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Everything posted by Guadaloopy

  1. All three runs on Bregs that inning.
  2. And now you know... the rest of the Story.
  3. We viewed from an elephant sanctuary in Hugo, OK. For the 2.5 hours before the eclipse, we had pretty heavy cloud cover. But no shit, not ten minutes before totality, we started to see tiny breaks in the clouds and caught glimpses of the eclipse in progress. Less than a minute before totality, an opening came in the clouds that lasted for the entire totality! What was really cool is that during the totality, the elephants started trumpeting. A surreal experience!
  4. Ok. I’m back in. Rest of the season starts today!
  5. Are you kidding? In these dark days, he was our lone beacon of hope.
  6. Yeah, that’s an error. Whine more, Angels.
  7. This is usually me, but there is usually some bad luck or a key injury to help me look forward to brighter days. Outside of the two wins, we have seen a LOT of bad baseball. Bad approaches at the plate. Badly located pitches. Bad base-running. Starting pitching has been the one slightly bright spot, and even that has faltered a couple of times. Bregs looks horrible. J. Abreu looks even worse so far than he did while purportedly injured last year. Altuve is hitting, but his TOOTBLANing is worse. Despite some decent results, Yordan has been missing a lot of meaty pitches. I can’t even begin to talk about the bullpen. Of course it can all turn around, but I’m seeing more worrisome signs than bright spots for now. I’ll always root for this team and hold out hope, but my confidence in them is fading rapidly.
  8. Altuve’s gonna keep running those bases like a madman, until there’s a free run on the table. That’s when you stop. It’s not worth it unless there’s a degree of difficulty attached. I am not as confident as I was three days ago.
  9. See, we even chose not to take that free third run. We are confident that two is the right number for us. You just wait.
  10. Good opportunity to get Singleton more ABs. Always a good call, Joe.
  11. One of these days we will hold you fucks to one run and our two runs will reign supreme. Who’ll be laughing then, huh?
  12. His TOOTBLANs are cute when we are winning.
  13. Yep. We have an every day starter at an offensive position with a .226 OPS.
  14. Doesn’t matter if you follow it up with two weak fly outs. Lineup looks anemic and the bullpen has long COVID. This is tough to watch. And here comes Montero to seal it.
  15. JP doesn’t deserve to be on the hook for this.
  16. That wasn’t much fun. Get ‘em tomorrow.
  17. Lotta season to go. Hell… lotta this series to go. Astros ain’t done.
  18. Yep... It's impossible to read scripture without doing a lot of inference and interpretation. I try to default to the reading that is more inclusive and accepting of those on the margins. You know, like Jesus did.
  19. It must explode some Christians' heads to realize that the very first account of a Gentile being baptized and receiving the Spirit occurred with a non-binary individual - the Ethiopian Eunuch. And I wonder how they deal with the story of Joseph and his "coat of many colors", knowing from the story that Joseph was very "different" from his brothers and that the Hebrew word for the technicolor dream coat (ketonet passim) was only used one other time in scripture, and that was referring to a bridal gown. At a minimum, Joseph was brash and flamboyant, but a rational inference can be made that he was a cross dresser. There are plenty of examples in Scripture of people that didn't fit the mold who were called, accepted, and blessed by God. "What God has cleansed, no longer call unholy."
  20. Take it easy fellas. You can't be that rough on the CLT.
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