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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. An EMP that took out their TVs and cell phones, they would drink themselves to death within the month. In the US, it would probably take 3-4 months. CHIEF
  2. CHIEF

    Kidney Stones

    My God, what have I done. I'm having a little bit of tenderness in my left kidney, so I thought I just might read this thread. The only time I have seen my father cry was from a kidney stone. Mrs. CHIEF said her father said his kidney stone pain was worse than the pain from having his ribs split for a triple bypass. I am kind of a pussy when it comes to pain. I am scared to death. So far I have ordered the supplement that Par4's buddy sells. I am about to order the Chanca Piedra, and potassium nitrate.I told my son that we are both going to get on the supplements. I drink about 64-96 ounces of water daily, but I know he doesn't. Sounds like you wouldn't wish it on anyone, except Putin. CHIEF
  3. "Pretty ordinary" like, they are just hiding on the backside of Uranus? CHIEF
  4. My son has them on his single cab Ram 1500 4x4, they are great, especially for the money. We were able to take the leveling kit off the front, and level it with the Bilsteins. When it got to wet at the deer lease, we went to the blind in his truck. Huge ledges, washes, rocks, it didn't have any issues. Rides smooth on the highway as well as off-road. He has about 40k miles in them. CHIEF
  5. CHIEF Jr. is a wizard at GD&T, this contact knows this. Apparently Lockheed has a real shortage in that department, but without key words and phrases in other areas of his resume/cover letter, he wouldn't even get an interview. CHIEF
  6. Thanks for this JJ. We have an "in" for CHIEF Jr. at Lockheed. He has been working on his resume for over a week to get those "key words" in with the help of his deceased mentor's supervisor. Completely restructured the order of his cover letter and made other changes probably a dozen times. He has been told which departments are short of engineers with his specific skillset, and has been told to point his arrow at those targets specifically with the redesigned resume/cover letter, or he won't see the light of day. His contact loathes the HR department. Looks like he isn't the only one. CHIEF
  7. Yep. Really tough. But I don't want to see her sit in the shop so long that the seals, bushings, and cv boots dry rot. My Polaris Ranger has taken her place as my daily driver. She will make someone a damn fine vehicle. Someone could restore her to new condition for less than $2500, drive her another 150k miles, and overhaul the engine and drive her another decade or two. CHIEF
  8. Well, Mrs. CHIEF has finally decided to let go of her 4Runner instead of letting it sit unused in my shop. We bought it new from South Point, in Austin, in 2003. It is a bone stock. I was waiting for a Limited, but the sales guy called me when this loaded out Sport model came in. It is one owner, accident free. It has the 4.7 V8, five speed auto, AWD/4LO, has the electric locking axles, leather guts, and a sunroof. The paint is faded on the hood scoop, and has some rock chips. It has 254k miles on the clock, but has never needed anything other than routine maintenance (oil change, CV axles, timing chain has 54k miles on it). It has things that are wrong with a 20 year old vehicle, seats and dash have cracks from sitting in the sun at work, the above mentioned paint. But, it has easily been the best vehicle we have ever owned. But has been sitting in my shop on and off for about four years. She has been a loaner car for when friends and family needed her. Since we both love this car dearly, I decided not to make a hunting rig out of it. But I am looking for someone else that would love "Ol' Hoopty" and would give her the proper love and care that she deserves. I would not be afraid to jump in her right now and drive to Fairbanks, AK. I don't think she has it in her to be a daily driver again, but would make for a great second car, or a vehicle for a stay at home mom. It is the most capable vehicle I have ever owned, it was our transportation during Snowmageddon in Feb. of '21. I buried our TJ Jeep in blow sand one time (it was on off-road tires) took her out there on street tires, and pulled it out. When my wife decided to let her go, this thread was the first thing I thought about. The Surlyites that love their off-road vehicles. If anyone is interested please send me a DM. CHIEF
  9. Yep. At least get it back in our hemisphere. Nuevo Laredo, Juarez, or TJ, close to the border. CHIEF
  10. It's not like their isn't plenty of rare earth metals, here, in the US. We just need to go ahead and cut the cord and mine them here, and the US needs to produce 100% of our own semiconductors and microchips. CHIEF
  11. So Bob Stoops bought some property on the Texas coast? CHIEF
  12. Same image as Google Earth, about 4 years old.
  13. Definitely not. Rain and plenty of forage make for tremendous horn growth. I'm stoked, but fucked. CHIEF
  14. One of my neighbors and a good friend actually built the pipeline across the east boundary. I can ask him tomorrow if there is a way to get something to look at. CHIEF
  15. The lease, where I hunt, between Benjamin and Guthrie has been hit by two years worth of rainfall in one month. All of the roads to camp are washed out. We have been considering a helicopter to take us to camp, drive in as far as possible and try to get a drone in. We have had a few storms with probable 100 mph winds and large hail. Google Earth hasn't taken an image since before our camp was even there. Is there a website that has somewhat current satellite imagery? I would pay for it. How current of imagery can a civilian get? Thirty days, two weeks, three days? CHIEF
  16. Mrs. CHIEF used to do that. "Derek and Angela, just got back from Cabo, and Derek caught a huge....." (stops mid-sentence to slice a tomato razor thin). I just told her, "well, you know what they say....." and walked out of the room. CHIEF
  17. I lived in Durango for a year and a half, and really loved it. It has a small liberal arts college, Ft. Lewis, where I went my freshman year. Had a season pass to Purgatory (25-30 minutes away). Durango is in the "banana belt". Overnight snow tended to melt off by the middle of the day. There are great streams to fish, hiking trails, golf courses, bars, restaurants, City Market grocery stores, etc. Mesa Verde is over in Cortez, you have Silverton and Ouray to the north with hundreds of miles of jeep trails, public land to hunt, with thousands of elk coming downslope to the Animas river valley in winter. You will have professors from the college, to meet, for intellectual conversations and a place to go to concerts. There would be likeminded musicians, if you wanted to start up a band. I'm not sure about the healthcare, but MoJames should know because he lives there and is a physician. There are direct flights into Dallas, or Houston from La Plata County Airport. Jump on a connecting flight, and you are back in Austin. CHIEF
  18. CHIEF Jr. was 4 months old, sitting on his momma's hip sucking on a pacifier the last time eggy won anything of note (1998). He is now a 25 y.o. ME, and would have to carry his momma on his hip. That's what I tell aggies at our 19th Hole when they tell me Texas is irrelevant. CHIEF
  19. This is the way it will end. CHIEF
  20. The US has multiple Rare Earth resources, one being Round Top mountain out near Sierra Blanca: https://www.usgs.gov/news/technical-announcement/usgs-updates-mineral-database-gallium-deposits-united-states But US mining corporations are having difficulty raising the capital to get mining operations off the ground: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4561612-texas-mineral-resources-round-top-seems-stalled If this isn't a time to get funding from the US government on basis of national and economic security, then when? There is more than enough money in the PUF alone to fund this venture, and it seems like a good one. It would really drive home, "What Starts Here Changes the World." (Walter Cronkite) CHIEF
  21. It was mainly rednecks that live in a $150k house, I imagine, but with wakeboard boats and trucks that cost more than their house individually. I know several of those types. CHIEF
  22. Curfews and quite hours are because a lot of idiots want to have parties and loud music going 24/7 during their stay. Some of the AirBnB locations are right in the middle of neighborhoods with working families. We had two houses, in our neighborhood, that people purchased for AirBnB party pads. After about 2-3 bookings where the clients stayed up and partied by the pool, threw beer cans in the neighbor's yard, and got into yelling matches at three in the morning, the HOA shut them down, and made a rule eliminating AirBnBs. Apparently, communities all over the nation are doing this using HOAs or deed restrictions. Idiots are the reason we cannot have nice things. CHIEF
  23. There was a YouTube poster saying that Putin had reversed his amnesty plan on Porgy. I was going to post it, but it got taken down. It will probably happen, but at a later date. The plot just thickens. CHIEF
  24. They will never get there. Their weirdness, and cultish behavior will always be off-putting to at least one of the missing pieces. They will always be Bruno Kirby's Lt. Steve Hauk, to everyone else's Robin Williams' Adrian Cronauer in Good Morning Vietnam. CHIEF
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