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Everything posted by Guadaloopy

  1. This is so maddening. I've been working very closely with Fertility Healthcare for over two years now. About 75% of my billable hours are in support of a Fertility Healthcare company that owns clinics in CA, WA, UT, ID, NV, TN, and VA. The fundies don't want to shut them down because they have "right to life" concerns. They want to shut them down because a VERY large percentage of business for these clinics is for LGBTQIA+ intended parents. It's such a disingenuous culture war play.
  2. Did they just rip Song of Songs out of their Bibles?
  3. It is also the second shortest walk-off contact of Breg's career: https://www.mlb.com/news/alex-bregman-delivers-walk-off-to-seal-win-c285231446?partnerID=web_article-share
  4. Getting familiar vibes as seen in the Facebook thread. Didn't you move from Austin to Colorado, Justin?
  5. Quite envious. I'm a few years too young to have made it to any of their performances. Growing up, I went to Church with David Bean's parents in Pearland. Never had a chance to meet him as he's about 10 years older than me, but amongst the teenagers in the congregation, he was a mythical creature.
  6. Can't have a Guyana thread without this:
  7. First post that is immediately familiar with shag/surl vernacular. Def not a sock.
  8. We are so fucking dumb. Medieval Friar 1: "Hey, I've noticed that the people in the Jewish part of town don't seem to be contracting the plague hardly at all. Could it be that the ritual cleansing that is part of their religious observances might prevent disease." Medieval Friar 2: "No way. They aren't getting it, so they must be immune, which means they must be the source! Plus, they killed Jesus!"
  9. GOT-damn. Haven't heard that song in years, and I am now sitting in my office on a random Tuesday afternoon with tears in my eyes. You know.... I used to think it was Top Gun that set me on my path to a career in the Navy, but it damn sure may have been this video.
  10. This stupid "joke" is already played out. At this point, it is just a lame excuse for white guys to sorta kinda say the n-word and make racist jokes with relative impunity.
  11. As long as it's no higher than 7th. Let that flash in the pan 2-hole experiment stay dead.
  12. You mean we're not going to make a video doing the other schools' cheers and telling them "Howdy" like a bunch of simps? We don't need to present ourselves ass first to the rest of the conference hoping desperately to be liked? Nope. We can just step through the door and say "We live here now".
  13. The one that has been getting me lately is semis getting over into the left lane with little or no notice because there is a vehicle stopped ahead on the right shoulder, even if the vehicle is well clear of the road. I can't tell you how many times I've had to jam on the brakes to avoid getting smashed when a truck does this. Yes, I understand that they do it for "safety" reasons, but it pretty much defeats the purpose of a safety measure when you create another unsafe situation by doing it.
  14. When the fuck did people stop enunciating the letter "T" in their speech. I want to go Loudermilk on these people about a half dozen times a day. Motherfucker, it's pronounced "but-ton", not "buh-un".
  15. Now do Mahomes and McCaffrey.
  16. I don’t think Helo started out doing a bit all the time, but he has definitely evolved into doing a bit all the time. It used to feel like, “hey, I’ve got this crazy opinion that I’ll toss out to the group.” Now it feels like, “what’s the craziest possible take I can toss out to the group to get a reaction.”
  17. That was an entertaining night of football, made even better by watching people get ten shades of butthurt about manufactured culture war bullshit. Hats off to Kelce for achieving the pinnacle of “two things at once.”
  18. Dune Pt 1 back in theaters before Pt 2 comes out. Much better in the theatre.
  19. This is just my opinion, so be patient and hear me out... but fuck the Yankees.
  20. No way am I going to let the ‘Tuve news overshadow that our boy Doobie got his extra half mil today.
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