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Everything posted by Lhorn

  1. I guess Velma is supposed to be edgier and more sarcastic but the clip makes her seem like a “mean girl” punching down on Daphane and Fred because they are less intelligent and shallow. Fred of course has become straight garbage.
  2. I thinks just voices by an Asian? I’m not real familiar with that site but by logging in you can view some reviews. It’s gets absolutely panned for every reason under the sun other than the checking boxes casting. It sounds truly awful.
  3. So drop on dropping their boxes was something DTV had to know was going to happen. That means less revenue. Is that basically their acknowledgment that it’s a streaming world and it’s better to have customers streaming their product for less money rather than dropping their service completely?
  4. Oh snap! Already calling him QB1. Someone’s trying to start some shit.
  5. Fuckin’ A. Dicker is the man. Hook ‘em.
  6. My body is ready for Texas O-lines to be road grading MFers again.
  7. Awesome indeed. Stay strong Peter.
  8. I’m imagining this said in Tracy Morgan’s voice.
  9. Lhorn

    F cancer.

    Very sorry to hear this. Not sure what else to say except that sucks.
  10. I liked this headline https://deadspin.com/jimbo-fisher-now-has-a-creep-a-racist-and-a-bonafide-1849953713
  11. Lhorn

    Texas RB Talk

    Maybe he means the lock to his house broke and he can’t get out? kids are emotional. Staff prob sat him down and reassured him that he’d get playing time. Hope he stays.
  12. That looks uncomfortable as hell
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