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Everything posted by Lhorn

  1. This is great. They’ve gone from “best class ever” and dreams of annual title contention to a near tear down in a matter 3 months.
  2. I had never watched traditional slasher horror movies in my youth but got into watching them last year and this year around Halloween. I’ve learned that the Halloween franchise takes a steaming dump all over the Friday the 13th movies and Nightmare on Elmstreet franchise. Except for Halloween III Season of the Witch which was terrible and unintentionally funny. Danielle Harris was super cute as a kid and a really great actress for her age and considering the genre. The reboots or whatever they’re called were pretty good too I just can’t get into Nightmare of Elmstreet movies except for having Dokken do the theme song.
  3. I wouldn’t be surprised if he does very well. He’ll kick ass at a lower level and shit the bed when he gets called up.
  4. Husked arrested for battery? Sounds about right.
  5. Ahem…… https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/jimbo-fisher-contract-texas-a-m-extends-coachs-deal-for-three-years-with-significant-raise/amp/
  6. I think he gives up the rest of his contract when he takes a job right? ESPN saying he gave up 40 some million to come back and coach.
  7. Man, I thought he was pretty even handed for a Baylor guy. He didn’t seem to minimize Texas when they got rolling. A little corny and unpolished but a lot better than a lot of the stiffs they got calling games.
  8. He could end up making Keontay Ingram move on from there too Seriously, going back to Arizona… that’s be pretty great.
  9. Amazing player and seems to have amazing character. Polite, humble, always positive, wears his faith proudly. I want him to come back but he needs to go to the NFL. I’ll be rooting for him anywhere he goes.
  10. Man for the way this team has found ways to lose, collapsed in the 2nd half and have the Texas defense get road graded, last half of the season has been pretty fun. PK got the defense playing salty as fuck which needs to be the standard at mfin’ TEXAS. Great end to the game, ride the defense and the running game. Baylor knew it was coming and didn’t have a fucking thing for 5 and 2. Hook ‘em!!!!
  11. “That was some Johnson on Johnson crime right there.” Looked a bit shaky in the 3rd quarter for a bit but the ending was perfect. Texas putting the game on the shoulders of the two horses who did what they do best. Don’t know when we’ll see a backfield that looks like this again. Gonna miss Rojo. The heart of the team. Does everything the way it’s supposed to be done, gives more effort than anyone else and bleeds Orange. Got damn I’m gonna miss him.
  12. Texas (with regards to Denver Harris):
  13. Would…. Like a screen door…….
  14. Now that is a quality rant. I too am ready for the comic book thing to fade.
  15. There was a play last week where one of the DBs split two blockers on a WR screen and made the tackle. Basically a 1 on 3 and made the tackle for a loss I think. I think it was Barron but not sure about that. Tackling has generally been really good.
  16. Man it’s been too damn long since we’ve had a LB this good.
  17. No question. Great game today.
  18. I’m here to eat crow. Defense sucked a dick last year. Sark wouldn’t deny that. Defense has gotten pretty darn good. Great performance last couple of weeks. Seems like they are diagnosing plays better. Last week it seemed like they almost knew the play when the ball was snapped. Ford and Barron are studs.
  19. Dear Lord, I had no idea how bad UMass was. Even in a win the aggy have fallen even further.
  20. Well duh. You can register your musket online now.
  21. D’Onta shining for Panthers post Macaffrey https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/35000504/panthers-donta-foreman-shines-again-rushes-130-yards-win
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