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Everything posted by Guadaloopy

  1. Not in the theme of the thread, but I got upgraded to FSD 12.3 on Saturday. I have used it for six trips so far involving rural roads, highway driving, construction zones, city driving, and stop and go traffic. It performed extremely well and feels much smoother and more natural like a human driver. This version isn’t just an incremental improvement. It is a significant jump in performance, and IMHO lives up to the hype.
  2. Well I was wrong. Not sure why I didn’t recognize Saul as the Luo Ji character. Pretty obvious in hindsight. This ended up being an amazing adaptation of a really difficult book series to bring to life. Standing ovation from me.
  3. Bidet provides minimal relief. Better than paper for sure, but my experience was still pretty rough.
  4. Already posted in the Netflix thread. I’ve read the books and was a little thrown by some of the narrative changes for the first two episodes. I’ve since gotten past that and have been pleasantly surprised by how well they’ve done with the overall adaptation. They’ve blown through the material and were through the first book in five episodes. Sixth episode jumps right into the beginning of the third book. I still have the last two episodes to go and am wondering how they are going to bring Luo Ji in, but it kinda looks like they are transforming Ye Wenjie to take over his character’s arc? This would make sense as she was the one who set Luo Ji on his path in book 2. Definitely some interesting creative choices to make changes to the book, but I think they are working. I’m overall pretty impressed with it.
  5. Now through episode 5 and my initial concerns have been completely overcome. They have done an amazing job adapting the first book, which episode 5 completes. All of the changes so far have purpose in simplifying the narrative and adding depth to the motivations of the antagonists. I’m very impressed.
  6. Probably doesn’t even speak Japanese like one of those ASL fakers. Next up as Shohei’s interpreter is this guy, who’s currently unemployed:
  7. Overall, really enjoying this, but If I were coming into this cold, I know I would enjoy it a lot more. A big piece is lost when you know the answer to the central mystery of the show. It's very well-acted so far and looks great. As a book nerd, I have thoughts on the first two episodes. SPOILERS inside.
  8. Did he really walk up to a Bruno Mars song today? If that’s true… major lulz.
  9. Everyone who confuses causation with correlation is going to die.
  10. Finland is 90+% Finns. The degree of difficulty in instilling and acting on a common set of values is orders of magnitude lower in a racially and culturally homogenous population. It's not about them "doing the work" so much as the fact that they have far fewer societal obstacles to overcome than a pluralistic society like the US. Whether we like it or not, the tribal instinct is deeply ingrained in our psychology and it significantly hinders our ability to work together on common solutions. It's a hard problem to navigate.
  11. Ody is chill in the back and Penny looks like she’s seen some stuff.
  12. We are suckers for these too. Started watching "The Vow" last week, but they have really drug this one out. 2 Seasons? WTF?
  13. Walking away from $100M+ guaranteed is the level of "fuck the Yankees" I aspire to.
  14. Yeah, seems like a no brainer. The only thing I don’t like is the post ‘24 option.
  15. I did not want to leave CA. Ever. But the housing situation is horribad. Younger people really struggle to find affordable housing, which resulted in a huge explosion of multi-generational families in our neighborhood. Noise went up. Street parking blew up. My wife was about to lose her shit with the lack of peace. In early 2021, she told me that we needed to move or she was going to go insane. We are pretty well set financially, but there was absolutely no place in SoCal that had the peace we needed that we could afford without taking out another 30-yr mortgage. Fuck that. I want to retire someday. We took advantage of the crazy real estate rush mid-COVID and bolted. Now instead of never retiring, we brought the retirement horizon in by at least a decade by leaving CA. I imagine a lot of people leaving CA have done that same math.
  16. Tulsa. Oklahoma is still batshit crazy, but it's within a half day's drive of both sets of aging parents and just feels less aggressive. Or maybe it's just that I don't have a love for Oklahoma, so it doesn't break my heart every day like living in Texas would.
  17. Good Stuff, Brisket. Texas is a complicated place, and I have a complicated relationship with it. I haven't lived in the state for nearly three decades, but I've never gone more than 12 months without at least a short visit. Three years after leaving Texas, I found myself drunk in a tattoo shop in Pacific Beach, CA getting the Texas flag embossed over my heart to symbolize how deeply the state was embedded in my heart. The ink has faded over the years in perfect correlation with how strongly I feel connected to the state. When I first left, there was no doubt in my mind that someday I would return to live there again. Around 2012, I started to feel some doubt about ever living in Texas again. In 2021, when my wife and I decided to leave CA, she asked me if I wanted to move to Texas. I answered without hesitation, "Hell no." I can't put my finger on a specific reason other than it feels "mean" and "angry" after I'm back in Texas for a bit. I used to feel proud to be from Texas, but that pride has been tempered greatly, almost to the point it shades towards embarrassment. I hate that feeling. That said, I'm always happy to return for a visit. But sadly, I'm always happy to leave again.
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