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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. Shit, CHIEF Jr. used his .20 youth on opening day when he was 8. Gave it back to me and picked up my .12. I don't think he was on the North side of 80 lbs. yet. Monster is big enough to swing an 870. CHIEF
  2. Well, he left with two quarts of moonshine, fifths of tequila and bourbon, a case of beer, Cuban cigars, $13k worth of shotguns, and my AR with the thermal. My last bit of advice was to find which direction the birds are coming from and hunker down behind the tank dam. Gonna be a shit show, but kids are gonna kid. Only saving grace is that they are all rural kids with years of experience with guns in their hands.I'm sure his momma is gonna check on him every 5 minutes. CHIEF
  3. The R8 and Lamborghini Gillardo use the same platform, same engine, and same AWD. About 7 years ago, I bought CHIEF Jr. one of the exotic car driving experiences, here, at our local track in Cresson. It was several hours, so you get to shoot the shit with drivers and mechanics. I asked one of them which car was the most reliable one out here. He immediately said the Gillardo. It had 70k miles on it, and all were hard track miles (500-600 per weekend, sunup to sundown). Every mile throughly thrashed and beat on. The only thing they had done to it was re-flash the computer twice, and doubled up on maintenance (oil change every other weekend). It was hard to believe, as they also had a 911, GTR, Lotus, Viper, and Corvette as well as other cars. CHIEF
  4. Option check made out to the seller. It just gets receipted by the Title Company now. I'm with Dbeasy, it is glorious. You no longer have to try to meet up with the buyer or buyer agent at a specific time and place. Just drop everything off at the Title company. CHIEF
  5. Yep. Been doing it for only about a month or two. CHIEF
  6. Will probably be a couple after this weekend. CHIEF
  7. In Texas, the buyer would be in default after 3 days. As a realtor I would try to get some of the option money, but our Option money in my area is usually less than $500. It's not worth going to court over, and it is generally the buyer agent that ends up with the most egg on his face. I've had a buyer agent pay the Option fee out of his own pocket to not look like a dope, and salvage his reputation of not bringing squirrelly buyers that won't fund their contracts. CHIEF
  8. CHIEF Jr. was going to go to the deer lease this weekend but forgot that he is supposed to go to a buddie's bachelor party. The bachelor party is a dove hunt in De Leon. Ten drunk guys in their early 20's with guns. What could go wrong? CHIEF
  9. In Texas, that $800 option would let the buyer walk away for any reason during the Option Period, bad inspection report, bad appraisal, changed their mind, etc... The escrow money ($20k) would only go hard after the option period. The buyer would only be entitled to it after the Option Period. If the buyer backed out before the option check was given to them, or the Title company, that would have to be hashed out between the former buyer's representative and seller's representative. Are you saying the Option Period was essentially zero days? I have seen that in a few instances around here, where a buyer is basically saying, "I'm buying the house, no matter what." CHIEF
  10. I don't know California's Option and Escrow deadlines, but in Texas, it is 72 hours, with Sundays, and holidays extending it. We never go over 48 hours. Did they cancel the contract before the California deadline? CHIEF
  11. Wood privacy, or ornamental steel? Steel prices are up 245% for the year. Also skilled labor is through the roof. https://www.mining-technology.com/comment/us-steel-prices-remain-high-into-2022/ CHIEF
  12. Well, our Marine is out. He was one of the ones chosen to escort our 13 dead Marines back home. He is young, bulletproof, and in a way can be careless. His biggest objection? Not being able to deal out retribution. Hopefully he will grow out of that, and live a long eventually uneventful life. Retribution would have only ended with him being killed also. He has a young wife and child that depend on him, and a family back home in Texas that loves him dearly. It is selfish, the kind of selfishness that one can admire, but selfish none the less. All of those killed were friends, and fellow Marines, but wisdom says it's time to live to fight another day. I understand being defensive against insurmountable odds, but not going on the offense. Fear is a good thing, its what keeps you alive. Rage will get you killed. CHIEF
  13. Easy, by their foreskin. CHIEF
  14. The concrete guys in our market are $275/day. About 3/4s don't speak English, but are knocking out about $60-70k per year. They have newer trucks and trailers than I have. CHIEF
  15. Mine too. Hill Wheatley made the best moonshine in the Bosque, Hill, Hood, and Somervell county area. I never could figure out why my Grandfather's younger brother didn't like his older sister's husband. Before my grandfather died, he told me it was because my Uncle Frank had stiffed his little brother when he smuggled 300 quarts of moonshine out to Sweetwater. Apparently it was pretty dangerous. I asked my grandfather why they didn't just build a still out in Sweetwater. He looked at me like I was an idiot and said "how hard do you think it would be to hide a still in Sweetwater. You can stand on a tuna can and see everything going on in three counties." CHIEF
  16. Those are my two as well. Whole family takes them. CHIEF
  17. Got a call from Kellie, she is a little more than just a neighbor, she is my wife's best friend. So Mrs. CHIEF has been her shoulder to cry on, encourager, optimist, and ledge guard. Her son is uninjured and ok, that's all we know. Don't know about anyone else in his unit. His mom is relieved but, of course, can't sleep and is glued to the TV. CHIEF
  18. You can get into a very nice modular for $80-100 sq/ft. You can have a slab poured to put it on, but that is generally a problem in remote areas where concrete trucks may have to come from over 100 miles away. Some modulars come with the slab already attached. They just put all the pieces together, on site, like a giant jigsaw puzzle. You couldn't get a house built in somewhere like Creede or Silverton under $200 sq/ft. stick built with a slab. CHIEF
  19. We saw a picture on CNN the other day. It was a Marine giving fist bumps to some Afghan kids. They were by a wall. Not sure if it was inside or outside the airport, but we are about 90% sure it was him. He is also a "door kicker". We are all just praying and waiting on a phone call. CHIEF
  20. That looks awesome. Nothing like what I saw today. It's angular, no soft edges, the way a Bronco is supposed to be. CHIEF
  21. Saw my first new Bronco today. It was a sport model with OEM wheels and tires. It looked like a Fiat 500 on steroids from the rear. Not a good look. CHIEF
  22. All of the ones are disabled in every pickup we own. Our subdivision is all private roads, Rangers, Mules, golf carts, you can drive anything. Just read your owner's manual, it will tell you how to disable it. Click, unclick, click, unclick with the key in a certain position etc. CHIEF
  23. That MC location shut down after failing their first three health inspections. I don't know how I remember that. But I remember seeing it on the news right before I moved out of Austin. Never ate there. CHIEF
  24. In remote areas, sure? My wife is a high-up in Commercial modular, but one of the execs that left the company does modular homes. Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, remote Colorado, you are looking at twice as much for stick built. CHIEF
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