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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. That's the airport where I learned to fly. People buy those little Grumman Yankees because they are cheap. But there is a reason, they are a bitch to fly, not really a good trainer or first plane to own. CHIEF
  2. We watched about 7 of them while sitting in his blind one night, through the thermal. Big bastards looked like year old bear cubs. He was there last weekend and he estimated there was 300 lbs. souring on the ground under the feeder. Our feeder is going to be on that bluff on the river (posted picture), so we will have more coons for sure. CHIEF
  3. My buddy, at the lease, has been losing about 40% of his protein out of his feeder to coons. He sent me this link: https://www.coonhood.com . We are about to put out a 1500 lb. protein feeder, so I ordered these to keep the coons out. They are expensive, but will pay for themselves within 6 months. CHIEF
  4. I'm not sure about the utilities. They have their own dozer and fencing guys. Those were decent margins pre-pandemic. I haven't talked to him since, they may have crazy margins now. They were using their own money, and sold all of the tracts relatively quick. It was a decent return for not having a crazy amount of exposure in the stock market. The good thing about land, they aren't making any more of it. If it is still ginning along this year, I may throw some cash into the pot, or I may do the same thing in our area. A few years ago there was 950 acres for sale, down the road, for $2900/acre. I tried to talk my Dad into buying it and cutting it up. Tracts in this area go routinely for about $8k to 12k/acre. CHIEF
  5. Have a guy that we tailgate with that does this in the outlying counties around Austin and Belton. They buy 200-600 acre ranches and divide them up. They usually by at $7000-8000/acre, and divide it up in 10-50 acre tracts. They go ahead and survey it, and fence the tracts. They put gravel roads to all of the properties, and clean out from under the big oaks, then sell it for $10k-12/acre. Theses were pre-pandemic prices, I'm sure the pricing structure is different now. CHIEF
  6. CHIEF


    Buddy that I tailgate with, and now hunt with is VP of clinical development at QuVa Pharmaceutical in Belton. He has a pharmaceutical degree from UT. He has been to countless seminars on Alzheimers. He said the closest he has seen for a cure is walking at least 4000 steps per day. The brain scans show that to be the greatest benefit. My MIL and her brother both have it. MIL is a paraplegic in a wheelchair, so she is shit out of luck. But her brother can still get around real well, but he sometimes wonders off. Their mother had it. I plan on buying a cattle prod to use on Mrs. CHIEF if she starts to develop symptoms. CHIEF
  7. Not to mention the litigation a homeowner could be exposed to for not disclosing something, or it doesn't get caught by an inspector. Encroachments, easements, verified square footage, the list just goes on. Do you think an 85 year old widow that is downsizing could keep herself out of court? CHIEF
  8. The conch ceviche at Bob Marley's is killer. I eat it every time we run down to Punta Sur. CHIEF
  9. We always advise to let a property show at least through one weekend. You never know when someone that works during the week sees a property on a Saturday or Sunday and absolutely falls in love and will bid whatever amount is needed to be the picked contract. CHIEF
  10. That's what CHIEF Jr. is getting. He just needs a reg, BC, and a tank, then he can go dive Wheeler Branch to his heart's content. CHIEF
  11. What I love about it, it's like golf. Our trip in 2018, there was couple diving the reefs with us that were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. They were in their late 70's. The old man even climbed into the dive boat with his tank still on. CHIEF
  12. Lobo, in this unprecedented seller's market where buyers are buying sight unseen REX makes some sense. If you are comfortable with getting the average price per square foot in your neighborhood, and if your house is nothing special, go for it. If the buyer has an agent you will still be responsible for their commission. The discount brokers around here charge 4%, 1% for them and 3% for the buyer's agent. On houses, we list, over $750k we charge 5% currently. I'm sure their is someone doing the same in your area. You need to decide if 1-2% of your home's value is enough money, that you are willing to take on the time and responsibility of all negotiations, time sensitivity of documents, negotiating repairs, picking offers that have the best chance of getting a finalized contract, etc. If you work 50-60 hours away from home, it's going to require a considerable amount of your work time. You will be the one responsible for scheduling repairs and letting the repairmen in and out. CHIEF
  13. Doing a Twilight with Aldora on the early August trip. Two of the guys with us will have less than 10 dives. One, it will be about his 5th or 6th dive. Mrs. CHIEF is even going. CHIEF
  14. Didn't Missionary Ridge burn about 15-20 years ago? It's up by Villacito and Lemon correct? CHIEF
  15. Yeah, there are going to be occasional problems. The first dive on the last day a couple of years ago (about our 15th or so dive ever) my wife's mask wouldn't seal properly, and kept flooding. We were on the East side and only in about 40 feet of water, I could tell she was frustrated as hell, and headed to the surface. I was about 90% sure that was going to be her last dive ever. Dario, our divemaster, followed her up, he told me to just stand pat. After about 5 minutes, here they came back down, crisis averted. As a new diver, it's easy to panic, or quit. Good on you for climbing back in the saddle. Both times I have dove Cozumel I have seen people quit diving after a panic attack. Not just women, but athletic young men as well. Not sure if that's the norm or an exception, always new divers, or people that haven't dove in years that treat it like riding a bike. Our first dive is usually Columbia Deep, probably my favorite. The coral spires rise up from the bottom like a small Monument Valley. Probably my favorite place to be on this planet. CHIEF
  16. Troph, are they keeping y'all in shallower reefs with your kids, or are they letting y'all go deeper than 60'? CHIEF
  17. Had a buddy with an early 60's Impala in high school. He, and his two brothers would sleep in the trunk on camping trips/pasture parties. Plenty of room to stretch out for all three of them at 6' and 150-160 lbs. CHIEF
  18. One of the kids (well 25) that is going to Coz with us at the end of July was in that group at Travis yesterday finishing his certification. He said it wasn't bad at all, the instructor said they usually need flashlights, but not yesterday. CHIEF
  19. This. Spend the extra $17, it even comes with a couple of drink stubs. CHIEF
  20. Getting out of the big city is the best thing I ever did. It has probably put 10 extra years on my life. Never having to deal with traffic, an HEB 15 minutes away, deer and golfers to watch, having a shop to tinker around. The main thing I missed, moving from Austin, was Vietnamese and good Chinese food. But, it has made me incredible at cooking foods that I miss, and a good bowl of Pho is only 45 minutes away. CHIEF
  21. If you could work from home, this is exactly what I would do. Values in my neighborhood have gone up 50% this year. We are still close enough to DFW, it is a reasonable commute. Homes in BFE (Stephenville for us), not a reasonable commute, have maybe gone up 5-10%. Home values in Austin have, at least, doubled. I bet the other side of Smithville hasn't seen much increase. Probably a different matter going west until you get past Fredricksburg. If you have ever wanted a nice place out in the sticks, now is the time to do it. CHIEF
  22. Same taxing entities, school district, etc. In my neighborhood, it is approximately 3000 homes on 4700 acres, defined by the Brazos River, and country club amenities. Then you have riverfront vs. non-riverfront, on the golf course, not on the golf course, on the airstrip, not on the airstrip. Those are extreme examples, but is Lobo on a high traffic street, or low traffic, corner lot, neighbors behind him? You aren't going to find a comp exactly like his, but it is reasonable to think you can pull five comps that brought more or less money because they had the same desirable or undesirable attributes as his property. An appraiser looking at his specific property will balance those. CHIEF
  23. If you know a mortgage lender, ask them to recommend an appraiser that is best at meeting current housing values, the one that never seems to come up short. Appraisers must only use comps that are less than 6 months old, per TREC. A good appraiser is probably going to use the last 60 days, if there are enough comps in the area to support that period. The appraisers, here, usually pull 4-5 additional comps for their appraisal. Have there been that many home sales close enough to you to provide the comps? I'm sure there is an Austin realtor on here that you could DM your address that could pull all sales within the last 60 days in your market. If I still lived in Austin, I would do it for you. CHIEF
  24. Just cough up the dough and get an appraisal is probably the best solution. That way the appraisal is specifically for your home complete with any remodeling or upgrades. CHIEF
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