out was the weekend of the game. So, I had a choice ... go on a life enrichening experience with my daughter or go to the game and keep my streak alive! Let's just say... the corny dog were watered down and the beer sucked at the game! uh... yeah... no. The campout is at Turner Falls in Southern Oklahoma. So, here we are driving north on I35. Of course, my daughter wants to be in a car with 3 of her friends, soooo... I'm driving by myself. That sucks. And as we drive north, this army of cars driving south all with Ou flags flying on the cars is coming toward Dallas. I don't know why, but I start to think, "uh oh." Well, we crossed over the Oklahoma border and all of a sudden, the cars driving south come to a stop. The road is empty. I soon learn why. About a mile later, there is this horrific car accident. One car is literally cut in two. And a corpse is lying on the other side of the road with a tarp over it! Holy Cow. Well, we get to Turner Falls, the dads are all talking about, "Holy shit... that was unreal!" Very sobering. The girls are running around, laughing. As we all know, gameday, the skies open up.. it's cold as my first wife's left nipple. One dad had a portable radio (remember, this was before cell phones were what they are today)... and I caught the half time score. uggggggg. For the first time in my life, I am glad that I am not at the game. The whiskey and cigars at the campout were still good. But, man, that was a painful weekend.
  6. From Far North Dallas, while thinking about women's vaginas ...
  7. For people in the twilight of their chronological years, the word "Anthill" brings back memories of "The Anthill Mob." {For that matter, since Coach "Prime" is trying to get trademarks on 1,000,000,000 sayings, perhaps I should reserve that one. I could definitely see the LB crew becoming known as ... "The Anthill Mob." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_NR_ZXoGF0
  8. uggggggg... Sometimes the words are just not there. But, an unsolicited suggestion here. Start making audio recordings of you just talking with him. Get him to talk about his relationship with you, thank him for being there. Tell him how much it meant to you. A recorded transcription of the most important things in his life he can recall. Maybe then, find one of the more poignant stories he tells ... and play this for your kids. Let them here a message of past love and commitment and courage from your "real dad." In that way perhaps you aren't going to sound like a nag or a ghoul. The voice will be that of a man who made a difference in so many people's lives.
  9. I strongly believe that everyone handles their own adversity, their own obstacles, their own pain in individually unique ways. To compare your situation or obstacles to what you perceive other people's obstacles is a non-starter. Their obstacles are theirs. Their emotions, their strengths, their weaknesses, their pain, their resolve, are uniquely theirs. Yes, getting help for mental health issues is incredibly difficult. And to find a skilled professional who "clicks" with you is as difficult as finding a spouse. So many therapists are so fractured and in pain. In fact, many go into therapy to seek help or solutions for their own problems, through their patients ... counter-transference is very real. Why shouldn't you absolutely grill your therapist with any and all questions you have? They are asking you to trust them. They first need to establish that they are worthy of your trust by opening up. You are you. Embrace who you are ... your feelings, your emotions, your strength. And if you fear the ramifications? Remember what fear is. The only place that fear exists is within our thoughts of what might occur in the future. It does not currently exist and may not ever exist. And to let it control our actions and feelings is near insanity. Fuck fear! And if you get hurt.. and you very well may. Falling does not have to define us. As long as you pick yourself up and look to the future with even greater resolve.
  10. Fuck me. I am in tears reading this one. The strength in the human heart, in the soul can be so inspiring. Thank you to all who have opened up and contributed on this incredible thread. For me, it was like giving me a new suit of armor, a new sword and even greater steely resolve. Sometimes, in the most unexpected places, in the most unexpected ways, a light comes to you. And on a website filled with some of the most irreverent, assholish, reprobates known to human kind... comes this incredible gift. Again.. thanks to all.. And Hook 'em.
  11. YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD ... You had me... what a touching tribute and then, you pulled a Lucy and Charlie Brown on us. Well played sir.
  12. So, in addition to my daughter ... October 20 2019 (my birthday), am getting hammered with the SO and a doctor friend of mine at MiCo at Frankford and the Tollway. Big ass tornado hits. My dad, who is then at Presby Hospital (abdominal cancer) is wheeled into the central hallways at Presby (along with all of the other patients) because the tornado is approaching them. (It missed the hospital by about 8 blocks). Four days after that, October 24, 2019, my dad dies. October 30, 2019... annual death date of my daughter. February 2020, after my mom was at Medical City for a small stroke, she goes to a rehab place. I saw her once. Then Covid lockdown hits. I would never see her alive again. September 19, 2020, my mom dies in her sleep. Oct. 24 and 30th... death commemoration date. Nov. 10, 2020 I get a call from the Godless jezebel who was my older brother's wife. Told me he had a major heart attack. Ended up being heart arrythmia. The next day was told no brain function, being kept alive by life support. I have the Power of Attorney. Nov. 11, 2020, I go to my son's house. .. to see my new granddaughter. The first time I get to hold this new, precious life, I have to tell my son that I am flying to Florida that evening because I have to give the instructions to pull my brother off of life support. Needless to say, the tears are just pouring out as I am holding that new life. Nov. 13, 2020, instructions given. Life support pulled. Jan. 2021, .. I get a call from the really nice wife of my younger brother (in California). She says my brother just had a major heart attack. I think it's a joke, and a poor one at that. But nooooooo. She is hysterical, in tears... it was my younger brother who was then in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. A "widow maker" heart attack. Fortunately, that day, the hospital had a well known heart surgeon in attendance. My brother sent me 3 pictures showing his arteries pretty much completely closed ... and then, pretty much completely open within 10 minutes! He survived. That was a tough 15 months. Am still soldiering on. Either I am the most emotionally stunted man in the history of God ... or God still has plans for me.
  13. How aggy to pick out a certain year to attempt to support an unsupportable argument. Record against the Toadies ... 60 - 28 - 1 Record against Baylor ... 78 - 28 - 5 As for all of the Irate 8 ... I will look at us victorious on the scoreboard one last time, I may think, this may be the last time we play in my lifetime... AND THEN, I WILL THINK OF YOU NO MORE.
  14. So incredibly insightful! You are correct. We all handle adversity, stress, tragedy in accordance with our own gifts and deficiencies. Grief is as individual as our fingerprints. After my daughter died, I had a very dear friend send me a card that resonates with me to this day. It basically said ... When we must endure an unspeakable tragedy, people tend to react in three ways ... (1). It destroys them (see, Brian Loncar; (2). It defines them in a negative way and keeps them in a dusky twilight until the end of their days, or (3). It fills them with incredible resolve. I am so fortunate that my fate was the third path. I hope we all find strength in our lives.
  15. It's interesting. There have been a few Surlyites (Surlytians?) who have jumped in on this thread with attempted humor. And, there is no response in any way. (Until this post.) I can't help but wonder if those who did attempt humor in a thread clearly meant for those who have been through hell and back, have their own stories to tell and yet, maybe the pain is still too great to let it out. It's really not being an asshole. It's not humorous. I do sincerely hope that if there is trauma or some issue within them, they come to peace with it in some way. And for those who have come out the other side.. thank you. It is stories like yours that inspire. The press would have us believe the world is so dark now... what you have been through provides little glimmers of light. Keep it up.
  16. In the Help section of Surly, there is a thread entitled, Depression, OCD, and whatever else ails you between the ears. For those on here whose stories are incredible and so compelling, I strongly recommend reading that thread. My circumstances are on there. No reason for me to hop on here. Just know ... Boys... you are not alone.
  17. Reading this thread, we are addressing so much the receivers dropping passes, or Ewers not hitting open receivers, and so many other corporeal, tangible issues. Perhaps it is something else. When VY was playing, and game was on the line, we knew ... we knew that his freakish athletic ability would kick in and pull out the game. But, it was more than that. Itwas something intangible... that quality, for lack of a better word, he had "its." With Colt, when the game was on the line, it was his incredible accuracy, this coolness under fire. When we had to rely on a last minute drive, the vast majority of times ... Colt delivered. Was he ever a great athlete? NO. But, there was just something intangible about him... he had "It." With Ewers? A million dollar arm. But, some of the decisions he has made in his life, both big and small, makes us wonder. Makes us question. When Ewers comes into the game, and the game is on the line ... do we get that VY feeling? Do we get that Colt feeling? Do we really sit back and with great confidence think, "he's got this. We are about to see greatness?" I can't tell you how much I hope I am wrong on this.. and I am typing this after about 4, 1792 whiskey neats, but I just have never seen that "intangible quality" with Ewers. Yes, last year's Ou game was magical. Same at Bama. So Ewers ... show us all that I am filled with pablum and smegma from my second ex-wife's vagina. Show us.
  18. The bookend juxtaposition is pretty remarkable. Bama's run starts with a double digit win over Texas after Colt gets hurt, Gilbert not ready for the big stage. Texas with a double digit win, Milroe not ready for the big stage. Texas in Stormtrooper Whites, Bama in Crimson. Same. Mack goes away from the offense which brought such success and wants to play smash mouth in the future. Saban wants to play smash mouth football. There was talk that had Texas won that game, Mack would step down. The writing was on the wall. Saban looks tired. Fan rumblings have started. Undoubtedly, the Tide will remain good for awhile. But, the monster they were? When Saban steps down or is forced out ... Is Bama doomed to hire their version of Coach Potato?
  19. Damn! Those blue pills ARE strong!
  20. George Sauer, one of 4 Longhorns to first win a Super Bowl. 1969 New York Jets. He caught 8 passes for 133 yards in Super Bowl III ... from Joe Namath. The other 3 Horns? Tight end Pete Lammons, defensive lineman John Elliot and defensive back Jim Hudson. Hudson was the quarterback who threw a 69 yard touchdown pass in the 1965 Orange Bowl to help defeat No. 1 ranked Alabama. The quarterback for that Bama Team? Joe Namath. The person who caught Hudson's touchdown pass in that Orange Bowl? George Sauer. And now you know... the rest of the story.
  21. From North Dallas, and the back of a Longhorn, hoping MiningHorn brings back some cuban cigars for me from Australia ...
  22. You shut your dirty whore mouth!!! (with some due respect, not all, just some). We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Corch Norvell. In 2015, we were smack dab right in the middle of the "Desert of Potatoes" led by that feckless illiterate, Coach Potato. Going into the Texas - ou game, our record was 1 - 4. We had lost to Notre Dame 38 - 3; lost to Cal ! 45 - 44; lost to Okie Lite 30 - 27, and; lost to TCu 50 -7. We were dead on arrival. Ou was 4 - 0, ranked No. 10, led by Baker Fucking Mayfield. An ou team that would play Clempson in the playoffs. And yet, for one glorious afternoon, it seemed like we knew what play Ou was going to run before they did. Shifts before snaps putting us in just the right place. Our offense taking advantage of their weakness. And for some reason, known only to God and broccoli, we prevailed 24 - 17. How and why? Between 2011 - 2014, Corch Norvell was the Assistant OC and WR coach at ou. He was shitcanned by Goiter Boy in January 2015. 2 weeks later, Coach Potato hires him as our WR coach. That one glorious day in the Cotton Bowl, Norvell knew what ou was going to do. And naturally, he would be bitter because Coach Goiter set him up as the fall guy for ou's wretched playoff performance. Norvell got his revenge. Thanks Coach.
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