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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. I don’t know why everybody is upset, I mean “lubricant” is nearly the same thing as “adhesive”, right? Everybody ends up in the hospital after sex, right?
  2. Can confirm that Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, NES, and Super NES games all work great.
  3. Russians going after the water tower in Muleshoe https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/reports-russian-hackers-caused-muleshoe-water-tank-to-overflow/
  4. Unless I misheard it, these are the ones voting no: Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) Wonder if they join Three Toes in going after Johnson.
  5. I spent the better part of a week here in Austin flushing our toilet with snow we had to melt, so I’m pretty good at dealing with alternate ways to flush toilets now (two little kids and a wife and myself using the toilet gave me a lot of experience).
  6. Check the Hobbies or Help forums, there are multiple yard and gardening threads.
  7. Apparently so. Does it count if they assassinate people inside of Iran?
  8. The full quote from the Jay in Kyiv tweet @956 Worldwide mentioned The amendment that Marjorie Taylor Greene just proposed to sabotage the Ukraine bill is something that is such a nuanced Russian disinfo narrative that it could have only come directly from her Russian handlers. The notion that Hungarians are being persecuted in Ukraine is insane BUT it's being pushed by both Orban (who was promised a piece of Ukraine by Putin) and Russian disinfo machine. For an American to suggest this really confirms she is being handled.
  9. This morning, Three Toes threw out there that she offered to advise Johnson on what MAGA wants and expects out of him, and also she tossed in that the military industrial complex is driving what Johnson is doing. She’s definitely going to file the MTV, because she’s done talking to the manager.
  10. We taking bets on what time she files the motion to vacate? Massie wants attention
  11. Interesting timing, given Fox News went after Three Toes and Johnson is pushing it to the floor. Really wonder what is driving all of this - poll numbers showing that people are tired of it, or what I think maybe helping - Republicans threatening to resign and give the House to the Dems.
  12. The better/more interesting story is that he filed a ticket with Tesla to reboot it, and it took 5 hours to reboot. Dumbass would have been better off filling his garage with rice. At least he didn't drive to see the solar eclipse and then had to wait 4 fucking hours to recharge his car so he and his family could be on their way. https://www.wcvb.com/article/tesla-owners-waited-hours-to-charge-cars-after-total-solar-eclipse/60448157 Or stuff like this from last year, having it get stuck doing a software update, and rebooting, etc., and having to contact Tesla to push updates to it. This is the kind of shit I used to have to sweat when updating old servers or various Hackintosh builds. I can't imagine it on a car that you depend up on.
  13. Maybe some illegal immigrant can come in and take his job. They have quite a few working the farms in Kansas.
  14. Yeah, at the end of the day, it still only has two million active users. Whoever is pumping up the stock would have been better off pumping up the active users.
  15. The Trump wants what the Trump wants.
  16. Holy shit, it’s April of 2024 and none of his lackeys have bothered to explain the First Amendment to him. Somebody should ask him about censorship on China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc.
  17. As for F-16s piloted by Anglo mercenaries, i read the hell out of this series when I was younger.
  18. He can easily replace that toilet with one he or his fellow soldiers stole from Ukraine.
  19. He thinks they are gonna lose the majority/implode, assuming he didn’t get caught doing something Really Fucking Bad (although he would resign immediately if that was the case). I bet he comes back in a few elections.
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